
时间:2019-09-07 07:20:42
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高中英语作文应用 篇一

Title: The Importance of Learning English in High School


English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and has become the lingua franca of international communication. Therefore, it is crucial for high school students to learn English as it can open up numerous opportunities for them in the future. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of learning English in high school and how it can benefit students both academically and personally.


1. Academic Benefits:

a. English is a global language: Learning English enables students to access a vast amount of knowledge and resources available in English. They can read academic articles, research papers, and books written in English, which can greatly enhance their academic abilities.

b. Higher education opportunities: Many universities and colleges require a certain level of English proficiency for admission. By mastering English in high school, students increase their chances of getting into prestigious institutions and pursuing their desired courses of study.

c. International exchange programs: Learning English can also provide high school students with the opportunity to participate in international exchange programs. These programs not only allow students to experience different cultures but also improve their language skills through immersion.

2. Career Advantages:

a. Global job market: English fluency is highly valued by employers in today's global job market. Many multinational companies require employees to have a strong command of English, as it allows for effective communication with international clients and colleagues.

b. Competitive edge: Being proficient in English gives high school students a competitive edge over their peers who may not have the same language skills. This can lead to better job prospects and higher earning potential.

c. Access to global opportunities: English proficiency opens up a world of opportunities for high school students. They can work or study abroad, participate in international conferences, and collaborate with professionals from different countries.


In conclusion, learning English in high school is essential as it provides academic and career benefits. High school students who invest time and effort in mastering English will be better equipped to succeed in their academic pursuits and future careers. Moreover, English proficiency can also broaden their horizons and enable them to connect with people from different cultures. Therefore, high schools should prioritize English language education to prepare students for a globalized world.

Word count: 409

高中英语作文应用 篇二

Title: The Power of Storytelling in English Learning


Storytelling is a powerful tool that has been used for centuries to convey information and teach valuable lessons. When it comes to learning English, storytelling can be an effective and engaging method to improve language skills. In this essay, we will explore the benefits of using storytelling in high school English classes and how it can enhance students' language proficiency and creativity.


1. Language Acquisition:

a. Vocabulary expansion: Through stories, students are exposed to a wide range of vocabulary in context, which helps them understand and remember words more effectively.

b. Grammar and sentence structure: Stories provide examples of correct grammar usage and sentence structures, allowing students to learn and practice them in a meaningful context.

c. Listening and speaking skills: Listening to stories helps students develop their listening comprehension skills, while retelling or discussing the stories improves their speaking abilities.

2. Cultural Understanding:

a. Exposure to diverse cultures: Stories from different cultures allow students to gain insights into various traditions, values, and perspectives. This helps foster cultural sensitivity and empathy.

b. Appreciation of literature: Through storytelling, students can explore different genres and literary techniques, which nurtures their appreciation for literature and encourages them to become avid readers.

3. Creativity and Critical Thinking:

a. Imagination and creativity: Stories spark students' imagination and creativity, encouraging them to think outside the box and come up with their own ideas and interpretations.

b. Analytical skills: By analyzing the characters, plot, and themes of stories, students develop critical thinking skills and learn how to express their opinions and justify their arguments.


Storytelling is a valuable tool in English learning as it enhances language acquisition, cultural understanding, and creativity. High school English classes should incorporate storytelling activities to make language learning more enjoyable and effective. By immersing students in captivating stories, teachers can create a positive and engaging learning environment that motivates students to develop their language skills and broaden their horizons.

Word count: 355

高中英语作文应用 篇三

Dear Bob,

  I’m so glad to learn that you’re coming in September. I’ve found a place for you,

  It’s a small flat of 25 square meters, with a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. In the bedroom there is a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair. The rent is 500 yuanper month. The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street, which is not far from Jianxiu Chinese School. Bus No.11 can take you straight to the school. In fact. it’s only one stop.

  Do you think you’d like it? If not, I can try and find another place for you. Just let me know.


  Li Hua

高中英语作文应用 篇四

Dear Mr. Brown,

  I’d like to introduce my friend to you, Mr. Li Ming, who is going to apply for a position with your firm. He graduated from college three years ago and since then he has worked as a lawyer. He is good at English and knows some Japanese and German. He works hard and is careful in everything he does. He is honest, kind and easy to get on with. He was born on August 21st, 1980 in Qidong, Jiangsu Province, China. He is married and lives at No 148 Renmin Road, Qidong city. His telephone number is 0513-83335550. He shows great interest in your firm. If he is accepted, he will do his best. I’m sure he will be fit for the position. I’m looking forward to your early reply.


  Wang Lin

高中英语作文应用 篇五

  Dear Mr.King,

  I am giving Miss Wang Yu,a classmate of mine,this note of introduction to you and Mrs.King,when she goes to visit London.

  Miss Wang is my good friend

.She is invited by a university to study there for a fewmonths.She is a kind young lady,and I believe you will enjoy meeting and knowing each other and become friend

s soon.She has neverbeen abroad,so it is my hope that you will kindly invite her to stay in your house fora few days,

  Thank you for your kindness.

  Sincerely yours,


高中英语作文应用 篇六

  In our modern life, plenty of people now are having the problem of obesity. Why? They don’t have a good habit of eating. People are busy working and get no time to slow down and enjoy their meal, so they always choose fast food which we still can call it junk food. So people become fat and get no time to do some exercises.

  In my opinion, people should pay more attention to healthy eating. They should eat food which contains low calorie and are healthy to our body such as vegetables and fruits. Only in this way, can we have a healthy body.


