小学英语作文:my good habits(优质6篇)

时间:2016-05-05 09:28:10
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小学英语作文:My Good Habits 篇一

My Good Habits

As a responsible and well-behaved student, I have developed several good habits that have helped me in my studies and daily life. These habits not only make me a better person, but also contribute to creating a positive and harmonious environment around me.

Firstly, one of my good habits is keeping a neat and organized study area. I believe that a tidy study environment can greatly improve concentration and efficiency. Every day, after finishing my homework, I will clean up my desk, put away all the books and stationery, and make sure everything is in order. This habit not only helps me find things easily when I need them, but also creates a pleasant and inviting atmosphere for studying.

Secondly, I have a habit of setting and achieving goals. I firmly believe that setting goals is the first step towards success. Every morning, I will make a to-do list and set clear goals for the day. It could be finishing a certain amount of homework, reading a certain number of pages in a book, or practicing a new skill. By breaking down big tasks into smaller ones and gradually accomplishing them, I feel a sense of achievement and motivation. This habit not only helps me become more organized and disciplined, but also teaches me the importance of perseverance and hard work.

Another good habit I have developed is regular exercise. Exercise is not only beneficial for physical health, but also for mental well-being. Every day, I allocate some time for physical activities such as running, swimming, or playing sports. Regular exercise not only helps me stay fit and energetic, but also relieves stress and improves my mood. It is a great way to refresh my mind and get ready for the challenges of the day.

Lastly, I have a habit of helping others. I believe that kindness and compassion are the keys to building strong relationships and making the world a better place. Whenever I see someone in need, I offer a helping hand without hesitation. It could be helping a classmate with their homework, assisting a teacher in carrying books, or simply offering a smile to someone who looks down. This habit not only makes me feel good about myself, but also inspires others to be kind and helpful. Together, we can create a supportive and caring community.

In conclusion, these are some of my good habits that have helped me in my studies and daily life. Keeping a neat and organized study area, setting and achieving goals, regular exercise, and helping others are all habits that contribute to my personal growth and the well-being of those around me. I will continue to cultivate and develop more good habits in order to become a better individual and contribute positively to society.

小学英语作文:My Good Habits 篇二

My Good Habits

As a responsible and well-behaved student, I have developed several good habits that have helped me in my studies and daily life. These habits not only make me a better person, but also contribute to creating a positive and harmonious environment around me.

Firstly, one of my good habits is maintaining good personal hygiene. I firmly believe that cleanliness is the foundation of good health. Every day, I make sure to brush my teeth twice, wash my hands before and after meals, and take a shower or bath regularly. By keeping myself clean and hygienic, I not only prevent the spread of germs and diseases, but also feel refreshed and confident. This habit not only benefits me, but also shows respect for others by creating a clean and pleasant environment.

Secondly, I have a habit of reading books every day. Reading is not only a great source of knowledge, but also a wonderful way to relax and escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Every day, I set aside some time to read books on various subjects such as literature, science, and history. This habit not only broadens my horizons and improves my language skills, but also stimulates my imagination and creativity. It is a habit that I truly enjoy and cherish.

Another good habit I have developed is being punctual. I firmly believe that being on time is a sign of respect for others' time and a reflection of one's own character. Whether it is for school, extracurricular activities, or social events, I always make sure to arrive on time or even a few minutes early. This habit not only helps me avoid unnecessary stress and rush, but also shows my commitment and responsibility. Being punctual is a habit that I will continue to uphold throughout my life.

Lastly, I have a habit of saving money. I believe that financial responsibility is an important life skill that everyone should develop from a young age. Every time I receive pocket money or rewards, I set aside a portion of it for saving. By cultivating the habit of saving, I not only learn the value of money and the importance of self-discipline, but also have a sense of security for future needs or emergencies. It is a habit that will benefit me in the long run.

In conclusion, these are some of my good habits that have helped me in my studies and daily life. Maintaining good personal hygiene, reading books, being punctual, and saving money are all habits that contribute to my personal growth and the well-being of those around me. I will continue to cultivate and develop more good habits in order to become a better individual and contribute positively to society.

小学英语作文:my good habits 篇三

  My good habits

  Good habits are very important in our life. I have many good habits.

  I get up early in the morning and never go to bed late. I brush my teeth twice a day. I always put my things in order, so my bedroom is clean and tidy. I also help my parents. I’m a good girl at home, and I’m a good students at school too. I’m never late for school. I listen to my teachers in class. I usually finish my homework on time. After finishing that, I often read books. Because I think we can learn a lot from books.

  Good habits will benefit our future study and work. Do you have any good habits?

小学英语作文:my good habits 篇四

  I’m a good girl. I have many good habits.

  At school, I always listen to the teachers carefully and never talk to each other in class. I go to school early and go home on time. I keep my desk and chair clean and tidy. I never draw on the desk.

  I also do well at home. I usually finish my homework before dinner. After dinner, I usually take a walk with my parents and share the happy things about me and my classmates with them. At weekends, I often help my parents do some housework.

  I like reading. I always read books in my spare time. There are a lot of books in my study and I usually put them in order. I often do some exercise in the morning. I think it can make me healthy.

小学英语作文:my good habits 篇五

  In the morning. First, I get up. Next, I brush my teeth. Then, I wash my face. After that, I have breakfast. At last, I go to school.

  In the evening. First, I finish my homework. Next, I have dinner. Then, I pack my schoolbag. After that, hang up my clothes. At last, I go to bed.

  How about you?

小学英语作文:my good habits 篇六

  we can have good habits and bad habits. "early to bed, early to rise,makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."

  this is an old English saying. it tells us that we must go to bed early and get up early. if we do it every day, we shall be healthy, rich and clever. some people go to bed late at night and get up late in the morning.

  this is not good for them. we must sleep when it is dark. when daylight comes, we must get up.this is the time for exercise. if the body is not used, it becomes weak. exercise keeps our body strong.

  if you want to keep healthy, you must form a good habit.

小学英语作文:my good habits(优质6篇)

