
时间:2015-01-03 02:24:35
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介绍职业的英语范文初中 篇一


An astronaut is a person who is trained to travel and work in space. They are highly skilled professionals who undertake missions to explore outer space and conduct scientific experiments. Becoming an astronaut requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and education.

To become an astronaut, one must have a strong educational background in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. Most astronauts have a degree in fields such as physics, astronomy, or aerospace engineering. They also need to have good physical health and excellent problem-solving skills.

The training to become an astronaut is rigorous and demanding. It includes both classroom instruction and hands-on practice. Astronauts learn about space shuttle systems, spacecraft operations, spacewalks, and scientific experiments conducted in space. They also undergo physical fitness training to prepare their bodies for the physical challenges of living and working in zero gravity.

Once selected for a mission, astronauts undergo additional training specific to their mission objectives. They learn to operate the spacecraft and its systems, perform spacewalks, and conduct scientific experiments. They also train for emergency situations that may arise during their mission.

During a mission, astronauts may spend several months living and working on the International Space Station (ISS). They conduct experiments, maintain the spacecraft, and perform spacewalks to repair and upgrade equipment. They also communicate with mission control on Earth and participate in scientific research projects.

Being an astronaut is an incredibly rewarding career, but it also comes with risks and challenges. Astronauts have to deal with long periods of isolation, physical discomfort, and the dangers of space travel. However, the opportunity to explore and discover the mysteries of the universe makes it all worthwhile.

In conclusion, astronauts are highly skilled professionals who undertake missions to explore outer space and conduct scientific research. Becoming an astronaut requires a strong educational background, physical fitness, and problem-solving skills. It is a challenging career but offers the unique opportunity to explore the vastness of space and contribute to scientific knowledge.

介绍职业的英语范文初中 篇二


A teacher is a person who educates and guides students in acquiring knowledge, skills, and values. They play a crucial role in shaping the future of society by imparting knowledge and instilling a love for learning in their students. Teaching is a rewarding and fulfilling profession that requires passion, patience, and dedication.

To become a teacher, one must have a strong educational background. Most teachers have a bachelor's degree in education or a specific subject area. They also need to complete a teacher training program and obtain a teaching license. Additionally, teachers continue to engage in professional development throughout their careers to stay updated with the latest teaching methods and practices.

Teachers work in various settings, including elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and universities. They are responsible for planning and delivering lessons, assessing students' progress, and providing feedback. They create a supportive and inclusive learning environment where students feel comfortable and motivated to learn.

In addition to teaching academic subjects, teachers also play a crucial role in shaping students' character and values. They teach important life skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork. They promote creativity, curiosity, and a love for learning. Teachers also act as mentors and role models, guiding students towards personal and academic success.

Being a teacher requires patience, as educators often face challenges and obstacles in the classroom. They need to adapt their teaching methods to meet the diverse needs of their students and ensure that every student has the opportunity to succeed. Teachers also need strong communication and interpersonal skills to effectively engage with students, parents, and colleagues.

Although teaching can be demanding and stressful at times, it is a highly rewarding profession. The joy of seeing students grow and succeed is priceless. Teachers have the power to make a positive impact on their students' lives and shape the future of society.

In conclusion, teachers are individuals who educate and guide students in acquiring knowledge, skills, and values. They play a crucial role in shaping the future of society by imparting knowledge and instilling a love for learning. Teaching requires a strong educational background, passion, patience, and dedication. It is a rewarding profession that offers the opportunity to make a positive impact on students' lives.

介绍职业的英语范文初中 篇三


sandy lin 15/f,tower2 ,bright china,building1,beijing.

career objective

efficient supervisor seeks a team leader position to help increase productivity and meet or exceed company goals.

background summary

extensive and persified supervisory experience in computer,office furniture,and boat manufacturing effective in increasing productivity and ability to learn new skills to supervise new departments without prior experience and meet production motivate interpersonal reputation for honesty and placed in a position of trust.

summary of accomplishments

supervised the start-up of second shift shipping new employees,reached full capacity while maintaining quality and production goals.

instructed quality development courses.

participated in upgrading assembly systems at lennon and epstein systems.

consistently met and/or surpassed production same day shipping of orders.

participated with lennon management team in the move of logistics,service operations from to winona cash achievement award for this project.

operated computerized warehouse management,inventory control and order processing systems.

researched requirements and supervised the development of a high-tech paint laboratory including procurement and staffing.

planned,arranged and supervised rework groups which traveled to on-site locations to perform engineering repairs and other problem-solving activities.

supervised development of new preassembled components of cabin cruisers at howell boat company.

consistently built and maintained strong relationships with vendors and customers through close and effective communication.

supervised,scheduled and coordinated production of four departments in a metal fabrication operation.


since candidate has held six jobs as production supervisor,he/she chooses not to repeat same job description six times.

instead,candidate summarizes work history under“summary of accomplishments”.

介绍职业的英语范文初中 篇四

Miss Li is my Chinese teacher. She is about 30 years old. She is very beautiful and young.

Her hair is brown and curly. She always wears a blue coat. I think her favorite color is blue.

Miss Li is very friendly and her class is very interesting. We all like Chinese class. She always smiles when she talks to us.

Sometimes she is very strict with us. When we make mistakes, she often lets us We stand up, Miss Li often insists on class when she is ill. She looks very weak, but she is still very beautiful.

Miss Li loves us very much. She teaches us very seriously. I think she is a good teacher for all of us.

I also love her. I think the teacher is like a candle. She lights others by burning herself.



介绍职业的英语范文初中 篇五

Hospital leaders and medical staff at all levels:

We are XXX patients' families, my mother had cancer, and a series of diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, many times in your school, under the careful treatment and care of medical personnel, several have turned the corner. Here, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your family's sincere thanks to all the doctors and all the medical staff.

In my mother during the long-term hospitalization, general department all the staff, with highly responsible spirit, tireless work, time and time again for inspection, treatment, timely relieve, stabilized the mother's illness. We are deeply moved by their devotion to their work and their caring for their mother and mother.

In particular, the attending physician, Dr. Liu, formulated appropriate treatment plans for the disease of the family mother; At the same time, the trouble to again and again to ask my mother and our feelings, careful diagnosis, explains the progress of the disease in great detail to us, ”urges us notice at ordinary times, we feel very cordial. Doctor liu treats patient patient meticulous, treatment prescription is rigorous, comprehensive, operation action is gentle, minimize the pain of family mother. She wants the patient to think, the urgent patient's urgent, to treat the patient such as the family, his amiable manner, the thoughtful words have given us a long-lost comfort.

As the patient's family, a simple thank you is not enough to express our gratitude; As a family member of cancer patients, it is a relief for us to meet such a fine doctor and a noble doctor! At this moment, we have too much moved, too much gratitude, too many respects cannot be mentioned.

Finally, please allow us to express our sincere thanks to your hospital and all medical staff on behalf of the whole family. With a deep salute! On the occasion of the New Year, I would like to wish you all the leadership of the hospital and all the health care workers.


介绍职业的英语范文初中 篇六

My ideal is to be a teacher.

I like the teacher, how great, loving heart, how much knowledge! Slowly, I began to fall in love with love from teachers, teacher that line of work. I want to become a glorious teachers. The teacher to teach students knowledge, teach students the truth in life, to encourage the students to grow, so many stars, professors, experts and leaders, are teachers trained. See our school teachers working hard, he warmly care for us, and we learn together, work, the teacher is just like our parents.

I think I will achieve the ideal.





