Toronto isnt as big as Beijing, is i(优质3篇)

时间:2014-05-08 07:46:37
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Toronto isnt as big as Beijing, is i 篇一

Toronto, the capital city of the province of Ontario in Canada, is often compared to Beijing, the capital city of China. While both cities are major global metropolises, they differ significantly in terms of size and population.

Toronto, with a population of approximately 2.9 million people, is significantly smaller than Beijing, which boasts a population of over 21 million residents. This vast difference in population size has a profound impact on the overall size and scale of the two cities. Beijing is a sprawling metropolis, with a vast urban area that stretches for miles in every direction. In contrast, Toronto is more compact and manageable, with a well-defined downtown core surrounded by a mix of residential neighborhoods and green spaces.

The sheer size of Beijing can be overwhelming for visitors, with its endless rows of high-rise buildings, bustling streets, and crowded public transportation system. In comparison, Toronto offers a more laid-back and manageable urban experience, with a diverse range of cultural attractions, restaurants, and entertainment options. While Beijing may have more historical sites and cultural landmarks, Toronto has its own unique charm and character that sets it apart from its Chinese counterpart.

Despite its smaller size, Toronto is a vibrant and dynamic city that offers a high quality of life for its residents. The city is known for its diverse population, thriving arts and cultural scene, and strong economy. Toronto is also a hub for innovation and technology, with a rapidly growing tech sector that is attracting top talent from around the world.

In conclusion, while Toronto may not be as big as Beijing in terms of population and size, it more than makes up for it with its unique character, diverse culture, and high quality of life. Whether you prefer the hustle and bustle of a major global city like Beijing or the more laid-back vibe of a city like Toronto, both cities offer plenty of attractions and opportunities for residents and visitors alike.

Toronto isnt as big as Beijing, is i 篇二

Toronto and Beijing are two major global cities that are often compared to each other. While Toronto may not be as big as Beijing in terms of population and size, it still holds its own as a world-class city with a unique character and charm.

One of the key differences between Toronto and Beijing is their respective histories and cultures. Beijing, as the capital city of China, has a rich history that dates back thousands of years and is home to many of China's most famous cultural landmarks, such as the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, and the Temple of Heaven. In contrast, Toronto is a relatively young city that was founded in the 18th century and has a more diverse and multicultural population.

Another difference between the two cities is their urban planning and infrastructure. Beijing is known for its sprawling urban landscape, with wide boulevards, massive skyscrapers, and a network of highways and public transportation systems. Toronto, on the other hand, is more compact and pedestrian-friendly, with a well-connected public transit system and a mix of historic neighborhoods and modern developments.

Despite their differences, both Toronto and Beijing offer a wide range of attractions and opportunities for residents and visitors. Toronto is known for its vibrant arts and cultural scene, world-class dining options, and diverse neighborhoods, while Beijing offers a unique blend of ancient history, modern architecture, and bustling street markets.

In conclusion, while Toronto may not be as big as Beijing in terms of population and size, it still has plenty to offer as a world-class city with its own unique character and charm. Whether you prefer the historic landmarks and cultural attractions of Beijing or the diverse culture and high quality of life of Toronto, both cities have something to offer for everyone.

Toronto isnt as big as Beijing, is i 篇三

Toronto isnt as big as Beijing, is it?多伦多没有北京大

  Toronto isn't as big as Beijing, is it?


  A: You know, back home in Canada, in Toronto, we also have bad traffic jams.

  A: 你知道,在我的家乡,加拿大的多伦多,也有交通堵塞问题。

  B: I suppose every big city has them.

  B: 我想每个大城市都有这样的问题。

  A: Yes, probably. The only difference is the extent of the traffic jams and the size of the city.

  A: 是的,很可能是这样。唯一的区别是交通堵塞的程度和城市的`大小。

  B: Toronto isn't as big as Beijing, is it?

  B: 多伦多不像北京那么大,是吗?

  A: No, it's smaller. But the traffic jams still make me crazy.

  A: 是的,它比较小。但是交通堵塞的情况仍然让我心烦。

  B: Yeah – like you said, it's the same everywhere. Beijing, Toronto, traffic jams everywhere!

  B: 是啊——像你说的那样,到处都一样。北京、多伦多,到处都有交通堵塞。



  1. Remember the comparative adjective form: Toronto is smaller than Beijing. / Toronto is smaller than Beijing. 记住形容词的比较级形式:Toronto is smaller than Beijing. /多伦多比北京小。

  2. You can talk about traffic jams and traffic problems in many ways: Traffic jams are bad/ Traffic jams make me crazy. 你可以用不同的方法谈论交通堵塞情况和交通问题:Traffic jams are bad. / 交通堵塞很严重; Traffic jams make me crazy. / 交通堵塞让我心烦。



Toronto isnt as big as Beijing, is i(优质3篇)

