
时间:2013-04-01 05:39:43
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优秀英语作文 篇一:The Importance of Reading in Improving English Proficiency

In today's globalized world, English has become the lingua franca, connecting people from different cultures and countries. As a result, having a good command of English has become increasingly important. One effective way to improve English proficiency is through reading. Reading not only enriches our vocabulary, but also enhances our understanding of grammar and sentence structures. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits of reading in improving English proficiency.

Firstly, reading exposes us to a wide range of vocabulary. When we read extensively, we come across new words and phrases, which helps to expand our vocabulary bank. By encountering these words in different contexts, we develop a better understanding of their meanings and usage. This enables us to express ourselves more accurately and precisely in both spoken and written English.

Secondly, reading helps us to understand grammar and sentence structures better. When we read books, newspapers, or articles, we observe how sentences are structured and how grammar rules are applied. We learn to use the correct tenses, verb forms, and sentence patterns. As a result, our writing becomes more coherent and our speaking more fluent. Reading also exposes us to different writing styles and genres, allowing us to appreciate the beauty of language and to develop our own writing skills.

Furthermore, reading improves our comprehension skills. When we read extensively, we are exposed to different ideas, perspectives, and cultures. This broadens our horizons and helps us to think critically. We learn how to analyze and interpret information, which is important for academic success. Moreover, reading enhances our ability to understand complex texts, such as academic papers or business reports. This is crucial for students and professionals who need to read and comprehend challenging materials.

In conclusion, reading plays a crucial role in improving English proficiency. It expands our vocabulary, enhances our understanding of grammar, and improves our comprehension skills. Therefore, it is important for English learners to cultivate the habit of reading. By devoting time to reading books, newspapers, or articles, we can enhance our English language skills and become more confident in using English in various contexts.

优秀英语作文 篇二:The Benefits of Traveling in Improving Language Skills

Traveling has long been regarded as an enjoyable and enriching experience. Apart from its cultural and recreational benefits, traveling can also enhance our language skills. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits of traveling in improving language skills, specifically focusing on English proficiency.

Firstly, traveling exposes us to native speakers and authentic language environments. When we travel to English-speaking countries, we have the opportunity to interact with locals on a daily basis. This immersion in the language allows us to practice speaking and listening skills in real-life situations. Through conversations with native speakers, we learn to understand different accents, dialects, and idiomatic expressions. This improves our comprehension skills and helps us to develop more natural and fluent speech.

Secondly, traveling provides us with a variety of language learning opportunities. When we explore new places, we encounter different forms of communication, such as signs, menus, and public announcements. Reading these materials in English helps to improve our reading skills and expand our vocabulary. Additionally, we may have the chance to take language classes or participate in language exchange programs during our travels. These activities facilitate structured learning and allow us to practice speaking and writing skills under the guidance of language professionals.

Furthermore, traveling fosters cultural understanding, which is closely related to language learning. By immersing ourselves in different cultures, we gain insights into the customs, traditions, and values of different communities. This knowledge helps us to communicate more effectively and appropriately with people from diverse backgrounds. It also enables us to understand cultural references, jokes, and metaphors, which are often embedded in language. This cultural sensitivity enhances our language skills and helps us to build stronger connections with people we meet during our travels.

In conclusion, traveling can greatly contribute to the improvement of language skills, particularly English proficiency. Through immersion in authentic language environments, exposure to native speakers, and interaction with diverse cultures, we can enhance our speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Therefore, for language learners who have the opportunity to travel, it is highly recommended to embrace this experience as a means of improving language proficiency.

优秀英语作文 篇三

  if you are good at observation, you may find that fewer people today prefer to going to the cinema to watching tv at home. and this phenomenon is proved by the above graph. lets look at the graph. it shows that from 1975 to 1985,the number of tv watchers increased steadily, while the number of film-goers drastically decreased.

  there aret i think, at least two reasons for this trend. fist of all, one, sitting in front of the tv, can always find his/her favorite program, for there is always a great variety of programs which can satisfy different tastes. but in this respect, the cinema can never be compared with tv. secondly, it is simply easy and comfortable for people to watch tv indoors. watching tv saves people the trouble of going out and lining up for tickets and so on. they just sit somewhere, and, with the remote controller in hand, enjoy themselves.nevertheless few as they are, some people always enjoy going to the cinema. tv can never take the place of the film for these people. for them, the film always has its unique charm. they go to the cinema for the particular atmosphere and the feeling of getting involved in the action.

  as we know, no dish suits all tastes. similarly, while many people prefer watching tv at home, a few like go to the cinema.

优秀英语作文 篇四

  Hi!I am chinese boy.I have a happy family.

  look! This a photo of my family. This my dad.he is a taxi drive.He is young.He is very clever.He likes nature programme he often watch them.That is my mom.she is beautiful.She is a teacher.She works every days.She likes her students best. Oh!This me.Iam a Middle school student.my teacher is Mrs Guo.I like ports very much!I often play ping-pang,football and basketball.

