
时间:2017-04-03 05:25:25
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商务信函标准英语范文模板 篇一

Subject: Inquiry for Product Information

Dear [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name] and I am writing on behalf of [Your Company], a [description of your company]. I came across your company while researching for potential suppliers and I am interested in learning more about your products.

Could you please provide me with the following information:

1. Product Catalog: Could you please send me a catalog or brochure that showcases your range of products? This will help me understand the variety of products you offer and their specifications.

2. Pricing: I would like to know the prices of your products, including any bulk or wholesale discounts that may be available. It would be helpful if you could provide a price list or quotation for easy reference.

3. Minimum Order Quantity: What is the minimum order quantity for your products? This information will help me determine whether it aligns with our business needs.

4. Delivery Time: How long does it typically take for orders to be delivered? We have strict timelines and it is important for us to know the expected delivery time to plan our inventory.

5. Payment Terms: What are your preferred payment terms? Do you accept credit cards or offer any financing options? Please provide details on how payments can be made.

6. Sample Availability: Is it possible to obtain samples of your products? We would like to evaluate the quality of your products before making a purchase decision.

7. Certifications and Compliance: Are your products certified or compliant with any industry standards or regulations? Please provide any relevant information in this regard.

I would appreciate it if you could please provide the requested information at your earliest convenience. Should you have any additional information that you believe would be relevant to our inquiry, please do not hesitate to include it.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

[Contact Information]

商务信函标准英语范文模板 篇二

Subject: Request for Meeting to Discuss Potential Business Partnership

Dear [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name] and I am writing on behalf of [Your Company], a [description of your company]. I have been following your company's success in the [industry] sector and I am impressed with your achievements.

I would like to explore the possibility of a potential business partnership between our two companies. I believe that by combining our expertise and resources, we can create mutually beneficial opportunities that will contribute to the growth of both our organizations.

I would like to request a meeting with you to discuss this further. During the meeting, we can explore areas of collaboration, exchange ideas, and identify potential synergies. I am confident that our companies can complement each other in terms of [specific areas of collaboration].

Please let me know your availability for a meeting in the next two weeks. I am flexible and can adjust my schedule to accommodate your availability. If a face-to-face meeting is not possible, I am also open to arranging a conference call or video conference at your convenience.

In preparation for the meeting, it would be helpful if you could provide me with any relevant information about your company, such as your current projects, business goals, and any specific areas of interest for collaboration. This will enable us to have a more focused and productive discussion.

I would like to express my sincere interest in exploring the potential of working together. I believe that our companies share similar values and a commitment to excellence, and I am confident that a partnership between us would be mutually beneficial.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response and the opportunity to meet with you.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

[Contact Information]

商务信函标准英语范文模板 篇三


(Business Writing)


? 一、正确的观念

? 1.商务信函是一种“推销”函

? 商务信函是一种常用的商业联系媒介,实际上商务信函是一种“推销”函,写信人总是在推销着什么,或是物品、或是服务等。 要写好商务信函不仅要具备相关的业务知识,掌握好法规和条款等,还应具备扎实的语言基础,熟悉信函的书写形式和行文要求。 2.商务信函的基本特点 商务信函书写的重点应放在“效率”上,应易读易懂;语气真诚、友好、客气;语言简短、朴实、自然;内容清晰、准确、具体;行文正确、完整。 3.商务信函无定律 好的信函并没有固定不变的写作模式,因人而异。写信时,应充分考虑收信方的观



? 1.“挨达”AIDA原则:在拟就一封商务信函时,应首先考虑的原则: A— Attention 注意 I— Interest 兴趣 D— Desire 意愿 A— Action行动 个“C”的行文原则 明晰Clearness 具体Concreteness 简洁Conciseness 诚意Conscientiousness 正确Correctness 个性Character 礼貌Courtesy 完整Completeness 体谅Considerateness 优美Concinnity


? 1.信头(Letterhead)

? 是指发信人所在公司的名称和地址,通常是预先印制好的,一般位于信纸的正上方。 ?

? 内容包括:电话号码、电报挂号(Cable Address)、传真(Fax)和电传(Telex)号码、信件编号或索引号码以及写信日期。 例如: 英国—— date/month/year 27 February,2008 美国—— month/date/year February 27,2008 2.信内地址(Inside Address) 即收信人的姓名和地址,通常是在日期下面隔两行,位于书信正文的左上方。 3.称呼(Salutation) 是发信人对收信人的称号用语,自成一行,位于“信内地址”左下方的一、二行处。 商务书信的称呼通常要注意下面几点: (1)Dear Sirs 和 Gentlemen是最常使用的公文用语,前者是英国式的称呼,后者


? (3)Dear Sir是指男性,Dear Madam是指女性,Dear Sir or Madam是指不知道对方性别。 (4)称呼后面用冒号或逗号均可,一般用冒号。 4.正文 正式的商务信件在每一段之间均留一空行。每一行末尾的单词一般不移行。 5.结尾客套语 位于正文最后一行下面一、二行处,从信纸中间偏右的地方开始写,一般占一行,第一个字母要大写,结尾用逗号。 6.签名 是指发信人、书信执笔人或公司代表在书信上签上公司名称或个人名字,通常位于


