
时间:2019-05-09 02:21:20
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功夫熊猫英语作文中英对照 篇一

Panda Kung Fu

Once upon a time, in a peaceful village nestled in the mountains of China, there lived a panda named Po. Po had always dreamed of becoming a Kung Fu master, just like his idols – the Furious Five. However, Po's dream seemed impossible as he was just a clumsy and overweight panda.

One day, the village received news that the evil snow leopard, Tai Lung, had escaped from prison and was planning to seek revenge on Master Shifu, the leader of the Furious Five. The villagers were filled with fear and looked to Master Shifu for guidance.

Master Shifu knew that he needed someone with great strength and determination to defeat Tai Lung. He held a Kung Fu tournament to select the Dragon Warrior, the one who would have the power to stop Tai Lung. Po couldn't believe his luck when he accidentally stumbled into the tournament arena and was chosen as the Dragon Warrior.

Initially, Po's lack of Kung Fu skills was evident as he struggled to keep up with the intense training. But Po never gave up, even when the Furious Five doubted his abilities. With the guidance of Master Shifu, Po learned the true meaning of Kung Fu – that it is not just about physical strength, but also about inner peace and harmony.

As the day of the final battle with Tai Lung approached, Po's confidence grew. He had discovered his own unique style of Kung Fu, using his size and strength to his advantage. Po realized that he didn't have to be like the Furious Five to be a great warrior – he just had to be himself.

In the epic battle that ensued, Po unleashed his newfound skills and defeated Tai Lung, saving the village and becoming a true Kung Fu master. The villagers celebrated Po's victory, and he was welcomed into the Furious Five as an equal.

From that day on, Po continued to train and improve his Kung Fu skills, always striving to be the best version of himself. He became a symbol of hope and inspiration for all, proving that with determination and belief in oneself, anything is possible.

功夫熊猫英语作文中英对照 篇二

The Importance of Kung Fu

Kung Fu is not just a form of martial arts; it is a way of life. It teaches us discipline, respect, and the importance of inner strength. In the movie "Kung Fu Panda," we learn these valuable lessons through the journey of Po, the lovable panda who becomes a Kung Fu master.

One of the key lessons that Kung Fu teaches us is discipline. In order to become a skilled Kung Fu warrior, one must commit to rigorous training and practice. This requires discipline and dedication. In the movie, we see Po struggle with his training at first, but through his determination, he is able to overcome his obstacles and become a formidable warrior. This teaches us that discipline is essential in achieving our goals, no matter how big or small they may be.

Another important lesson that Kung Fu teaches us is respect. In Kung Fu, respect for one's opponents, teachers, and oneself is of utmost importance. The Furious Five, who are already skilled warriors, initially look down on Po because of his lack of Kung Fu skills. However, as they witness his dedication and passion for Kung Fu, they learn to respect him and accept him as one of their own. This teaches us that respect is earned through hard work, perseverance, and treating others with kindness and understanding.

Lastly, Kung Fu teaches us the importance of inner strength. While physical strength is important in Kung Fu, it is equally important to cultivate inner strength – the strength of character, resilience, and the ability to overcome challenges. Po, despite his physical limitations, discovers his own unique style of Kung Fu and uses it to defeat Tai Lung. This teaches us that true strength comes from within and that we should never underestimate ourselves or others based on appearances.

In conclusion, Kung Fu is not just about fighting and physical strength; it is a philosophy and a way of life. Through the story of Po in "Kung Fu Panda," we learn the importance of discipline, respect, and inner strength. These lessons can be applied to all aspects of our lives, helping us become better individuals and achieve our dreams. So let us embrace the spirit of Kung Fu and strive to be the best version of ourselves.

功夫熊猫英语作文中英对照 篇三



  Everyone should know the pandas, but who have seen the Chinese kung fu panda?


  The movie "Kung Fu Panda" is the story of a Kung Fu panda. The main character in the film -- the Panda Po, the Chinese Kung Fu is very fond of. His father is a village, a noodle shop owner great fame, his father always wanted Po can inherit this noodle shop ancestors passed down, but Po not reconciled to the face shop owner, he wants to realize his dream -- to the hearts of his learning kung fu, he even dream about practicing kung fu.


  God has given each opportunity. One day, Paul heard the village to run for the "Dragon Warrior", selected will be sent to remove residual leopard harm to people, to defend the village. A Bao to watch the game, try to sit a "flying chair" fly in. Surprisingly -- his contest was selected as "the Dragon warrior". Kung Fu Master don't believe Po can practice good Chinese Kung Fu, get rid of him many times, but Po, perseverance, time and time again to the jade palace begged the master. Hard work pays off, the master was finally A Bao sincerity moved, decided to teach A Bao Kung Fu, but how to teach? Everyone looked at Po awkwardly to chagrin. One day, the master suddenly found Po steal things in the kitchen, the unconscious has done a lot of difficult moves, so a kung fu master will eat methods to guide Po Kung fu. A Bao painstakingly study assiduously, finally learn kung fu, A Bao finally defeated the residual leopard, save the village.


  A Bao is not conducive to learn kung fu obstacles in his condition, hold on to your dream, do not bow to difficulties of the spirit, that I really admire! Think about the difficulties and Po himself encountered in learning and life of the far worse than up, I would like to treasure, insist on your dream, do not a man to bow before difficulties.


