My English study英语作文(优质5篇)

时间:2014-04-01 01:23:46
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My English Study英语作文 篇一

As an international language, English plays a crucial role in my life. I have been studying English for many years, and it has helped me in various ways. In this essay, I would like to share my journey of learning English and the strategies I have used to improve my language skills.

Since I started learning English, I have always been fascinated by its complexity and beauty. In the beginning, I focused on building a solid foundation by learning grammar rules, vocabulary, and pronunciation. I attended English classes at school and practiced speaking with native speakers whenever I had the chance. I also made use of online resources, such as language learning apps and websites, to supplement my classroom learning.

To further enhance my English skills, I began immersing myself in English-speaking environments. I watched English movies and TV shows with subtitles and gradually reduced my reliance on them. I also started reading English books, newspapers, and magazines to expose myself to different writing styles and expand my vocabulary. Additionally, I joined English-speaking clubs and participated in conversations with fellow learners to practice speaking and listening.

One of the most effective strategies I have used to improve my English is writing. I regularly write essays, journal entries, and even short stories in English. This practice has helped me become more comfortable expressing my thoughts and ideas in written form. I also receive feedback from teachers and peers, which allows me to identify areas for improvement and learn from my mistakes.

Furthermore, technology has played a significant role in my English learning journey. I make use of language learning apps that provide interactive exercises and quizzes to practice grammar, vocabulary, and listening skills. I also use online platforms to connect with English speakers from around the world and engage in language exchange activities. These digital tools have made language learning more accessible and enjoyable for me.

In conclusion, my English study has been a continuous and enriching process. Through a combination of classroom learning, immersion in English-speaking environments, writing practice, and the use of technology, I have been able to develop my language skills and gain confidence in communicating in English. English has opened up numerous opportunities for me and has become an integral part of my personal and professional life.

My English Study英语作文 篇二

English is a language that has become a global means of communication. As a non-native speaker, learning English has been a significant part of my education and personal development. In this essay, I will share my experiences and insights into my English study journey.

From a young age, I recognized the importance of learning English for my future prospects. I started by taking English classes at school, where I learned basic grammar and vocabulary. However, I soon realized that classroom learning alone was not enough to become proficient in the language. I needed to immerse myself in English-speaking environments and practice regularly.

To improve my English, I began watching English movies and TV shows with subtitles. This helped me improve my listening skills and familiarize myself with different accents and expressions. I also started reading English books, newspapers, and articles to expand my vocabulary and improve my reading comprehension. Additionally, I made use of online resources, such as language learning apps and websites, to practice grammar and vocabulary exercises.

Another aspect of my English study involved practicing speaking and writing. I joined English-speaking clubs and engaged in conversations with native speakers to improve my fluency and pronunciation. I also started writing essays and journal entries in English to enhance my writing skills and express my thoughts effectively. Feedback from teachers and peers has been invaluable in identifying areas for improvement and guiding my learning process.

Furthermore, I have found technology to be a valuable tool in my English study. Language learning apps and online platforms have made language learning more accessible and interactive. I can practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills through various activities and exercises. Additionally, I have connected with English speakers from different countries through social media and language exchange platforms, allowing me to practice my English in authentic conversations.

In conclusion, my English study has been a continuous journey of learning and growth. Through a combination of classroom learning, immersion in English-speaking environments, extensive reading and writing practice, and the use of technology, I have been able to improve my English skills and gain confidence in communicating in the language. English has become an essential tool for me, opening up opportunities for personal and professional growth. I will continue to invest time and effort in my English study to further enhance my language skills.

My English study英语作文 篇三


  English is one of the most important subjects in middle school.

  Almost everyone knows that we should learn English well, but few of us know how to learn it well. Karl Marx has set a good example for us. He once said, "When one is learning a foreign language, he must use the foreign language." In this way, he could use several languages. A saying goes, "Practice makes perfect." When we learn English, we should read more, speak more, listen to English from time to time and practise writing every day. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Only in this way can we learn it well.

My English study英语作文 篇四

  English is becoming more and more important under the trend of globalization, especially for us who often need to read a number of academic thesis in English and will work in the filed of IT finally.

  However, my English is not as good as I wish it were actually. I have learned English for over ten years, but focus the most time and energy on preparing for English exam, so that I didn’t grasp how to use English really.

  In my opinion, there are several reasons as following. Firstly, I can’t stick to learning English by myself. To tell the truth, I spent little time learning English unless there is an English examination. Secondly, I have no opportunity to talk with other people in English, and it’s seemed that there is no use of English in my life except passing the examination before I become a postgraduate.

  The present situation already differed from the before, I should read plenty of academic paper in English to get more information and knowledge in my research field. It’s heard that we should always communicate with foreign consumers and partners in English in the work. Therefore, it’s urgent for me to take efforts to improve my English. I will write no less than one piece of English blog each week on average and do more other practice to improve my English listening, speaking, reading, writing skill.

  I firmly believe that I’ll master English freely by my hard work and persistence in the near future.

My English study英语作文 篇五

  I study English very hard,because I love English.

  I ofen read some English story and speak English in the morning,on my English class,I study English with my classmates,I love my English teacher because she is very beautiful.When I go home,I do my English homework,and watch some English film.

  This is my life about studying English!

My English study英语作文(优质5篇)

