
时间:2018-08-07 09:21:48
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英语作文:我的母亲 篇一

My Mother

My mother is the most influential person in my life. She is not only my parent but also my best friend and role model. Her unwavering love and support have shaped me into the person I am today.

Firstly, my mother is incredibly selfless. She always puts others before herself and is willing to sacrifice her own needs for the sake of our family. Whether it's waking up early to prepare breakfast for us or staying up late to help me with my homework, she never complains and always does everything with a smile on her face. Her dedication and commitment to our family inspire me to be more considerate and caring towards others.

Secondly, my mother is a great source of wisdom and guidance. She has a vast knowledge and is always ready to share her experiences and advice with me. Whenever I face challenges or dilemmas, she patiently listens to my concerns and provides me with valuable insights. Her words of wisdom have helped me make better decisions and navigate through life's ups and downs. I am grateful for her constant guidance and support.

Lastly, my mother is my biggest cheerleader. She celebrates my achievements and encourages me to pursue my dreams. Whenever I doubt myself, she is there to remind me of my strengths and capabilities. Her belief in me gives me the confidence to strive for success and overcome obstacles. I am truly blessed to have such an encouraging and supportive mother.

In conclusion, my mother is an extraordinary woman who has had a profound impact on my life. Her selflessness, wisdom, and support have shaped me into the person I am today. I am forever grateful for her love and guidance. She is not only my mother but also my best friend, and I cherish every moment I spend with her.

英语作文:我的母亲 篇二

A Day in the Life of My Mother

A typical day in the life of my mother is filled with hard work, love, and dedication. From the moment she wakes up until she goes to bed, she is constantly on the go, taking care of our family and ensuring that we have everything we need.

In the morning, my mother wakes up early to prepare breakfast for the family. She carefully plans and prepares nutritious meals to ensure that we start our day off right. Her cooking skills are exceptional, and we are always delighted with the delicious dishes she creates.

After breakfast, my mother gets ready for work. She is a dedicated professional and works tirelessly to excel in her career. Her strong work ethic and determination inspire me to work hard and strive for success in my own endeavors.

In the afternoon, my mother returns home from work and immediately starts taking care of household chores. She cleans, does laundry, and ensures that our home is tidy and comfortable. Despite her busy schedule, she always finds time to spend with us, listening to our stories and helping us with our homework.

In the evening, my mother prepares dinner for the family. She carefully selects fresh ingredients and cooks a variety of delicious dishes. The dinner table is always filled with laughter and joy as we bond as a family over a shared meal.

After dinner, my mother helps us with our studies and ensures that we are well-prepared for the next day. She patiently explains difficult concepts and encourages us to do our best. Her dedication to our education is unwavering, and she always goes above and beyond to support our academic endeavors.

Before going to bed, my mother spends some time relaxing and unwinding. She enjoys reading a book or watching her favorite TV shows. It is during these moments of relaxation that she recharges and prepares herself for another busy day ahead.

In conclusion, a day in the life of my mother is filled with hard work, love, and dedication. From preparing meals to taking care of household chores and ensuring our education, she is constantly juggling multiple responsibilities. Her selflessness and commitment to our family are truly inspiring, and I am grateful for everything she does for us. My mother is a true superhero, and I am blessed to have her in my life.

英语作文:我的母亲 篇三

My Mother: The Queen of My Heart

My mother is my queen, the one who rules over my heart with her love, care, and warmth. Words cannot express how grateful I am to have her in my life. She is not just a mother, but also a best friend and confidante who I can always count on.

One of the things I admire most about my mother is her unconditional love. No matter what I do or how I behave, she always loves me for who I am. Her love is unwavering and constant, providing me with a sense of security and comfort. I am truly lucky to be showered with her love every day.

In addition to her love, my mother's care for me is unparalleled. She pays attention to even the smallest details of my life, ensuring that I am well taken care of. From making sure I eat nutritious meals to reminding me to drink enough water, she always puts my well-being first. Her care is like a warm embrace that makes me feel safe and protected.

Furthermore, my mother is my best friend. I can share anything with her, knowing that she will always listen without judgment. She offers me advice and guidance, helping me navigate through the ups and downs of life. Her wisdom and experience are invaluable, and I am grateful for the countless conversations we have had that have shaped me into the person I am today.

My mother's warmth is another quality that sets her apart. Her hugs and kisses are like a soothing balm for my soul. Her presence alone brings me comfort and reassurance. Her warmth is not just physical but also emotional, creating a nurturing environment that allows me to thrive.

In conclusion, my mother is the queen of my heart. Her love, care, and warmth have shaped me into the person I am today. I am forever grateful for her presence in my life and the countless ways she has made a positive impact on me. She is not just my mother but also my best friend, and I am blessed to have her by my side. My mother truly reigns over my heart.

英语作文:我的母亲 篇四

英语作文:我的母亲 篇五

  我的母亲(My Mother)

  Today's weather very good, God deliberately arranged. This particular day, blue skies, the number of words "Happy Mother's Day" reverberated in the ears.

  From early in the morning, I mope, because it can not think of what gift to give mother. Later, I came up with in my opinion the best gift for mother. First to see Mother, I sang loudly: "Mother, Mother's Day Happiness! The world is only a good mother, there is the mother of the child as-bao block." Singing, leaves itself a son and mother's arms, "dropped into the embrace of mother, and ultimately, happy ... ... "Mother died in Iraq last year, with deep feeling with me, Staring at me, eyes full of love and caress. Looked thoughtful, I grew up my mother smile ... ...

  Mother, in fact, you know, daughter wanted to tell you there is worth a thousand words, but there are also all into this beautiful melody, which Beat notes the go. Here not only has his daughter's aspirations, more daughters areinfinite gratitude to you, sincere love.

  People will have a total support of our total love for us there is a touching, heartbreaking. Ah! Mother, you like anumbrella, an umbrella unusual. Summer, for me keep off the sun, winter, let me escape the harsh wind and snow.

  If you love the sun, let you love your mother, because there is no ray of sunshine than the warmth of maternallove; If you love wind, let you love your mother, because there is no more than a gentle breeze gentle motherly love ... ... ... If you love, please you love your mother, because all the world than maternal love everything tenacity, great, honest ... ...



  妈妈,其实您知道的,女儿有千言万语想要对您说,然而,也全部溶入到这美妙的旋律,跳动 的音符当中去了.这里不仅有女儿的心声,更多的是女儿对您无限的感激,真挚的`爱.



  妈妈的爱 (Love from Mother)

  People often say that mother is the greatest person in the world. It’s true. Mother’s love is common, because every mother has this kind of love. Mother shows her love in daily life. She cooks for us. She washes clothes for us. She is worries about us. She is happy for us. Even she blames us. These are mothers’ love. Now, we may not feel mother’s love, but one day, we must realize it.


  母亲节( Mother’s Day )

  Mother’s Day is coming, and I even want to say, “My mum is the most beautiful woman in the world.”


  I still remember the day I bought a bunch of carnation for my mum. I will never forget the smile when she accepted the flowers. That Mother’s Day was wonderful. We had a small cake, a warm talk.


  I consider mum as the most important person in a family. My mum is a great, great mum. I love her. I wish her happy not only on the Mother’s Day. More importantly, I wish her always happy and healthy.


  Mother’s Day is coming. I decide to do something special for my mum. Thanks all mothers in the world. Happy Mother’s Day.



