
时间:2013-06-04 07:11:18
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英语配音大赛英文作文范文 篇一

The Importance of English Dubbing Competition

English dubbing competition is an event that allows participants to showcase their skills in voice acting and English language proficiency. It serves as a platform for individuals to improve their pronunciation, intonation, and overall communication skills. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of English dubbing competitions and how they contribute to personal and professional development.

Firstly, English dubbing competitions provide participants with an opportunity to enhance their pronunciation skills. The process of dubbing requires actors to accurately reproduce the speech patterns and accents of the original characters. This task demands precise articulation and a keen ear for phonetics. Through practice and training, participants can develop a better understanding of the English language's nuances and improve their pronunciation skills.

Furthermore, English dubbing competitions allow participants to improve their intonation and expression. Voice actors must convey the emotions and intentions of the characters they are dubbing. This requires them to modulate their voice, emphasizing certain words or phrases to reflect the character's feelings accurately. By participating in dubbing competitions, individuals can refine their ability to express emotions through their voice and develop a better sense of intonation.

Moreover, English dubbing competitions promote teamwork and collaboration. In many cases, participants are required to work in groups to dub a scene from a movie or TV show. This collaborative effort encourages participants to communicate effectively with their teammates, share ideas, and work towards a common goal. Through this process, participants can develop their interpersonal and teamwork skills, which are highly valued in professional settings.

Finally, English dubbing competitions offer a platform for individuals to showcase their talent and gain recognition. Successful participants may attract the attention of industry professionals, which can open doors to potential career opportunities in voice acting or related fields. Even for those who do not pursue a career in the field, participating in dubbing competitions can improve their confidence, public speaking skills, and overall self-expression.

In conclusion, English dubbing competitions play a crucial role in enhancing participants' pronunciation, intonation, and communication skills. They provide a platform for individuals to showcase their talents, promote teamwork and collaboration, and offer potential career opportunities. Engaging in dubbing competitions can contribute significantly to personal and professional development, making them an essential event for those interested in voice acting and the English language.

英语配音大赛英文作文范文 篇二

The Benefits of English Dubbing Competitions

English dubbing competitions are not only entertaining but also offer several benefits to participants. These competitions serve as a platform for individuals to improve their English language skills, gain confidence in public speaking, and showcase their talent. In this essay, we will discuss the benefits of English dubbing competitions and how they contribute to personal growth.

Firstly, English dubbing competitions provide participants with an opportunity to improve their English language skills. Dubbing requires individuals to accurately reproduce the dialogue of the original characters in a foreign language. This task demands a strong command of the English language, including vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. By participating in dubbing competitions, individuals can practice and enhance their English language skills, leading to improved overall proficiency.

Secondly, English dubbing competitions help participants gain confidence in public speaking. These competitions often require participants to perform in front of an audience, which can be intimidating for some. However, through practice and exposure, individuals can overcome their fear and develop confidence in their ability to express themselves in English. This newfound confidence can be beneficial in various aspects of life, such as giving presentations, participating in interviews, or engaging in public speaking events.

Furthermore, English dubbing competitions offer a platform for participants to showcase their talent. Voice acting requires individuals to bring characters to life through their voice and acting skills. These competitions provide an opportunity for participants to demonstrate their abilities in front of judges and potentially gain recognition. This recognition can open doors to potential career opportunities in the field of voice acting or related industries.

Moreover, English dubbing competitions foster creativity and self-expression. Participants are often given the freedom to interpret and portray characters as they see fit. This allows individuals to showcase their creativity and unique interpretation of the characters' personalities. Through this process, participants can develop their self-expression skills and explore their artistic side.

Lastly, English dubbing competitions promote cultural exchange and appreciation. Participants are often required to dub scenes from foreign movies or TV shows, exposing them to different cultures and languages. This exposure not only helps participants improve their language skills but also fosters a greater understanding and appreciation of other cultures. This cultural exchange can broaden participants' horizons and contribute to their personal growth.

In conclusion, English dubbing competitions offer several benefits to participants, including improved English language skills, increased confidence in public speaking, talent recognition, creativity, and cultural exchange. Engaging in these competitions can contribute significantly to personal growth and development. Therefore, they are highly recommended for individuals interested in voice acting, language learning, and self-expression.

英语配音大赛英文作文范文 篇三















英语配音大赛英文作文范文 篇四

Good afternoon, teachers! I`m very happy to introduce myself here. I`m Scott. My Chinese name is XXX. I`m 13. I`m from Class1 Grade 6 of TongPu Primary School. I have many hobbies, such as playing ping-pon

g, playing badminton, listening to music, reading magazines and so on. My favourite food is chicken. It`s tasty and yummy. So I`m very strong. I`m a naughty boy. I always play tricks. And I just like staying in my room and reading books. But I have a dream, I want to be a car-designer. Because I`m a car is me. Please remember SunZijing! Thank you very much!

英语配音大赛英文作文范文 篇五













4月10日进行 “浙江交通职业技术学院首届英语写作大赛”决赛。决赛试卷由“全国高职高专英语写作大赛”组委会命题,由商务英语教研室组织评卷,并按比例设立奖项,具体参照“奖项设置”。获特等奖选手将代表学院参加“浙江省高职高专英语写作比赛”。













题型 体裁 字数 分值 题量 命题作文 应用文(便条、邀请函及回函、通知、简短私人和业务信函、简短传真和电子邮件、简短广告、简短产品与厂家介绍、简短产品使用说明等) 不少于100词 40% 1 看图画或图表作文,给出关键词、段首句、规定情景、提纲或围绕某一主题等作文 不限 不少于350词



题型 体裁 字数 分值 题量 命题作文 应用文(根据已提供的信息,如图表、概括性说明等撰写报告、信函、内容较丰富的广告、使用说明等) 不少于200词 40% 1 根据已给关键词、段首句、规定情景、提纲或围绕某一主题等作文 不限 不少于350词 60% 1



2. 比赛时间和地点 初赛:3月25日(周四)傍晚17:30-19:30,第四教学楼b701(英语专业组),第四教学楼c601(公共英语组)。 决赛:4月10日(周六)具体时间地点另行通知。



2. 分院优秀组织奖1项。

英语配音大赛英文作文范文 篇六

Good morning.

Today,I would like to share a local news with 's about a 17-year-old young man who lost his left hand when making a bomb inside his flat in Tin Shui bomb exploded unexpectedly while he was holding tually,the teenager was sent to hospital for treatment,and the resisdents of the same building were this accident,I think the teenager should bear the greatest only,we are all keenly aware of the danger of a seems incredible that he carried out such dangerous task rtheless,we should keep thinking about yourself,about the people around you,about everything surrounding we are not living along in the world,we are connected to each if you do a little thing,it would bring a big trouble to the I think the teenager should apologize to the resisdents for startling the last,I hope he can learn from suffering serious injuries,and I also hope we will have a lesson in such unfortunate incident.


