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关于大学课程作文英语范文 篇一

Title: The Importance of a Well-rounded University Curriculum


A well-rounded university curriculum is essential for students to acquire a comprehensive education. It not only helps students gain knowledge and skills in their chosen field of study but also provides them with a broad understanding of various subjects. This essay will discuss the importance of a well-rounded university curriculum and how it prepares students for future success.

Body Paragraphs:

1. Enhances critical thinking: A diverse curriculum exposes students to different perspectives and ideas. This encourages critical thinking and helps them develop the ability to analyze and evaluate information. By studying subjects such as philosophy, sociology, and literature, students learn to think critically and make informed decisions.

2. Fosters creativity: A well-rounded curriculum includes courses in arts, music, and literature. These subjects stimulate creativity and imagination, which are essential skills in today's rapidly changing world. By exploring different forms of expression, students can enhance their creativity and develop innovative ideas.

3. Promotes cultural understanding: A diverse curriculum introduces students to different cultures and societies. By studying subjects like history, anthropology, and foreign languages, students gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for different cultures. This promotes tolerance, empathy, and the ability to collaborate with people from diverse backgrounds.

4. Develops well-rounded individuals: A university curriculum that includes a variety of subjects helps students become well-rounded individuals. By studying science, mathematics, and technology, students gain analytical and problem-solving skills. At the same time, subjects like literature, philosophy, and psychology contribute to their personal growth and emotional intelligence.

5. Enhances career prospects: A well-rounded education not only equips students with specific knowledge and skills but also prepares them for a wide range of career paths. Employers value candidates who possess a broad knowledge base and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. A diverse curriculum provides students with transferable skills that are highly sought after in the job market.


In conclusion, a well-rounded university curriculum plays a vital role in shaping the intellectual and personal development of students. It enhances critical thinking, fosters creativity, promotes cultural understanding, and prepares students for future career success. Therefore, universities should strive to offer a diverse range of subjects to ensure that students receive a comprehensive education.

关于大学课程作文英语范文 篇二

Title: The Need for Practical Skills in University Curricula


In today's competitive job market, possessing practical skills is essential for success. While theoretical knowledge is important, practical skills are equally crucial. This essay will discuss the importance of practical skills in university curricula and how they prepare students for the real world.

Body Paragraphs:

1. Bridging the gap between academia and industry: University curricula should include practical skills to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world applications. Practical skills such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork are highly valued by employers and are essential for career success.

2. Enhancing employability: Practical skills make graduates more employable. Employers seek candidates who not only possess theoretical knowledge but also have the ability to apply that knowledge in practical settings. By incorporating internships, hands-on projects, and practical training into the curriculum, universities can enhance students' employability.

3. Developing critical skills: Practical skills such as critical thinking, decision-making, and time management are crucial for success in any field. By engaging in practical activities, students learn to think critically, make informed decisions, and manage their time effectively. These skills are transferable and can be applied in various professional settings.

4. Cultivating entrepreneurship: Practical skills are essential for aspiring entrepreneurs. Students with practical skills are more likely to start their own businesses and contribute to economic growth. By incorporating entrepreneurship courses, universities can foster innovation and encourage students to explore their entrepreneurial potential.

5. Building confidence: Practical skills help students build confidence in their abilities. Through practical experiences, students can apply what they have learned, gain confidence in their skills, and develop a sense of self-efficacy. This confidence will benefit them in their future careers and personal lives.


In conclusion, practical skills are indispensable in university curricula as they bridge the gap between academia and industry, enhance employability, develop critical skills, cultivate entrepreneurship, and build confidence. It is crucial for universities to incorporate practical elements into their curricula to ensure that students are well-prepared for the challenges of the real world. By doing so, universities can contribute to the success and growth of their graduates.

关于大学课程作文英语范文 篇三

Should collage students get merried?

there is a newly dissension putting forward these days: is it legally allowed for chinese on-campus students to get married before they complete their courses? some people prefer xxxyesxxx while some others prefer xxxnoxxx. certainly a large number of people just cannot decide which side they should be stand.

in fact, the governments allow on-campus students to get married before they complete their course. there isn t a regulation proclaimed in writing to forbid marriage of on-campus students. but it must affect those my opinion, it is unnecessary to forbid on-campus students to get married before they finished their college, however, it shouldn t be advocated or encouraged. because, for on-campus students, their play the role as learners. their main task is to learn. if they married, their school work must be affected and they may not graduate favorably or may not be capable for future works. so, i believe: almost all on-campus students would deal with the question reasoningly .

关于大学课程作文英语范文 篇四

When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben, the famous clock which can be heard all over the world on the . If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have been erected. Big Ben takes its name from Sir Benjamin Hall who was responsible for the making of the clock when the new Houses of Parliament were being built. It is not only of immense size, but is extremely accurate as well. Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day. On the . you can hear the clock when it is actually striking because microphones are connected to the clock tower. Big Ben has rarely gone wrong. Once, however, it failed to give the correct time.

A painter who had been working on the tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down!

关于大学课程作文英语范文 篇五

The first time in life? Then grasp your chance with your perfect performance on the dating night, by learning the following principle in heart.

Dress properly. While everyone wants to give an impressive debut on the first date, you should avoid wearing something too bizarre to be accepted. If you are still in school, a sportswear can fulfill your purpose. For businessman or grownups, casual clothes are recommended. Never put up your working uniforms,no matter how well you

like that Armani suit. It is no work. A few accessories such as a pair of sunglasses or silver loops on the wrist can add up to the romance sphere.

Take a bath before dating. And if you like, spray a little perfume, but unless you're sure that he or she likes the smell,don't use ones that are too strong.

Watch your manner. You're no prince of the Scotland nor Cinderella in the legend. Proper manners will ensure a

lasting relationship while bad ones scare away your sweetheart. And do make sure you do not boast about your fortune, for, not everyone are green addicts. And your way of smiling, or your greatestoath, should neither be xxxcoyxxx nor xxxby St. Loy!xxx after the nun in Chaucer.

Be a little sensitive than merely innocent. Do make sure you do not intrude his or her privacy on the first date. For

关于大学课程作文英语范文 篇六

The newly-coined word xxxonline educationxxx may by no means sound strange to most people. During the past several years, hundreds of online education colleges have sprung up around China.

Why could online education be so popular in such a short period of time? For one thing, If we want to catch up with the development and the great pace of modern society, we all should possess an urgent and strong desire to study, while most people nowadays are under so enormous pressures that they can hardly have time and energy to study full time at school. Furthermore, online education enables them to save a great deal of time on the way spent on the way between home and school. Last but not least, the quick development of internet,which makes possible all our dreams of attending class on the net,should also be another critical reason.

Personally, I appreciate this new form of education. Its indeed a helpful complement to the traditional educational means. It can provide different learn

ers with more flexible and various ways to learn. Most of all, through online education, we can stick to our jobs and at the same time study and absorb the latest knowledge.

College students Join The Army(大学生参军)

Its a good option for college students to join the army. Army is the important constitution in a country. Nowadays, many college students prefer to be soldiers. Why?

Firstly, there are many preferential policies for college students to join the army, such as tuition waiver, wage subsidy. Whats more, I consider join the army can strengthen our mind. In my opinion, its the most important reason to join the army. Whatever you are a student or others, two years training can build a strong body, too.

I want to join the army. My family is delighted to my decision. Because I want to be a great and strong woman and change my images in front of my friends. More importantly, I would like to experience the army life; I think it will be a colorful moment in my whole life.





