
时间:2017-02-05 08:10:37
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Friendship - Article One

Friendship is a bond that brings joy, support, and understanding into our lives. It is a connection that goes beyond blood relations and is built on trust, loyalty, and mutual respect. True friendship is a treasure that should be cherished and nurtured. In this article, we will explore the qualities that make a friendship strong and enduring.

First and foremost, honesty is a crucial aspect of any friendship. Friends should be able to trust each other completely and feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, feelings, and secrets. Honesty creates a strong foundation and helps in building a deep and meaningful connection.

Another important quality is loyalty. True friends stand by each other through thick and thin and offer unwavering support. They are there to celebrate our successes and provide a shoulder to lean on during tough times. A loyal friend is someone who will always have our back, no matter what.

Understanding and empathy are also vital in a friendship. Friends should be able to put themselves in each other's shoes and offer support and comfort when needed. They should be able to listen without judgment and provide a safe space for sharing thoughts and emotions.

Communication is key in any relationship, and friendship is no exception. Friends should be able to openly and honestly communicate their thoughts and feelings. They should be able to have healthy discussions and resolve conflicts peacefully. Good communication helps in avoiding misunderstandings and strengthens the bond between friends.

Lastly, shared interests and experiences can bring friends closer together. Whether it's a hobby, a sport, or a common goal, having something in common creates a strong connection. It provides opportunities for shared experiences, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

In conclusion, friendship is a valuable and essential part of our lives. It brings happiness, support, and understanding. Honesty, loyalty, understanding, communication, and shared experiences are the qualities that make a friendship strong and enduring. Let us cherish and nurture our friendships, for they are the true treasures in our lives.

Friendship - Article Two

Friendship is an extraordinary bond that transcends boundaries and enriches our lives. It is a relationship that is built on trust, love, and mutual understanding. In this article, we will explore the different types of friendships and the benefits they bring to our lives.

Firstly, there are childhood friendships. These are the friendships formed during our early years, often in school or in the neighborhood. Childhood friends are witnesses to our growth and development. They know our quirks, strengths, and weaknesses. These friendships are filled with innocence, laughter, and shared experiences.

Secondly, there are college or university friendships. These friendships are often formed during our higher education years. They are a result of shared classes, interests, or dormitory living. College friends are there to navigate the challenges and adventures that come with this phase of life. They provide support, motivation, and a sense of belonging.

Thirdly, there are work friendships. These friendships are formed in the workplace and are a result of spending long hours together, collaborating on projects, and facing professional challenges. Work friends understand the demands and pressures of the job and provide a support system within the office. They make the work environment enjoyable and help in reducing stress.

Lastly, there are online friendships. With the advancement of technology, it has become easier to connect with people from all over the world. Online friendships are formed through social media platforms, online communities, or shared interests. They provide an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and gain different perspectives.

Regardless of the type of friendship, the benefits remain the same. Friends provide emotional support, companionship, and a sense of belonging. They offer a listening ear, advice, and encouragement. They celebrate our successes and stand by us during challenging times. Friends bring joy, laughter, and a sense of fulfillment into our lives.

In conclusion, friendships are diverse and bring immense value to our lives. Whether it's childhood, college, work, or online friendships, they provide support, understanding, and companionship. Let us cherish and nurture these relationships, for they are the threads that weave our lives together.

描写友谊的英语作文friendship 篇三

  Some people say that friendship wind, like a cloud, as the years pass, it will slowly fade away.

  Others said, the friendship, however, such as the sea, and through the test of time, it will become deeper and more heavy.

  Friendship is an intimate friendship, help each other to develop ideas, to success; And give a person with aggravation of hope and strength, add to the warmth of life.

  As the growth of the age, I gradually found that interpersonal relationship is very complicated. Whenever meet embarrassing, I always want to a problem: friendship really can forever?

  Some people, the mouth moment to say: "for the sake of friendship can sacrifice everything." But quite differ to do and say. He is narrow-minded, once a friend gave him a joke, or where is misunderstood, will be opposite.

  True friendship is hard-won, so need more understanding between friends and love, let us common cultivation of the flower of friendship! Irrigation it with pure soul, it with warm sunshine, let the friendship forever.

描写友谊的英语作文friendship 篇四

  Everyone has his own think is the most precious thing: some people think that the most precious friendship; While some people believe that honesty is the most precious; Also some people think that the care of others is the most precious... But in my opinion, friendship is the most precious thing, anything also can't replace it.

