
时间:2019-07-03 07:46:46
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初三英语作文 篇一:My Favorite Hobby

My favorite hobby is reading. I have always been fascinated by books since I was a child. Reading takes me to different worlds and allows me to explore new ideas and perspectives. It not only broadens my knowledge but also helps me relax and unwind.

I enjoy reading various genres, such as fiction, non-fiction, and fantasy. Fiction books allow me to immerse myself in different characters' lives and experiences. I can relate to their emotions and learn valuable life lessons through their stories. Non-fiction books, on the other hand, provide me with new information and insights about the world. They help me stay informed and expand my understanding of different subjects.

One of my favorite books is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. This classic novel explores themes of racism, justice, and compassion. It taught me the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity. Another book I adore is "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" by J.K. Rowling. This fantasy series takes me on a magical journey filled with friendship, bravery, and adventure.

Reading has not only improved my language skills but also enhanced my creativity and imagination. It has sparked my interest in writing as well. After reading many books, I have been inspired to create my own stories and characters. I often spend my free time jotting down ideas and developing plots for potential novels.

Moreover, reading has become a way for me to bond with my friends and family. We often recommend books to each other and hold discussions about our favorite reads. It's a great way to connect and share our thoughts and feelings about the books we have enjoyed.

In conclusion, reading is my favorite hobby because it allows me to escape reality, learn new things, and express my creativity. It has become an essential part of my life, and I cannot imagine a day without a good book in my hands.

初三英语作文 篇二:The Importance of Time Management

Time management is crucial for success in all aspects of life. It helps us prioritize tasks, increase productivity, and reduce stress. As a student, effective time management is especially important to ensure we can balance our studies, extracurricular activities, and personal life effectively.

One of the main benefits of time management is that it allows us to prioritize our tasks. By setting clear goals and deadlines, we can identify the most important tasks and allocate our time accordingly. This helps us stay focused and avoid wasting time on less important activities. For example, if we have an upcoming exam, we can allocate more time to studying and less time to recreational activities.

Furthermore, time management helps us increase productivity. When we have a schedule and a plan, we are more likely to stay motivated and complete tasks efficiently. By breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable ones, we can tackle them one at a time and feel a sense of accomplishment as we progress. This not only boosts our productivity but also builds our confidence and self-discipline.

Effective time management also helps reduce stress. When we manage our time well, we can avoid last-minute cramming and rushing to meet deadlines. This allows us to complete tasks at a steady pace, without feeling overwhelmed. By having a well-organized schedule, we can also ensure we have time for relaxation and self-care, which are essential for maintaining our mental and physical well-being.

To improve time management skills, it is important to set realistic goals and deadlines. It is also helpful to create a daily or weekly schedule to keep track of tasks and allocate time for each one. Additionally, it is important to avoid procrastination and eliminate distractions, such as turning off mobile phones or logging out of social media platforms while studying or working.

In conclusion, time management is essential for students to achieve their goals and maintain a healthy work-life balance. By prioritizing tasks, increasing productivity, and reducing stress, effective time management can greatly contribute to success in academics and beyond. It is a valuable skill that will benefit us throughout our lives.

初三英语作文 篇三

  I have a beautiful house. my parents and i live in our house now. it is near the lake. we all like our house. we are very happy.

  our house is not very big, but i think it is very good. look! here is the door. it is open. let us go and visit our house.

  welcome to our house. there are three bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a large sitting room in our house. let us look at my small room first. there is a bookcase in my room. there are many books in the bookcase. on the right of the bookcase, there is a bed. there is a doll and some clothes on the bed. there are a lot of posters on the wall. near the bookcase, there is a desk. i study at it every day. on the desk, there is a computer. i often play computer games on it. there are two lamps and a clock in my small room, too.

  look at our parents’ room, there is a tv and a sofa. there is a big bed in it, too. there are lots of pictures and two lamps on the wall.

  then look at our sitting room, there is a tv and two sofas in it. there are two tables and chairs in the sitting room, too.

  we like our house very much. do you like it?

初三英语作文 篇四

  Summer can be very hot in southern Taiwan where the temperature usually goes up to 32"C or more. Because of the heat it is a trying experience to go to school or do anything else in a place that is not air-conditioned. Also because of this I stay at home most of the time during the summer vacation and occasionally go to the beach to plunge myself into the cool water as a way to keep my body less sticky. Actually I like swimming think nothing is more refreshing than a swim. In the summer vacation that has ended I went swimming many times with my classmates we all had a good time. This summer vacation, however, was not spent entirely in seeking fun. As a second-year senior student I had to prepare myself for the college entrance examinations that were a year away. In other words, I must find time to study, too. So I pided my time between work play during the summer vacation derived benefit from this arrangement.

初三英语作文 篇五

  A winebibber,when he has wine addiction,that he is going to the bar and drink some cups of wine.

  He will goes to the bar every day before he going to work.Its a snowy morning.He goes to bar before he going to work again.He fells there is somebody follows him on his way to his office.He turns his head and he see his son is treading his footmark.His son is following him.

  His son is excited and says:"Dad! Look,I am treading your footmark!"The man is very surprise that his son shocks to him. He thinks:"I will go to the bar, but my son is following me!"

  After that day,the man gives up the wine.He doesnt go the bar any more.

初三英语作文 篇六

  We were sitting in the classroom quietly, waiting for the invigilator. We were anxious to get the examination paper and see whether it was easy or difficult.

  The invigilator came into the classroom. He first looked around. Then he counted the papers. We could only hear the papersfricative. I had a look at my watch. We would be examined in eight minutes. I felt a bit nervous. I thought to myself,"Will the exam be easy or difficult? Will the last question be very hard for me to work out?"The invigilator began to deliver us the papers. I had been ready. As soon as I got the paper, I began to write quickly. At this, the invigilator said loudly,"You cant write until the bell rings".I felt sorry for that. I watched the hands of the clock and thought hard. I counted quietly,"four minutes, three minutes, two minutes,thirty seconds, twenty-five seconds""Ding" The bell rang. We picked up our pens and began to write quietly.

  What a long time we had been waiting!


