
时间:2018-04-02 08:29:35
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不足与收获的范文英语 篇一

Title: Challenges and Lessons Learned in My English Writing Journey


Learning English as a second language has been an exciting yet challenging journey for me. Throughout this process, I have encountered numerous obstacles and faced several shortcomings. However, these challenges have provided me with valuable lessons and helped me grow as a writer. In this essay, I will discuss the main difficulties I faced and the lessons I learned from them.


1. Lack of Vocabulary:

One of the major challenges I faced in my English writing journey was the limited vocabulary. Initially, I struggled to find appropriate words to express my thoughts and ideas. This led to repetitive and monotonous writing. To overcome this obstacle, I started reading extensively in English and making a list of new words. Additionally, I used online resources and language learning apps to expand my vocabulary. This experience taught me the importance of continuous learning and the necessity of a wide range of vocabulary to enhance my writing skills.

2. Grammar and Sentence Structure:

Another significant challenge I encountered was the lack of grammatical accuracy and proper sentence structure. English grammar rules seemed complex and confusing to me, which resulted in frequent errors in my writing. To address this issue, I sought guidance from English tutors and enrolled in grammar courses. I also practiced writing and editing my work regularly, focusing on improving my sentence structure. This experience taught me the importance of attention to detail and the need for continuous practice to master grammar and sentence construction.

3. Coherence and Organization:

Maintaining coherence and organization in my writing was another weakness I identified. My ideas often seemed scattered and lacked a logical flow, making it difficult for readers to follow my arguments. To improve in this aspect, I started outlining my essays before writing them. This helped me establish a clear structure and maintain coherence throughout my work. I also learned the significance of transitional words and phrases to connect ideas smoothly. This experience taught me the value of planning and organization in effective writing.


Despite the challenges I faced in my English writing journey, each obstacle provided me with valuable lessons. Through expanding my vocabulary, improving grammar and sentence structure, and enhancing coherence and organization, I have grown as a writer. This journey has taught me perseverance, the importance of continuous learning, and the significance of practice. I am grateful for these experiences as they have shaped me into a more skilled and confident writer.

Word Count: 400 words

不足与收获的范文英语 篇二

Title: Overcoming Writing Challenges and Gaining Confidence in English


As a non-native English speaker, writing in English has been a challenging task for me. However, with every obstacle I faced, I gained valuable experiences and learned important lessons. In this essay, I will discuss the main shortcomings I encountered and the lessons I learned along the way.


1. Lack of Fluency:

One of the significant challenges I faced in my English writing journey was the lack of fluency. Expressing my thoughts and ideas in a coherent and flowing manner was difficult. To overcome this obstacle, I started practicing free writing exercises and journaling in English. This helped me develop a natural flow of words and improved my overall fluency. I also read extensively in English to expose myself to different writing styles and gain inspiration for my own work. This experience taught me the importance of regular practice and exposure to improve fluency in writing.

2. Cultural Differences:

Writing in English also presented challenges related to cultural differences. English writing often requires understanding and incorporating cultural norms and references that may be unfamiliar to non-native speakers. To address this issue, I actively engaged in cultural exchange activities and interacted with English speakers from different backgrounds. This helped me gain a deeper understanding of cultural nuances and enabled me to write more effectively for an English-speaking audience. This experience taught me the importance of cultural sensitivity and the need to adapt my writing style accordingly.

3. Lack of Confidence:

A common struggle for many non-native English writers is a lack of confidence in their abilities. I often doubted my ideas and hesitated to express myself fully. To overcome this challenge, I joined writing workshops and shared my work with peers and mentors. Their constructive feedback and encouragement boosted my confidence and motivated me to continue improving. This experience taught me the value of seeking feedback and the importance of self-belief in becoming a better writer.


Throughout my English writing journey, I encountered various challenges that tested my skills and determination. However, each obstacle provided me with important lessons and helped me grow as a writer. By improving fluency, understanding cultural differences, and gaining confidence, I have become more proficient in expressing myself in English. This journey has taught me the importance of practice, cultural sensitivity, and self-belief. I am grateful for these experiences as they have not only enhanced my English writing skills but also enriched my overall personal and professional development.

Word Count: 400 words

不足与收获的范文英语 篇三

With the development of science and technology, knowledge seems to play an important role in life and work. It is necessary for our students to conquer it. Parents hope that we can make up for our shortcomings through extracurricular activities.

Many parents think that what students should do is to learn all the time. In my opinion, they only need to spend a little time to relax themselves. They have studied for a whole semester.

Students are eager to self renew and prepare for the next semester. Only students are good at taking a positive method, they can learn effectively instead of seeking Contribute to extracurricular activities. Therefore, it is better for parents to encourage their children to relax themselves properly, believing that students will make great progress.




不足与收获的范文英语 篇四









不足与收获的范文英语 篇五







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