
时间:2016-09-05 02:35:17
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办公室英语对话 篇一

Title: A Typical Morning in the Office

Scene: In the office, early morning


- Tom: Office Manager

- Lisa: HR Manager

- Sarah: Sales Representative

- John: IT Support

(Phone rings)

Tom: Good morning, this is Tom speaking. How can I assist you?

Lisa: Good morning, Tom. This is Lisa from HR. I just wanted to remind you about the team building workshop tomorrow. Have you sent out the email invitation to everyone?

Tom: Good morning, Lisa. Yes, I have already sent out the email invitation yesterday. Everyone should have received it by now.

Sarah: (Approaching Tom's desk) Good morning, Tom, Lisa. Is there anything I need to prepare for the workshop?

Tom: Morning, Sarah. Well, you just need to bring yourself and be ready to participate in various team-building activities. It's going to be a fun day for all of us.

John: (Entering the conversation) Good morning, everyone. Sorry to interrupt, but I'm having trouble with my computer. It keeps freezing.

Tom: Morning, John. No worries. I'll send our IT support to your desk right away to fix the issue. In the meantime, you can use the spare computer next to your desk.

John: Thank you, Tom. I appreciate your quick response.

Lisa: Tom, have you reviewed the job application we received yesterday? We need to schedule some interviews.

Tom: Yes, Lisa. I've gone through the applications, and I've shortlisted a few candidates. I will schedule the interviews for next week and inform you about the timings.

Sarah: (Looking at her calendar) Tom, I have a client meeting scheduled for this afternoon. Can you print out the presentation slides for me?

Tom: Of course, Sarah. Just send me the file, and I'll have it printed and ready for you before your meeting.

John: (Returning to the conversation) Tom, my computer is working fine now. Thanks for sending the IT support so quickly.

Tom: You're welcome, John. I'm glad the issue got resolved. Let me know if you face any further problems.

Lisa: Tom, I just received a call from the training center. They need to reschedule the workshop to next week due to some unforeseen circumstances. Can you inform everyone about the change?

Tom: Sure, Lisa. I'll send out an email to inform everyone about the rescheduling. Thanks for letting me know.

(Scene ends)

办公室英语对话 篇二

Title: Dealing with a Challenging Colleague

Scene: In the office, during a team meeting


- Mark: Team Leader

- Emily: Marketing Specialist

- Mike: Sales Representative

- Lisa: HR Manager

- Alex: Challenging Colleague

Mark: Good morning, everyone. Let's start the meeting. Emily, could you please give us an update on the latest marketing campaign?

Emily: Good morning, Mark. The marketing campaign is going well. We've seen an increase in website traffic and engagement on social media platforms.

Mike: (Interrupting) Emily, I don't agree with your approach. I think we should focus more on traditional marketing methods.

Emily: (Remaining calm) Mike, I appreciate your input, but we have data that proves the effectiveness of our current strategy. Let's discuss it further after the meeting, okay?

Lisa: (Trying to mediate) Mike, it's important to respect each other's opinions. Emily has done extensive research and analysis before implementing the current strategy.

Alex: (Interrupting) I don't think Emily's strategy is effective at all. We should go back to the old ways.

Mark: (Addressing Alex) Alex, we value your input, but it's essential to have a constructive discussion. Let's hear out Emily and Mike's arguments and find the best solution for the team.

Emily: Thank you, Mark. As I was saying, our current strategy aligns with the target audience's preferences and behavior. We can always reassess and make adjustments if necessary.

Mike: (Calming down) Emily, I appreciate the explanation. Let's discuss this further after the meeting and see if we can find a middle ground.

Mark: That sounds like a plan, Mike. Let's move on to the next agenda item for now.

(Scene transitions to after the meeting)

Emily: Mike, I appreciate your perspective, but it's important for us to work together as a team and support each other's decisions.

Mike: You're right, Emily. I apologize for being confrontational during the meeting. Let's find a way to collaborate better and achieve our goals.

Emily: Absolutely, Mike. Let's schedule a follow-up meeting to discuss our strategies further and find a solution that benefits the team.

(Scene ends)

Note: The above dialogues are fictional and created for illustrative purposes.

办公室英语对话 篇三



  A: Rachel? This is John Emory speaking.

  B: Yes, Mr. Emory?

  A: I’ve got some bad news. All the plans sent over to the McGrath Corporation have been rejected. We’re going to have to start from scratch.

  B: I thought they had already agreed to everything. That’s going to take weeks to rework.






  A: Hi, is this Rich?

  B: Yeah, who’s calling?

  A: It’s Alex… Have I got some great news! We got the Baker account. It’s all ours!

  B: Fantastic! I can’t believe it! That’s the biggest account we’

ve gotten so far!






  A: Good morning, Mr. Johnson’s office. Cindy speaking.

  B: Hi, Cindy. It’s Michael Kurt. Is Mr. Johnson in?

  A: No, I’m sorry, Mr. Kurt. He’s stepped out for a bit. Would you like me to have him call you?

  B: Yeah, that’ll be great. I’m on extension 4283.






  A: Finance, Angie speaking.

  B: Hi Angie, it’s Tom Reynolds here. Can you tell me if my tuition fees for this semester have been approved?

  A: Yes, Mr. Reynolds. They were approved yesterday. You can pick up the check today.

  B: Oh wow! Thanks a million, Angie!






  A: I have been trying to reach you for the last 3 days!

  B: I’m sorry, Mr. Brunt. I’ve been out on a site for the last week.

  A: Well, I need to know the specifics about the medical center project. We start building in under two months.

  B: I understand, sir. I’ll come by tomorrow morning to talk to you about it, if that’s all right.







