小学英语说课稿《Pizza and Hombutgers》(优选3篇)

时间:2018-02-09 03:17:10
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小学英语说课稿《Pizza and Hombutgers》 篇一

标题:Introducing Pizza and Hamburgers to Young Learners


Good morning/afternoon everyone,

Today I am going to introduce two popular types of food to our young learners - pizza and hamburgers. These two dishes are widely enjoyed by people all over the world, and it is important for our students to learn about different cultures and cuisines.

To start off, I will present a picture of a pizza and a hamburger to the class. I will ask the students if they have ever seen or tried these foods before. I will also ask them to describe what they see in the picture, encouraging them to use vocabulary words such as "cheese," "tomatoes," and "lettuce."

Next, I will introduce the concept of pizza. I will explain that pizza is a type of food that originated from Italy. It is made with a flat, round dough that is topped with various ingredients such as cheese, tomato sauce, and vegetables. I will show the students pictures of different types of pizza, such as margherita, pepperoni, and Hawaiian, and ask them which ones they would like to try.

After that, I will move on to hamburgers. I will explain that hamburgers are a type of sandwich that consists of a cooked patty of ground meat, usually beef, placed between two slices of bread. I will show the students pictures of different types of hamburgers, such as cheeseburgers, chicken burgers, and veggie burgers. I will also explain that hamburgers are often served with toppings and condiments such as lettuce, tomatoes, and ketchup.

To engage the students further, I will conduct a role-play activity. I will divide the class into small groups and assign each group a different role - either a pizza chef or a burger chef. Each group will have to come up with their own pizza or hamburger recipe and present it to the class. This activity will not only encourage creativity and teamwork but also allow the students to practice their speaking and listening skills.

To conclude the lesson, I will ask the students to share their favorite pizza or hamburger toppings and explain why they like them. This will encourage the students to express their opinions and preferences in English.

In summary, this lesson aims to introduce the concepts of pizza and hamburgers to young learners. Through pictures, discussions, and a role-play activity, the students will become familiar with these popular dishes and develop their vocabulary and speaking skills. Thank you.

小学英语说课稿《Pizza and Hombutgers》 篇二

标题:Exploring Pizza and Hamburgers through Tasting and Describing


Good morning/afternoon everyone,

Today, we will have an exciting lesson where we get to explore the tastes, textures, and ingredients of two delicious foods - pizza and hamburgers. This lesson aims to develop our students' sensory perception, descriptive language skills, and cultural awareness.

To begin the lesson, I will bring in samples of different types of pizza and hamburgers. I will ask the students to describe the appearance and smell of each food. I will encourage them to use descriptive words such as "round," "cheesy," "meaty," and "savory." This activity will help the students develop their vocabulary and descriptive language skills.

Next, I will guide the students through a tasting activity. I will provide small, bite-sized pieces of pizza and hamburger for each student to try. Before they taste the food, I will ask them to think about the flavors and textures they expect to experience. After they have tasted the food, I will ask them to describe their observations. I will encourage them to use words such as "crispy," "juicy," "spicy," and "delicious" to describe the taste and texture of each food.

After the tasting activity, I will introduce some cultural information about pizza and hamburgers. I will explain that pizza originated from Italy and is now enjoyed all around the world. I will also mention that hamburgers are often associated with American cuisine. Through this discussion, the students will gain an understanding of different cultures and cuisines.

To further engage the students, I will conduct a group activity where they create their own pizza or hamburger. I will provide a variety of toppings and condiments for the students to choose from. Each group will have to work together to design and describe their creation using descriptive language. This activity will encourage creativity, teamwork, and descriptive language practice.

To conclude the lesson, I will ask the students to reflect on their tasting experience and share their favorite pizza or hamburger toppings. This will allow them to express their opinions and preferences in English.

In summary, this lesson aims to explore the tastes, textures, and ingredients of pizza and hamburgers through tasting and describing activities. By engaging in sensory experiences and descriptive language practice, the students will develop their vocabulary, descriptive skills, and cultural awareness. Thank you.

小学英语说课稿《Pizza and Hombutgers》 篇三

小学英语说课稿《Pizza and Hombutgers》


  1. 教材地位

  本课是这一单元的第三课,继续学习西餐食物名称,并操练主要单词与句型,在对话中巩固日常交际用语What would you like, please? Do you like …?和I like…通过使用图片,多媒体课件,食物及创设实际情境的方法,有效地操练单词与句型,做到词汇运用于句型,句型操练与情景相结合,

小学英语说课稿《Pizza and Hombutgers》

  2. 教学目标

  A. 知识目标:

  (1)能听懂,会说,认读下列词汇French fries, hamburger, pizza, pop并能正确运用。


小学英语说课稿《Pizza and Hombutgers》(优选3篇)

