
时间:2017-05-06 05:21:21
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患者牙疼医生英语范文初中 篇一

Title: The Patient with Toothache


Toothache is a common dental problem that many people experience. When a patient visits a dentist with toothache, it is important for the dentist to provide appropriate care and treatment. This article will discuss the steps a dentist should take when treating a patient with toothache.


1. Examination and Diagnosis:

- The dentist should begin by conducting a thorough examination of the patient's mouth and teeth.

- They should ask the patient about the duration and intensity of the toothache, as well as any accompanying symptoms.

- By visually inspecting and using dental instruments, the dentist can identify the cause of the toothache, such as dental decay, gum disease, or a cracked tooth.

2. Pain Management:

- The dentist should prioritize relieving the patient's pain.

- This can be done by prescribing pain medication or applying a local anesthetic to numb the area.

- The dentist may also recommend the patient to rinse their mouth with warm saltwater to reduce inflammation and provide temporary relief.

3. Treatment Options:

- Once the dentist has diagnosed the cause of the toothache, they can discuss treatment options with the patient.

- This may include procedures such as fillings, root canal therapy, or tooth extraction, depending on the severity of the problem.

- The dentist should explain the benefits, risks, and potential costs of each treatment option to the patient.

4. Prevention and Oral Hygiene:

- After treating the toothache, the dentist should educate the patient about the importance of oral hygiene.

- They should emphasize the need for regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups to prevent future dental problems.

- The dentist may also provide specific instructions on how to maintain oral health, such as recommending fluoride toothpaste or mouthwash.


When a patient visits a dentist with toothache, the dentist plays a crucial role in providing effective care and treatment. By conducting a thorough examination, managing pain, discussing treatment options, and promoting oral hygiene, the dentist can help alleviate the patient's toothache and prevent future dental problems.

Word count: 291

患者牙疼医生英语范文初中 篇二

Title: Caring for the Patient with Toothache


When a patient presents with toothache, it is important for the dentist to not only provide appropriate treatment but also offer emotional support. This article will discuss the importance of empathy and communication when caring for a patient with toothache.


1. Active Listening:

- The dentist should actively listen to the patient's concerns and complaints about their toothache.

- By giving the patient their full attention and showing empathy, the dentist can establish a trusting and supportive relationship.

- This will help the patient feel more comfortable and confident in the dentist's care.

2. Explanation and Education:

- The dentist should explain the cause of the toothache in simple terms, ensuring that the patient understands the diagnosis.

- They should also educate the patient about the treatment options available and the expected outcomes.

- By providing clear explanations, the dentist can help alleviate the patient's anxiety and empower them to make informed decisions about their dental care.

3. Gentle and Compassionate Care:

- The dentist should provide gentle and compassionate care when treating the patient's toothache.

- They should take their time and be patient with the patient's discomfort.

- A calm and reassuring manner can help alleviate the patient's fear and anxiety during the treatment process.

4. Follow-up and Support:

- After the initial treatment, the dentist should schedule a follow-up appointment to ensure the patient's toothache has been resolved.

- They should also provide contact information for emergencies or further questions.

- This shows the patient that the dentist cares about their well-being and is available for support.


Caring for a patient with toothache involves more than just providing treatment. By actively listening, explaining and educating, providing gentle care, and offering follow-up support, the dentist can demonstrate empathy and build a strong patient-dentist relationship. This not only helps alleviate the patient's toothache but also contributes to their overall satisfaction with their dental experience.

Word count: 282

患者牙疼医生英语范文初中 篇三

Dear Mr. / Ms. XXX, I am writing to you because I need to take a day off.

I have a stomachache. My mother took me to see a doctor this morning. The doctor prescribed me some medicine to let me stay at home for one day.

The attachment is the doctor's diagnosis and sick leave certificate. Please see if there is any handout or homework. Can you keep it for me? I will pick up the teacher for you when I go back to school.

I have something to tell you I'm sorry that I can't attend the American history lecture tomorrow afternoon, because I'm going to meet my uncle at the airport. Can you understand that the teacher will have a recording and I'm going to cram school.



患者牙疼医生英语范文初中 篇四

Now many people do not pay attention to protect their teeth, because of this, most people have toothache and other diseases, therefore, we must do three points of health. First, we can brush our teeth twice, gargle after lunch, we must eat a small amount of sugar and dessert, especially the last, when the teeth are sick, we must see the doctor in time. If we ignore this, we will have a bad impact on our health.



患者牙疼医生英语范文初中 篇五

Here are some tips when you have a sore throat. First of all, you should drink more water, because water can make your throat clear and comfortable. Better take some medicine and say less.

If it's serious, you should see a doctor. Fruit is always a good food, when you have a stream of saliva, it can make you feel better, it contains a lot of useful vitamins, which keep you away from others, in case of pflu infection, and get rest, rather than go out to make it sick. When you have toothache, you can't eat too much food.

You need to see a doctor and take the right medicine and water to have a good day.




患者牙疼医生英语范文初中 篇六

He lowered the chair six inches. My sister had a toothache on holiday in San Francisco. When she found herself on the fourth floor of a skyscraper, the two walls of the office were made of glass.

Susan sat on the examining table. When the dentist came in, he held tightly to both sides of the chair and asked, xxxare you always so nervous?xxx.