  I love my family!

优秀英语作文 篇五

  When asked “How you doing these days” by whoever concerns about me, I will say: Just surviving. Whatever should happen to me happened, so I shall accept the facts and face my life seriously and positively.

  I hired a maid 4 years ago, so I didn’t need to worry about any trivial family business. I just gave her the money she needed and enjoyed life. I was a spoiled son and husband. Besides earning my salary and commissions, I knew nothing, nor did I care. Things are different now, so I am now forced to be independent, to be a truly responsible man.

  I told my parents on the dinner last night that I would go visit them and do all the housework for them on every Saturday. I don’t wanna see them getting old, but I know this is the thing I can’t help. I porced with my wife just one day after my granny’s funeral. So I know how my dad felt these days. It must be hard for him, and the rest of my family members. How I wish all these sad stories never happened to us!

  My dearest sister, who used to be an enviable millionaire, is now seriously considering quitting her job and finding a new one, because her salary can’t meet her requirement of supporting her family any more. And, of course, the money she used to have has been spent over by buying new condominium, furniture, car, futures, stocks and whatever she thought was necessary. Too bad her investment did not come back to her as she expected!

  One day she said to me: dear brother, you think you are a total loser cause you have lost your wife and some money? Come on! Look at me! I paid 10 million Yuan to buy one single stock two year ago, and now I have almost none left! If you were me, you would have already jumped down from a high building, right? But I would not, cause I still need to survive, for my parents, my husband, my daughter and you! And as long as you still believe that you have the gift to earn the money back, you will make it! Believe yourself and make your own miracles.

  Yeah, I still need to survive. Since I used to be the top salesman in a foreign country, I used to make a lot of money a month; I guess I still have the ability to earn back what belonged to me!

  I know I’ve got nothing to lose! I know I will have a brand new life! I know whether I can have my perfect life or not depends on how I look at my life. I am an optimist, right?

优秀英语作文 篇六

  Jane Eyre is a portrait of Charlotte Brontes poetic life. It is a work with autobiographical color. It tells a story of an English woman who has become an orphan since childhood. She always pursues freedom and dignity in all kinds of hardships, insists on herself, and finally gets happiness. From this we can see that the frustrations and pains of life are clouds. Persistence is the key. Victory lies not in the result, but in the spirit. Like Charlotte and Jane Eyre, there is the mental quality of perseverance and struggle against pain. Gain strength, raise self. Let yourself have the courage to open up. Be bold in making progress. Go up the higher steps.

  Jane Eyre, the heroine, was a pure and thoughtful woman. She lived in the bottom of society and suffered all kinds of hardships. But she has a stubborn personality and the courage to pursue equality and happiness. With rich lyrical writing and deep and delicate psychological description, the novel exhibits fascinating and tortuous love experiences of the hero and heroine, and celebrates the freedom from all old customs and prejudices. On the basis of mutual understanding and mutual respect is rooted in the deep love, with a strong shock of the mind force. The most successful thing is to create a woman who dares to resist and dare to strive for freedom and peace. The parents died of typhoid fever and died one month later. The young Jane Eyre was raised at the uncles parents house. Uncle Mr. Reed died in the red house after Jane loved XX times subjected to discrimination and abuse of life. On one occasion, Jane was locked up in the red house because of his cousins assault. Physical pain and spiritual humiliation and fear caused her to suffer a serious illness.

  The trials of thousands of setbacks have created our persistent character, forged our strong will, trained our excellent skills and paved the way for our success. In the setback, we save a little bit of strength, step by step towards brilliant. Let us full of "fate by the throat" of the lofty sentiments and aspirations! Challenge setbacks and overcome setbacks!

  The confusion was going on, the rebellion was on, the search was taking place, and Jane and Mrs. finally walked into the church school under the bullying of Mrs. Reed and John. But the pain is there, there are many essential things, there are many hidden in the undercurrent of life still need to face the pain. The plight of life, the departure of a good friend, and the public denunciation from Mr. Blok Hester all made her feel the foul air and the pain of the heart in the confused life. Life was at last a progress, and God was a little merciful. In the church school, two years of teacher life was probably a calm backwater for jane. However, in not cheerful, quiet life, but permeated with her strong sense of loneliness and fear, she needs is in the real life of confusion in the free and run, free, cheerful and love.

  A strong, simple, rigid and flexible, independent, aggressive woman. She was humble and homely, but she didnt feel inferior. Her contempt for the arrogance of power, laugh at their stupidity, show of self-reliance and good ideal personality. She has a tenacious vitality, never bow to fate.

  Once saw a sentence in a certain place: "where the heart is, Su Li in the past, life is like a journey, a reed in the air." Janes life is like a lonely boat, walking in the boundless tempestuous waves, with her strong defeated fate, to win their own sky!


