
时间:2017-08-06 02:12:33
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介绍自己英语作文 篇一

My English Journey

Hello everyone! My name is Emily and I would like to share with you my English learning journey. English has always been a fascinating subject for me, and I have put in a lot of effort to improve my skills over the years.

I started learning English when I was in primary school. At first, it was just basic vocabulary and simple phrases. I enjoyed learning new words and expressions, and I found it exciting to be able to communicate in another language. As I moved on to middle school, my English lessons became more challenging. I had to learn grammar rules, practice reading comprehension, and improve my speaking skills. It was not always easy, but I was determined to excel in English.

To enhance my English proficiency, I started watching English movies and TV shows with subtitles. This helped me improve my listening skills and also exposed me to different accents and expressions. I also joined an English club where we would have conversations in English and discuss various topics. This allowed me to practice speaking and gain confidence in expressing my thoughts in English.

During high school, I took part in English competitions and debates. These experiences taught me the importance of critical thinking, effective communication, and persuasive argumentation. I also had the opportunity to attend English summer camps where I could interact with native English speakers and learn about their culture. These experiences broadened my horizons and motivated me to continue improving my English skills.

In university, I majored in English literature, which further deepened my understanding of the language. I studied various literary works and analyzed them from different perspectives. This not only improved my reading and writing skills but also expanded my knowledge of English literature and culture.

Nowadays, I continue to practice English through reading books, watching movies, and having conversations with native speakers. I believe that learning English is a lifelong journey, and I am committed to continuously improving my skills.

In conclusion, my English learning journey has been a rewarding and fulfilling experience. It has opened doors for me and allowed me to connect with people from different backgrounds. I am grateful for the opportunities I have had and I look forward to further enhancing my English proficiency in the future.

介绍自己英语作文 篇二

My English Learning Strategies

Hello everyone! My name is John and I would like to share with you my strategies for learning English. Learning a new language can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can also be an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Firstly, I believe that building a strong foundation in vocabulary is essential. I make it a habit to learn new words every day and review them regularly. I use flashcards, mobile apps, and online resources to help me memorize and understand the meanings of words. Additionally, I try to use these words in my daily conversations and writing to reinforce my learning.

Secondly, I focus on improving my listening skills. I listen to English podcasts, watch movies and TV shows in English, and even listen to English songs. This exposure to authentic English helps me become familiar with different accents, intonations, and colloquial expressions. I also practice listening comprehension exercises to enhance my ability to understand spoken English.

Another important aspect of learning English is practicing speaking. I try to engage in conversations with native English speakers as often as possible. This could be through language exchange programs, online platforms, or even joining English speaking clubs. Speaking with others not only helps me improve my pronunciation and fluency but also boosts my confidence in using English in real-life situations.

Furthermore, reading extensively has been a key strategy in my English learning journey. I read a wide range of materials such as books, newspapers, magazines, and online articles. This not only improves my reading comprehension but also exposes me to different writing styles and genres. I also make it a point to look up unfamiliar words and phrases to expand my vocabulary.

Lastly, I practice writing in English regularly. I keep a journal where I write about my thoughts, experiences, and reflections in English. This helps me improve my grammar, sentence structure, and overall writing skills. I also seek feedback from teachers or native English speakers to identify areas for improvement and learn from my mistakes.

In conclusion, learning English requires dedication and consistent practice. By focusing on vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, and writing, I have been able to make significant progress in my English learning journey. I encourage everyone to adopt these strategies and enjoy the process of learning a new language.

介绍自己英语作文 篇三

  Hello, my name is XiangChen, I’m 12 years old. I’m in YiChang foreign language experiment primary school. I’m in class 2.

  I have two big eyes and I have many beauty spot. (痣) my ear is small and my hands is small too.

  I like play computer and I also like read books. My hobby is keeping a diary. My favorite food is chicken. My favorite toy is teddy bear.

  On weekdays I get up at 7:05.I get to school at 7:15.I eats breakfast at 8:00. Our class is over at 5:00. I get home at 5:10. I do my homework first. I have supper at 6:00.Then I watch TV for half an hour. I usually watch Dafengche on TV. At 9:00 I go to bed. I like my life very much.

  This is me. Do you like me?

介绍自己英语作文 篇四

  My name is Chen Wei.Female.I was born at Taizhou,Zhejiang in March,1983.I began my schooling at Huanshan Primary School in 1996 and learned there for six years.After that I entered Taizhou Middle School in 1996 and graduated in 20xx.In the autumn of the same year I was admitted to Zhejiang University,majoring in English in Foreign Language College.Besides,I also studied Chinese,politics,history,geography and computer science.Drawing,taking photos and swimming are my hobbies.Whats more,I am skilled in typing and I once won the first prize in the typing contest in English held by our college.

介绍自己英语作文 篇五

  My name is Chen Wei.Female.I was born at Taizhou,Zhejiang in March,1983.I began my schooling at Huanshan Primary School in 1996 and learned there for six years.After that I entered Taizhou Middle School in 1996 and graduated in 20xx.

  In the autumn of the same year I was admitted to Zhejiang University,majoring in English in Foreign Language College.Besides,I also studied Chinese,politics,history,geography and computer science.Drawing,taking photos and swimming are my hobbies.Whats more,I am skilled in typing and I once won the first prize in the typing contest in English held by our college.

介绍自己英语作文 篇六

  Everyone has their own bedroom, let me introduce my bedroom today!

  My bedroom it faces north, the light is very abundant. An enter a door to see is my bookcase, it is located in the east side of the room, the further west look, is my little bed, bed neatly put my quilt, pillow, posted on the wall posters, I like the right side of the bed is my bedside table, it has a small black switch, it is to control the lamp. The desk in the south. Has a beautiful blue table, can touch type "the lamp that shield an eye". Across the desk for a few meters away is my wardrobe. Put inside my clothes and chest, chest and liking my most loyal means the toys in the comic books... , chest if not carefully to find you cannot be found, because they are hidden under clothes. There is a big mirror on the closet, he often "check", I think I wear neat or not, let me constantly pay attention to my appearance, is a "good helper" in my life.

  At noon, the dazzling sunshine shoot into my hut, everything is golden, like with lots of curse, the cabin and I spent many days and nights, with clean to clean them every day, my mother let me live comfortably. This is my sweet and beautiful house, I also a very close friend.


