
时间:2018-05-04 02:23:28
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乌鸦喝水高考英语作文范文 篇一

Title: The Clever Crow

Once upon a time, there was a clever crow who lived in a forest. The crow was known for its intelligence and problem-solving abilities. One day, on a hot summer afternoon, the crow was flying over a field when it noticed a pitcher of water. The crow was extremely thirsty and wanted to drink from the pitcher, but the water level was too low for it to reach.

The crow tried to tip the pitcher over to drink the water, but it was too heavy. The crow realized that it needed to come up with a different plan. After observing its surroundings, the crow spotted some small pebbles lying nearby. It had an idea!

The crow picked up one pebble with its beak and dropped it into the pitcher. To its delight, the water level rose slightly. The crow repeated this process several times until the water level was high enough for it to drink. The crow quenched its thirst and flew away happily.

This story teaches us that intelligence and creativity can help us overcome challenges. The crow's ability to think critically and find a solution to its problem allowed it to achieve its goal. It reminds us that sometimes we need to think outside the box and use our resources wisely to overcome obstacles in life.

乌鸦喝水高考英语作文范文 篇二

Title: The Crow's Lesson

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a crow that was known for its cleverness. The villagers often marveled at the crow's intelligence and ability to solve problems. One day, the village faced a severe drought, and the water sources were running dry.

The villagers were worried as they struggled to find water for their daily needs. They noticed that the crow always seemed to have enough water to drink. Intrigued, they decided to observe the crow closely and see how it managed to find water during such a difficult time.

They noticed that the crow would fly to the nearby river and dip a small twig in the water. The crow would then fly back to the village and drop the twig into a pot. To their surprise, water would magically appear in the pot. The villagers were amazed by the crow's ability to bring water to the village.

They realized that the crow had taught them a valuable lesson. Instead of waiting for the rain to quench their thirst, they could find alternative ways to solve their problem. Inspired by the crow, the villagers started digging wells and using various methods to collect and store water.

This story teaches us the importance of resourcefulness and thinking outside the box. The clever crow showed the villagers that sometimes we need to find unconventional solutions to overcome challenges. It reminds us that with determination and creativity, we can find ways to solve even the most difficult problems.

In conclusion, these stories about the clever crow highlight the importance of intelligence, problem-solving, and resourcefulness. They remind us to think critically and find creative solutions when faced with challenges. By learning from the crow's example, we can overcome obstacles in our own lives and achieve our goals.

乌鸦喝水高考英语作文范文 篇三









乌鸦喝水高考英语作文范文 篇四








乌鸦喝水高考英语作文范文 篇五






第四,拓展延伸。在学完“乌鸦是怎么喝着水的”后,学生明白了乌鸦能喝着水在于它的仔细观察、爱思考,另外拓展问题“瓶子旁边要是没有小石子,乌鸦该怎么办呢?请大家帮乌鸦想想办法,想到的请举手。”两分钟后,学生们纷纷举起了小手,有的说:“用吸管吸。” “让瓶子斜倒下来,就能喝到水了。”“把瓶子打破上部,就能喝到了。”“把瓶子踢倒,乌鸦就能喝到水了。”







乌鸦喝水高考英语作文范文 篇六

There is some water in a bottle near a big bird is very thirsty.

He comes to the bottle and stands next to the he can't drink the water,beacause the bottleneck is very long and narrow.

So he thinks and thinks,and then flies away.

After some time,he comes back with a small stone in his goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle.

He flies away and flies back again and puts many stones into the bottle.

The water in the bottle comes up to its neck and the crow can catch up and drink the water.


