
时间:2011-09-05 09:30:49
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经典的英文哲理故事 篇一:The Boy and the Old Man

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a wise old man. He was well-known for his wisdom and kind heart. One day, a young boy from the village approached the old man, seeking guidance.

The boy said, "Old man, I am confused about life. I don't know what path to choose or what decisions to make. Can you please guide me?"

The old man smiled and replied, "My dear boy, life is like a journey. It is filled with ups and downs, joys and sorrows. Let me tell you a story that might help you find the answers you seek."

The boy eagerly listened as the old man began his tale.

"Once, there was a young traveler who set out on a journey to find the meaning of life. He traveled far and wide, seeking answers from wise men, scholars, and philosophers. Everywhere he went, he asked the same question: 'What is the purpose of life?'

"One day, the young traveler came across an old man sitting by a river. He approached the old man and asked him the same question. The old man smiled and replied, 'My dear boy, the purpose of life is not found in the destination, but in the journey itself.'

"The young traveler was confused by the old man's answer. He asked, 'But how can the journey be the purpose? Shouldn't we have a goal or a destination?'

"The old man chuckled and said, 'Yes, my boy, having goals and dreams is important. They give us something to strive for. However, it is the experiences, the lessons, and the growth we gain along the way that truly give meaning to our lives.'

"The young traveler pondered over the old man's words. He realized that he had been too focused on reaching a specific destination, and had neglected to enjoy the beauty of the journey.

"From that day on, the young traveler embraced every moment of his journey. He learned to appreciate the small joys, the challenges, and the people he encountered along the way. And in doing so, he found the purpose he had been searching for."

The old man concluded his story and looked at the young boy with a wise gaze. "My dear boy, remember that life is a journey. Embrace each moment, learn from your experiences, and find joy in the process. That is where true happiness lies."

The boy thanked the old man for his wise words and left with a newfound understanding of life. He realized that the journey itself is what shapes us and gives meaning to our existence.

And so, the young boy embarked on his own journey, ready to embrace every twist and turn, knowing that it is through the journey that he will find his purpose.

经典的英文哲理故事 篇二:The Elephant Rope

In a small village, a young man named John visited a circus. He was fascinated by the sight of a massive elephant being held by a small rope tied to its leg. Intrigued, John approached the circus trainer and asked, "Sir, why doesn't the elephant break free from the rope? It is so strong and could easily escape."

The trainer smiled and explained, "When the elephant is young, we use the same size rope to tie it. At that age, the elephant is not strong enough to break free. As the elephant grows, it becomes conditioned to believe that it cannot break free from the rope."

John was amazed by this and asked, "But sir, even now, the elephant is strong enough to break the rope. Why doesn't it try?"

The trainer replied, "You see, John, the elephant's belief is deeply ingrained. It thinks it cannot escape, so it never even tries. The elephant has limited itself by its own perception."

This story teaches us an important lesson about the power of our beliefs and perceptions. Like the elephant, we often limit ourselves based on what we think is possible or impossible. We let fear and self-doubt hold us back from reaching our full potential.

If we can recognize and challenge these limiting beliefs, we can break free from the metaphorical ropes that hold us back. We can achieve great things and accomplish what we once thought was impossible.

John left the circus with a newfound determination to question his own beliefs and push past his self-imposed limitations. He realized that he had the strength and potential to achieve anything he set his mind to.

From that day forward, John worked hard to overcome his fears and pursue his dreams. He refused to let the metaphorical ropes of doubt and limitation hold him back.

And just like the elephant that never realized its own strength, John accomplished great things, proving that with the right mindset, determination, and belief in oneself, anything is possible.

So, let us remember the story of the elephant and the rope. Let us challenge our own limiting beliefs and embrace the power within us to break free and achieve greatness.

经典的英文哲理故事 篇三

  The oceanside community of Lozano Beach is debating whether to allow homeowners to rent out their homes on a weekly basis during the summer. Such rentals produce high incomes for the owners and the city, which gets part of this income through a 15-percent surcharge to the owner. “This can be a boon to our coffers,” said Rick Brown, city manager. “In the summer, homeowners can bring in $2,000 a week or more.”

