
时间:2019-07-02 02:29:16
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五年级英语阅读、写作展示题 篇一:My Favorite Animal

Hello everyone! Today, I would like to share with you all about my favorite animal - the dolphin. Dolphins are incredible creatures that live in the ocean and are known for their intelligence and friendly nature.

Dolphins are mammals, just like us humans. They have smooth, gray skin and a streamlined body that helps them swim quickly through the water. They have a dorsal fin on their backs and flippers on their sides, which they use to steer and move around. Dolphins are also known for their exceptional hearing abilities, using echolocation to find their way and communicate with each other underwater.

One of the reasons why dolphins are my favorite animal is because they are very social animals. They live in groups called pods and often work together to hunt for food. Dolphins are also known for their playful nature and love to swim and jump out of the water. They can perform amazing acrobatic tricks, like flips and spins, which always make me smile.

Another reason why I love dolphins is because they are highly intelligent creatures. They can learn new tricks and commands very quickly, making them perfect for shows and performances. Dolphins have been trained to do all sorts of tricks, like jumping through hoops and balancing balls on their noses. It's truly fascinating to see how smart they are!

In addition to being smart and friendly, dolphins are also very helpful to humans. They have been known to save people from drowning by guiding them back to shore or helping them stay afloat until help arrives. Dolphins are also used in therapy programs for people with disabilities, as their presence and interactions can bring joy and comfort to those in need.

In conclusion, dolphins are my favorite animal because of their intelligence, friendliness, and playful nature. They are truly amazing creatures that live in harmony with the ocean and have a positive impact on both humans and the environment. I hope you enjoyed learning about dolphins as much as I do!

Thank you for listening!

五年级英语阅读、写作展示题 篇二:My Dream Vacation

Hello, everyone! Today, I want to share with you all about my dream vacation. If I could go anywhere in the world, I would love to visit the beautiful country of Australia.

Australia is known for its stunning landscapes, unique wildlife, and vibrant cities. One of the main attractions that I would love to visit is the Great Barrier Reef. It is the largest coral reef system in the world and is home to thousands of species of marine life. I would be thrilled to go snorkeling or scuba diving in the crystal-clear waters and see the colorful coral and exotic fish up close.

Another place I would love to explore in Australia is the Outback. The Outback is a vast, remote area in the center of the country, filled with deserts, red rock formations, and unique wildlife. I would love to go on a safari and see kangaroos, koalas, and other native animals in their natural habitat. It would be an incredible experience to witness the beauty and diversity of Australia's wildlife.

Besides the natural beauty, Australia also has vibrant cities that I would love to explore. Sydney, for example, is famous for its iconic landmarks like the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. I would love to take a ferry ride in the Sydney Harbour, visit the beautiful beaches, and try some delicious Australian cuisine.

Lastly, I would love to learn more about the Aboriginal culture in Australia. The Aboriginal people have a rich history and a deep connection to the land. I would love to visit cultural centers and learn about their traditions, art, and storytelling.

In conclusion, my dream vacation would be to visit Australia. From the beautiful Great Barrier Reef to the unique wildlife of the Outback and the vibrant cities, there is so much to explore and experience in this amazing country. I hope that one day I will have the opportunity to make my dream vacation a reality.

Thank you for listening!

五年级英语阅读、写作展示题 篇三


3. 给你的好朋友写一封信,介绍一下自己的日常生活。写作展示

1.题目: I ( Myself )




______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.要求:以 My mother 为题介绍一下自己的某个朋友,不少于四句话,语句要通顺,没有明显的语法错误。


______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

要求:以书信的`格式写,内容可自由发挥,至少四句话。参考词汇:get up , half past six , breakfast , o’clock

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.以My classroom 为题介绍一下自己的教室,不少于五句话,语句要通顺,没有明显的语法错误。


______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________




Hello,I’m Tom.I have a happy family:my mother,my father and I.My father

is a teacher.He likes bananas.He has got a car.He goes to work by car.My

Mumis a doctor.She hasn’t got a car. She walks to work. I’m a pupil. I like

playingbasketball with my friends.I’ve got a bike.I go to school by bike.I love my familyvery much.

( )1.Tom’s father is a teacher. ( )2.Tom likes bananas.

( )3.Tom’s mother hasn’t got a car . ( )4.Tom’s mum walks to work. ( )5.Tom goes to school by bike.


Last Sunday we had a picnic in the Zhongshan Park . Mingming took some hamburgers . Weihua took some bread and biscuits . There were many fruits in my bag . We saw lots of beautiful flowers and trees . After lunch we played some games . Then Shanshan played the flute . Mingming and Weihua sang a song . We were very happy on that day .We went home at 3:30 pm . ( )1.Where did they have the picnic ?

A.In the Zhongshan Park . B.At Shansh

an’s home .

C.In a mountain

( )2.What did they see ?

A. Some Hamburgers . B.Flowers and trees . C.I don’t know

( )3.What did Shanshan do after lunch ?

A. Sang a song . B.Played some games . C.Played the flute .

( )4.When did they go home ?

A. At 3;00 pm . B. At 3:30 pm . C. At 3:30 am .

( )5.What were in my bag ?

A. Many fruits . B.Some bread . C.Some biscuits .