  On my birthday, my good friend Lin Lin came to me to her home to play. On the way to her, I secretly complacent: ha ha, she must know today is my birthday, so invite me to her home to play, then sing a "happy birthday" to me this song, and then gave me many nice present, and then share with me a big birthday cake, send you a message, be happy after the birthday... I still asleep in the middle of the "dream", was broken by a soul.but about beats to: "I wish you a happy birthday, Lin Lin!" When I heard those words, I suddenly thought of Lin Lin's birthday and I are on the same day. Well, it doesn't seem that they are likely to celebrate my birthday.

  I looked at their pleasure, the in the mind very sad, I didn't think you don't care my birthday, only care about Lin Lin's birthday. I opened the Lin Lin's door, is preparing to leave, heard the sound of a lily: "the gift, wait!" My heart is a pleased, they prepare to give me a birthday present? I decide to wait. But wait until 4 o 'clock in the afternoon, also see them to celebrate my birthday.

  I despair, such as after their good Lin Lin's birthday, I said also don't say left. That is, the house came the lily cries: "of course! The best program is left to the last! Now, let's celebrate the gift of birthday!" At that time, my hands appeared many fine gifts, they give me through a happy birthday.

  Since then, I know what is the most precious in the world: friendship.

  描写友谊的'英语作文friendship 篇3

  There is a kind of friendship is a friend to give you encouragement, there's a friendship is convinced that everyone of you and a friendship is to help others to you. Friendship is to support our hearts of optimus prime, and let me know how important friendship is.

  "Shout, shout, shout." Winds and get every tree all in all, the clouds sent to do a "golden bean" bump on the ground. A bolt of lightning like a sword cut the purple dark sky, make me feel creepy. Jingle bell, the school bell has begun, the students with colourful umbrella with parents happily out of school. I think again: my mother told me she couldn't pick me up in the afternoon at noon and told me to his home, thought of here I took my umbrella to block rain to go home. But I put the bag upside down and still have not found a shade of an umbrella. I dull to look at the sky the thunder is rumbling thinking thought again: hurry to clear up! But to no avail, is really should not every day, pray to work! At this time a clear sound broke the silence, "Xie Yujie, didn't you carry an umbrella? You and me together and go home." My classmate said amiable, I embarrassed agreed. His umbrella on the way home has been on my side, the beans of rain straight into his, almost home his clothes wet a large, but he does not care. Returned home after the moving moment thought of here I can't help but recall tearful buccal.

  Ah! I finally know, this friendship has given me much help! The friendship gave me a warm, a little help, and trust. Let me understand how important friendship is ah!

描写友谊的英语作文friendship 篇五

  Friendship is essential for the existence of society. People live in munities and work in co-operation so that they could protect themselves from nature. The successful acplishment of any task calls for support from many people. It's the friends who are willing to help us. Friendship is a guarantee of harmonious efforts.

  In the widest sense, all people are friends. People live in a mon society, co-operating and helping each other directly or indirectly all the time. From this respective, anyone could be a friend of others to a certain degree. And it's this kind of friendship that makes society harmonious though petition is universal.

  A friend in need is a friend indeed. Unfortunately, people are so plex in the modern society due to various reasons. Sometimes, we don't really know who are our real friends. Adversity is the touchstone of friendship. That is to say, in hard times, it is easy for us to test whether the friendship is ture or not. No matter what happens, a true friend will never leave you alone and will always be with you.

描写友谊的英语作文friendship 篇六

  I value friendship In complex life, there are two points to keep in mind: to eat for survival, and soul need friendship. Friendship is like colorful candy, always is permeated with in the heart.

  Friend can encourage you to overcome difficulties, and can bring light to your life. Sometimes, you have to be with your friends, say thank you, thank you for they have been in the accompany you. There are some people who abandoned his friend for money and power. So completely wrong!

  You should know: money and power to a temporary, and the true friendship is a lifetime. I hope this sentence, become everyone's creed! For me, no friends, no everything to me! Once upon a time, I have a very injury is rare. Friends in my side support me, give me compassion, encourage and true love, I slowly happy. That makes me realize, how much I happiness and luck! Without a friend, in my opinion, the one who is, won't be happy, not in adversity does not recognize friends. I will always cherish it from the bottom and the friend's friendship.