  However, these rentals can also be a can of worms. The city stopped allowing weekly rentals 10 years ago because of the problems they were generating. Two, three, or even four families would pile into a two- or three-bedroom house. Then they would park their cars on the lawn and produce huge amounts of trash. Sometimes they would toss this trash on the streets and sidewalks.

  Noise would be another problem. Some people would party late and loud every night. This abuse created a lot of friction with neighbors and resulted in extra work for city maintenance crews and for police, who had to respond almost hourly to residents’ complaints about noise, music, trash, and parking problems. But now, the city’s budget problems are making it reconsider its ban.

  City officials will hold a community meeting next week to listen to the pros and cons. One official has already suggested a proposal. He thinks that a fine might work. If the city has to respond to complaints, the homeowner will be charged $200 per response. Such a fine might cause the homeowner to be careful to rent only to people that he is sure will be considerate of the neighbors. The city would still get 15 percent of the rental fee, even if the homeowner’s rent were totallyoffset by fines. The city would post inconsiderate renters’ names on the city website so that other homeowners would know about them.

  Some officials think the ban should be continued because these visitors to the community have already proven that they have no consideration for others. Their money isn’t worth the headaches they cause.

经典的英文哲理故事 篇四

  A work crew consisting of 150 volunteers worked for eight hours in a light drizzle on Saturday to clean Carson Creek of almost nine tons of debris. “A job well done,” smiled Alan Specter, the director of the event. “We’re scheduled to come back here one more time, three years from now. Of course, we hope that there won’t be nine tons of garbage next time.”

  The garbage came in all shapes, sizes, and colors: cans, bottles, bicycles, car tires, autobatteries, sofas, furniture, clothing, shopping carts, bowling balls, plastic bags, dolls, baby carriages, TV antennas, and portable radios. There was even a golf bag with a full set of golf clubs.

  Much of the backbreaking work was done by two community groups—the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, and two environmental groups—Save the Bay and Watch the Whales. Concerned retirees and volunteers from police and fire departments assisted. Everyone was issued boots, gloves, and rain gear. The work occurred along a two-mile stretch of streambed. The debris was hauled roadside, where trucks lined up to take the trash to the landfill. More than 500 big yellow trash bags were filled.

  No one found anything of great value, although a five-year-old boy found an earring that he thought might be worth a million dollars because it was so shiny. He said he would sell it. Then he would donate half of the proceeds to Watch the Whales, and use the other half to buy a triple-scoop ice cream cone every day for the rest of his life.

经典的英文哲理故事 篇五

  Samantha, like many renters, is tired of renting. One reason is that her annual rent goes up like clockwork. Every year her landlord raises the rent five percent. Another reason is her neighbors. “New neighbors always seem to be more inconsiderate than the ones who moved out,” she said. “My first neighbor was a door-slammer; I always knew when he came home or left home. After he moved out, a saxophonist moved in. A saxophonist! He practiced two hours a day. On Saturday his friends would come over and I’d get to listen to a whole band. I called the police, but they said saxophone playing is permitted in apartments for up to four hours a day, because saxophone playing is job-related. They told me I was lucky that the guy was only playing two hours a day!”

  There are many unhappy renters, but there are also happy renters. “I’ve been lucky my whole life,” said Howard, a middle-aged man. “My neighbors couldn’t have been any better if I had picked them myself. One neighbor was a chef. He’d bring me the best leftovers in the world. Another neighbor was a pianist. She played the most delightful music. Another neighbor was a mechanic who did my tune-ups and changed the oil in my car. My latest neighbor is a birder; we go birding every weekend with our binoculars.”

  Different persons have different attitudes. Samantha saw the saxophone player as irritating, yet Howard saw the piano player as delightful. Millions of people would be happy just to have a roof over their head. Yet there are millions who would complain that their roof is the wrong color.


