
时间:2011-09-01 02:28:29
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英文简历中电话的写法 篇一

When it comes to including your phone number in an English resume, there are a few key points to keep in mind. The way you format and present your phone number can make a difference in how potential employers perceive you as a candidate. Here are some guidelines to follow when including your phone number in an English resume.

1. Country Code: If you are applying for a job outside your home country, it is important to include your country code before your phone number. For example, if you are applying for a job in the United States and your phone number is 1234567890, you should format it as follows: +1 1234567890. The "+" symbol indicates the country code, and "1" is the country code for the United States.

2. Area Code: In some countries, it is common to include the area code before the phone number. This is especially important if you are applying for a job in a different city or region within your home country. For example, if your phone number is 1234567890 and you are applying for a job in a different city with the area code 123, you should format it as follows: (123) 1234567890.

3. Formatting: When formatting your phone number, it is important to use a consistent and professional style. Avoid using any symbols or characters that may be difficult for the employer to understand or enter into their phone system. Stick to the standard format of numbers and spaces, such as (123) 456-7890.

4. Voicemail: Make sure that your voicemail is professional and clearly states your name. Potential employers may call you for an interview or to schedule a meeting, so it is important to make a good impression with your voicemail message.

Remember, your phone number is an essential contact point for potential employers, so it is important to present it in a clear and professional manner. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your phone number is easily accessible and portrays you as a serious and professional candidate.

英文简历中电话的写法 篇二

Including your phone number in an English resume is a crucial component of your contact information. It is important to present your phone number in a clear and professional manner to make a positive impression on potential employers. Here are some tips on how to write your phone number in an English resume.

1. Country Code: If you are applying for a job outside your home country, it is essential to include the country code before your phone number. This helps employers identify your location and ensures they can reach you easily. For example, if you are applying for a job in the United Kingdom and your phone number is 1234567890, you should format it as follows: +44 1234567890. The "+" symbol indicates the country code, and "44" is the country code for the United Kingdom.

2. Area Code: In some countries, it is customary to include the area code before the phone number, especially if you are applying for a job in a different city or region within your home country. Including the area code helps employers identify your location and can be useful for scheduling interviews or meetings. For example, if your phone number is 1234567890 and you are applying for a job in a different city with the area code 123, you should format it as follows: (123) 1234567890.

3. Formatting: When formatting your phone number, it is important to use a consistent and professional style. Avoid using any symbols or characters that may confuse employers or make it difficult for them to enter your phone number into their system. Stick to the standard format of numbers and spaces, such as (123) 456-7890.

4. Voicemail: Ensure that your voicemail is professional and clearly states your name. Potential employers may call you for an interview or to schedule a meeting, so it is important to make a good impression with your voicemail message. Speak clearly and provide necessary information, such as your name and a brief greeting.

By following these guidelines, you can present your phone number in a clear and professional manner in your English resume. Remember, your phone number is an essential contact point for potential employers, so it is important to ensure it is easily accessible and portrays you as a professional candidate.

英文简历中电话的写法 篇三



  Ⅰ前面一定加地区号,如(86-10)。因为你是在向外国公司求职,你的简历很可能被传真到伦敦、纽约,大家不知道你的地区号,也没有时间去查。另外,国外很流行“user friendly”,即想尽办法给对方创造便利,尤其是在找工作时,更要加深这一意识。


  Ⅲ区号后的括号和号码间加空格,如(86-10) 6505-2266.这是英文写作的规定格式。





