
时间:2019-06-08 07:43:45
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老师推荐的英语报道范文 篇一

The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers


In today's digital age, social media has become an integral part of teenagers' lives. It has revolutionized the way young people communicate, share information, and express themselves. However, this widespread use of social media has both positive and negative effects on teenagers' well-being and development.


1. Enhancing Connectivity:

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat allow teenagers to connect with friends and family from all over the world. It helps them maintain relationships, exchange ideas, and support each other. This increased connectivity can foster a sense of belonging and help teenagers develop social skills.

2. Expanding Knowledge:

Social media is a treasure trove of information, providing teenagers with access to a vast amount of knowledge and diverse perspectives. Platforms like YouTube and Twitter enable them to follow experts, influencers, and educational channels, expanding their horizons and encouraging lifelong learning.

3. Promoting Creativity:

Teenagers can showcase their creativity and talents on social media platforms. They can express themselves through art, photography, music, and writing, gaining recognition and appreciation from their peers. This can boost their self-esteem and motivate them to pursue their passions.

4. Influencing Mental Health:

While social media offers numerous benefits, it can also negatively impact teenagers' mental health. Constant exposure to carefully curated and idealized versions of others' lives can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. Cyberbullying and online harassment are prevalent issues that can cause anxiety and depression among teenagers.

5. Disturbing Sleep Patterns:

The addictive nature of social media can disrupt teenagers' sleep patterns. Late-night scrolling and notifications can interfere with their ability to fall asleep and get enough rest. This lack of sleep can have detrimental effects on their academic performance, mood, and overall well-being.


Social media is a double-edged sword for teenagers. It offers opportunities for connectivity, knowledge sharing, and self-expression. However, it also poses risks to mental health and sleep patterns. It is crucial for teenagers to use social media responsibly, maintaining a healthy balance between online and offline activities.

老师推荐的英语报道范文 篇二

The Importance of Physical Education in Schools


In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the decline in physical activity among children and teenagers. Physical education (PE) classes in schools play a crucial role in promoting physical fitness, teaching important skills, and instilling healthy habits that can last a lifetime.


1. Promoting Physical Fitness:

Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining good health and preventing chronic diseases. PE classes provide students with opportunities to engage in various forms of exercise, such as team sports, individual activities, and fitness routines. These classes help improve cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility, and overall physical fitness.

2. Developing Motor Skills:

Physical education helps children and teenagers develop fundamental motor skills, such as running, jumping, throwing, and catching. These skills form the foundation for more complex movements and athletic abilities. By learning and practicing these skills in PE classes, students can enhance their coordination, balance, and agility.

3. Fostering Teamwork and Cooperation:

Team sports and group activities in PE classes teach students the value of teamwork, cooperation, and sportsmanship. They learn how to work together, communicate effectively, and support each other towards a common goal. These skills are transferable to other aspects of life, such as school projects, work, and relationships.

4. Promoting Mental Well-being:

Engaging in physical activity has been proven to have positive effects on mental well-being. PE classes provide students with a break from academic pressures and a chance to release stress and tension. Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins, which can improve mood, reduce anxiety, and enhance overall mental health.

5. Instilling Healthy Habits:

PE classes play a vital role in educating students about the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. They learn about the benefits of exercise, proper nutrition, and the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle. By instilling these healthy habits at a young age, PE classes can help prevent obesity and promote lifelong wellness.


Physical education classes are essential for the overall well-being and development of children and teenagers. They not only promote physical fitness but also teach important life skills such as teamwork, cooperation, and healthy habits. It is crucial for schools to prioritize and invest in quality PE programs to ensure the well-being of their students.

老师推荐的英语报道范文 篇三

Mr. or Ms. 1Dear: I'd like to recommend John to you.

He hopes to go to your university for postgraduate studies. John graduated from the Physics Department of Nankai University and passed mathematics and all the major physics courses with honors. John intends to continue his further study.

I think he is qualified to study general physics, especially electronics in your university. I know that he is a very promising student. If you can give John a chance to study in your university, Professor Li, Professor Li, I would like to thank you for your recommendation.

Through your introduction, we can learn more about John John is a very good graduate student. He is not only recommended by you, but also recommended by experts in this field. If you have specific matters, we decide to enroll him.

Please contact us. We hope you can recommend more excellent students to us. I hope you can make greater progress in your future work.

I wish you all the best, Mr. whitedale and Professor Li. Thank you for recommending John to our university for postgraduate education through your and his own recommendation and some documents.

We know that John is a good researcher and I believe he will make greater progress in his research work. I am writing this letter to confirm that if you write a letter of recommendation from you, whether it is from you or not, please confirm and thank you for your cooperation. We really appreciate your cooperation and sincerely wish you success in your work, Mr.



