
时间:2012-07-01 05:11:33
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计算机的英语作文 篇一:The Impact of Computers on Society

With the rapid development of technology, computers have become an integral part of our daily lives. They have significantly impacted various aspects of society, including education, communication, and entertainment.

Firstly, computers have revolutionized education. The internet provides a wealth of information, making studying more accessible and convenient. Students can easily access online resources, such as e-books and educational websites, to enhance their learning experience. Additionally, online courses and virtual classrooms have emerged, allowing individuals to pursue education remotely. This has not only expanded opportunities for lifelong learning but also eliminated geographical barriers, providing equal access to education for people from different regions.

Secondly, computers have greatly transformed communication. Email and instant messaging have replaced traditional mail services, enabling instant and efficient communication across the globe. Social media platforms have also become popular, allowing people to connect with friends and family, share information, and join communities of interest. Moreover, video conferencing and online collaboration tools have facilitated remote work and international business interactions. Computers have undoubtedly made the world a smaller place, fostering global connections and cultural exchange.

Furthermore, computers have revolutionized the entertainment industry. Streaming services, such as Netflix and Spotify, offer a vast array of movies, TV shows, and music, providing endless entertainment options. Online gaming has also gained popularity, allowing people to connect and compete with players from around the world. Virtual reality technology has further enhanced the gaming experience, immersing players in virtual worlds. Computers have transformed how we consume and engage with entertainment, providing endless possibilities and experiences.

In conclusion, computers have had a profound impact on society. They have revolutionized education, making it more accessible and convenient. They have transformed communication, connecting people globally. They have also revolutionized the entertainment industry, offering endless options and immersive experiences. As technology continues to advance, the influence of computers on society will only continue to grow. It is important for us to adapt and embrace these changes, harnessing the power of computers for the betterment of society.

计算机的英语作文 篇二:The Ethical Dilemmas of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made significant advancements in recent years, and its impact on society is becoming increasingly prevalent. However, along with its benefits, AI also presents ethical dilemmas that need to be addressed.

One of the ethical dilemmas of AI is the issue of privacy and data security. AI systems are constantly collecting and analyzing vast amounts of data from individuals. This poses a risk of privacy invasion, as personal information can be misused or exploited. Additionally, the data collected by AI systems can be vulnerable to cyberattacks and hacking, leading to potential identity theft or unauthorized access to sensitive information. It is crucial for society to establish strict regulations and guidelines to protect individuals' privacy and ensure the security of their data.

Another ethical dilemma of AI is the potential for job displacement. As AI technology advances, there is a concern that many jobs will become automated, leading to unemployment and economic inequality. This raises questions about the responsibility of society to ensure that individuals are not left behind in the wake of AI advancements. Education and retraining programs should be implemented to equip individuals with the skills needed for the changing job market. Additionally, governments and businesses should explore ways to create new job opportunities and support those affected by job displacement.

Furthermore, AI raises ethical concerns regarding decision-making and accountability. AI systems are increasingly being used in critical areas such as healthcare and criminal justice. However, the decision-making processes of AI algorithms are often opaque and difficult to understand. This raises concerns about biases and discrimination that may be embedded in the algorithms. It is essential to ensure transparency and accountability in AI decision-making, with clear guidelines and regulations to prevent potential harm and ensure fairness.

In conclusion, while AI brings numerous benefits to society, it also presents ethical dilemmas that must be addressed. Privacy and data security, job displacement, and decision-making accountability are among the key concerns. It is crucial for society to establish regulations, invest in education and retraining programs, and promote transparency and fairness in AI systems. By addressing these ethical dilemmas, we can harness the potential of AI while ensuring that it benefits all members of society.

计算机的英语作文 篇三

  Computer is a very useful machine. Some of them are big, but some of them are very small .Many people like playing computer. Computer has many functions, so that people can do a lot of things by computer, like watching movies, listening to the music or playing games. It can make our lives very colorful and convenient.

  Various people can make good use of computer. Children can use computer to learn and play games. Parents can use computers to work. I think computer is a kind of wonderful and interesting machine, so I like computer very much.

计算机的英语作文 篇四

  Dear Editor,I’m writing to tell you how us use computers in our daily lives.Most of us use computers to search for more information about the interesting problems on the textbooks, about Iraqi wars and about Oscar. Some of us use computers to do some drawings, to make up interesting flashes. And some of us use them to play games.

  If we are tired and want to take a short rest, playing games for a while is OK. But it’s forbidden that we spend hours and hours on the games. There is also someone using computers to talk with people in the Internet and even falling in love with him or her.

  The Internet is not a real world and we can’t tell lies from truths. So falling in love with somebody on the Internet is not safe and is bad for our study. We should keep ourselves out of it.That’s all I know.Good luck!Yours truly,Li Hua.

计算机的英语作文 篇五

  I love computers. Love to what extent, I saw a computer, just like a sweet drink, as is pleased to want to jump up. I am not like other people happy is to love playing computer games, I love to paint on your computer.

  I remember just started painting on the computer, the mouse does not always listen to my disposal, I make it point to the document, it refers to another document or on a roll or several far. Especially in the painting, the mouse不听使唤, from graphics to painting especially difficult, from the painting I want much. I repeated practice in the paper how to make the mouse and pen painting painting painting on paper, the work pays off, and now, I have already use the mouse to draw a beautiful painting of the painting.

  Dealing with regular and computer, the most headache is encountered in a computer virus. However, I now have to deal with them, and often kill antivirus antivirus software on it. What if you have a better way, tell me as soon as possible.

计算机的英语作文 篇六

  Nowadays, the idea of progress loorns so large in the modern world, and the progress of a particular kind is actually taking place around us. In this circumstances, computers which have a great help come out with the wisdom and hard-working of human beings. It do have given human a tremendous help, it, however, has brought to us its harmness at the some time.

  The computers can make a great help for us in this high speed society. In the light of this statement, it is computers that can store documents for us which is essential for us, it is computers that can shorten the time in seeking useful information instead of looking for knowledge from a large sums of books and it is computers that can make it possible to comunicate with different people who are far away from you. In a word, we cant live nomally without computers in such a high-tech society.

  On the contary, having helped us a lot, computers are harmful to people at the same time, especially the adolescents. First of all, sitting in front of the computer may do harm to our eyes. On the other hand, computers not only bring us useful information but also entertainments. Being weak in controlling themselves, those poor adolescents are more easier to get crazy about the fantasy world. Seeing a vivid picture which is about a son who gets stuck in computers and phones to his parents downstairs to bring dinner for him. I realized deeply that the computers really have their disadvantages.

  According to the statements above, it can not be superficial to simply say that computers are good or bad for us as every coin has both sides. Personally, I still consider that a computer can bring us convinience and high speed which is extolled to all the people even though it is a two-edged weapon. We can learn well punctuated by those purchasable wells of wisdom - computers.