1Dear先生或女士:我想很高兴向您推荐约翰,他希望到贵校攻读研究生。约翰毕业于南开大学物理系,并以优异成绩通过了数学和所有主要物理课程的学习。约翰打算继续深造,我认为他是有资格在贵校攻读普通物理,特别是电子学的研究生,我知道他是一个很有前途的学生,如果你能给约翰一个机会在贵校学习,李教授,李教授,李教授,非常感谢您的推荐,通过您的介绍,我们进一步了解到John John是一个非常好的研究生,他不仅得到您的推荐,还得到了该领域专家的推荐,如果您有具体的事情,我们决定将他录取,请与我们联系,我们希望您能向我们推荐更多优秀的学生,我希望您能在未来的工作中取得更大的进步。


老师推荐的英语报道范文 篇四

Dear Mr. / MS: as a teacher of xxx school, I am writing to recommend Miss XX to help you evaluate whether her / his application has been accepted into your project, and considering that her / his financial aid is considered to be a promising student, her / his ideas are very creative and mature, (she / he is developing a database management system with me as the main leader) This subsystem is designed for the material information management of no foundry in Dongfeng Automobile factory. She / she has read many books on software engineering and has taken courses in database principle and management.

She was deeply aware that the design of database management system determines the quality of the whole software system. She tried her best from the beginning of the project, from the ysis of user needs to the design of the whole system, from the detailed design. In the final programming process, she was calm headed, every step was full of innovation, full use of her ability and creativity, and she firmly focused on her goal Ignoring all the interference, she successfully achieved her goal in the final software test, only found some defects in her subsystem.

Therefore, her talents have been proved to be a very graceful woman, friendly and helpful, and she has always been a team player in her work. If you need any further information during the deliberation process, I would appreciate it if you could give her favorable consideration to her application for your doctoral degree. Please feel free to contact mesincerellyxxx.


老师推荐的英语报道范文 篇五

Dear Sir or Madam,

A teacher of Advertising and Marketing, Im very pleased to recommend to you a student like Ms Li, who has a strong interest and great potential in marketing management, and her pursuit of further studies in marketing management under your MBA program.

Ms Li impressed me the most for her strong interest in marketing. In both the courses Fundamentals of Advertising and Marketing Communication I taught, her grades are the highest in her class. After conclusion of the two courses, she has continued to study from me Marketing Communication, an emerging branch of study in China. Besides what is taught in class, she often discusses with me various problems in marketing she has met in her internship and practice and tries to find solutions together with me. During her internship at an insurance company, she successfully designed a new marketing model for the company with her knowledge and insightful understanding of the business. I believe her strong interest and ability will be critical for her further achievement in this area.

Ms Li is very imaginative and innovative in her study and work. This is another advantage for her study and career in marketing management. I can still remember her superb performance in the conclusive phase of the course Advertising. I placed students into different groups and required each group to design a marketing solution for classroom demonstration and presentation with the aid of multimedia tools. Ms Li gave us a surprisingly informative and innovative solution in her presentation on behalf of the group she led. Her speech-making skills added to the charm of her presentation. Her demonstration and presentation is the most interesting and vivid one as well as the most satisfactory one I have received in my decades of teaching career. Her oral competency is no doubt another important supporting factor for a successful career in marketing in the future.

Based on many years of teaching experience of mine, Ms Li is a marketing management talent with great potential. I fully support her choice to study abroad. Your outstanding MBA education system and rich experience will provide a most beneficial environment for her to bring into full play her potential in marketing management. Frankly speaking, China started late in its study in marketing management. Our theoretical system is still far behind those of developed countries in the world and lacks integrity. The course Marketing Communication I spearheaded in the Guangzhou region is the latest effort in China for study and development of modern business theories. However, Im fully aware at the same time that the course still calls for further improvement, . incorporation of more high-profile and realistic cases that are badly needed in China today. Therefore, I do hope that Ms Li will continue with her study of and research in marketing communication in the future and introduce the latest achievements in the world to China.

Yours Faithfully


老师推荐的英语报道范文 篇六

Dear Colleagues

I take pleasure in recommending Mr. Duan Chen to your attention. Mr. Duan Chen is presently seeking an opportunity to further his graduate studies at your University, and I strongly recommend that you can consider his application seriously.

I am an associate professor from Department of Management and Economics, Tianjin University. As a head teacher, I have known him for about three years. He had three subjects under my instruction. They are Financial Market, Venture Capital and Program Evaluate Cost Management. Mr. Duan Chen is intelligent and has keen mind. I would put him at top students in his same grade. He exhibited his quantity analysis skills in financial area and had particular focus on Stock Operating Mechanism Market Capitalization Evaporation Problem. He proposed that market value evaporation was actually one kind of stock market foam, and would come to me with questions in which he had interest after class. Every discussion on these questions with him was an enjoyable experience. I was surprised at his well-organized thoughts and creative yet profound ideas.

In retrospect, Mr. Duans outstanding performance in my Venture Capital course displayed a significant level of his intellectual inquisitiveness and creative thinking. He actively participated in the discussion after class and learnt the experience from specific cases. Meanwhile, his terminal business prospectus was impressive as well. Mr. Duan was quite adaptable, and since he had been enrolled in the University, he always sat in front of the class and never been absent.

Recently, he has decided to go on with his graduate studies abroad. Im sure it would be a great challenge for him as it involves new subjects, cross-culture communications, new ways of learning, practicing and so on. However, I think the valuable experience abroad will definitely affect his advancement of knowledge and ability which will offer a great help for his future. Im sure your trust in him will not be misplaced if you ever accept his application.

Sincerely yours