? 信封和书信的写法-The Style of Envelope and Letter 1.信封的写法 (1)美国式航空信封的写法(Stamp) ABC Manufacturing Company(收信人地址) 150 Giera Court Parlin, Livingstone New Jersey 08859, USAMr. Black Smith(收信人名字和职称)President of the Company Beijing Import and Export Company 86 Baiyilu,Haidian District 100872 Beijing,PRC (发信人地址) (2)英国式航空信封的写法(Stamp) Beijing Import and Export Company(收信人地址) 86 Baiyilu,Haidian District 100872 Beijing,PRC AFTER 15 DAYS PLEASE RETURN TO(发信人地址) SMITH & SON, LTD 15 WOOD STREET LONDON 6 ENGLAND 商务写作的十大技巧 1.了解读者 2.使用第二人称,强调读者的利益 3.确定单一的交流目标和目的 4.清晰、简洁、直白 5.使用主题行、缩格、简短的开头段落和附言 6.开篇和结尾有力 7.在长文件中应用标题、空白、图表

? 9.避免消极写作 10.应用说服的技巧来影响读者 商务写作目标 商务写作通常是为了完成以下任务: 通知 说服 指导 记录 商务信函举例1: 亲爱的思拜格女士: 我公司致力于为您提供高效的服务。我们拥有大量的专家和技术人员、充足


? 请您仔细考虑,选择我公司将会有如下收益:劳动生产率提高,员工士气高涨,缺勤现象减少,还有选择一流的供应商所带来的种种好处。 当您正考虑如何才能找到一家最好的公司,它将为您的公司提供上述益处时,我相信您一定会马上与我们联系,尽快开始改善贵公司的工作环境,提高公司业绩。 商务信函举例2: 收信人:Great Valley 人事部 发信人:质量提高小组 主题:停车场照明问题 日期:2005/6/20 今年夏天要在停车场的边缘增设照明灯,计划在停车场内端增设五盏,左右两边各增设三盏,共计11盏。 这些照明灯将创造一个更安全的环境,如有问题,请与质量小组的成员联系。祝愉快! 商务信函举例3: 亲爱的阿兰: 作为会议中心的主席,我现在写信通知你有关我方机 构的重大变化,相信会对彼此业务关系产生影响。 普林斯顿会议中心拥有291间客房,在过去的两年里, 我们的定房率、营业收入和利润都在不断提高。根据业 内年度统计资料,我们每间客房的盈利率已经进入全美 城郊旅店的前十位。我们的业绩和有效管理使公司在几 年内获得了数项大奖,包括:Pinnacle奖,AAA四星 奖。 我们希望增强与您的业务联系。我们感谢过去几年里 您的惠顾,并致力在未来为您提供超乎您想象的服务。 我们将保持优良的传统,更好与贵协会合作。 我们将很快与您电话联系,与您磋商最近的会议筹备 工作。如果您有紧急需要,请打电话通知我们。很荣幸 与您继续业务往来。 商务信函格式

? 1.缩行式(Indented Style) 缩行式将封内地址、其他需要分行的地方的后行比前行往右缩进二至三个英文字母,各行以右斜方式排列。 各段的起始字缩入四至五个英文字母。 结尾客套语和签名置于中间偏右下方。

ABC Bottles Pty Ltd.

Kirra Road, Ashtown 1128

Mrs. R. G. Cole


Mabels Pty Ltd

Canterbury 8633

Dear Madam,

We must remind you …

Yours faithfully

J. Turner

Production Manager

? 2.半平头式(Semi-block Style)

? 日期、客套语和签名一般从信纸中部写起

? 正文的每个段落的第一行往后缩入二至五个字母

? 封内地址、称呼与左边看齐

ABC Bottles Pty Ltd.

? Kirra Road, Ashtown 1128

? Mrs. R. G. Cole

? Manager

? Mabels Pty Ltd Canterbury 8633 Dear Madam, We must remind you … Yours faithfullyJ. TurnerProduction Manager 3.平头式(Block Style) 平头式除信头、日期、客套语和签名外,其他部分每行开头都与左边边缘看齐。

ABC Bottles Pty Ltd.

Kirra Road, Ashtown 1128

Mrs. R. G. Cole


Mabels Pty Ltd

Canterbury 8633

Dear Madam,

We must remind you …

Yours faithfully

J. Turner

Production Manager

? 4.完全平头式(Complete Block Style)

? 信纸中的各部分内容全部都与左边边缘齐平,从上到下一直线,段落间采用双行排

ABC Bottles Pty Ltd.

Kirra Road, Ashtown 1128

Mrs. R. G. Cole


Mabels Pty Ltd

Canterbury 8633

Dear Madam,

We must remind you …

商务信函标准英语范文模板 篇四

Dear Sir or Madam:

This is in regards to your order for 5,000widgets and our sales confirmation No. 341. We would like to remind you that the delivery date is approaching and we have not yet received the covering letter of credit.

We would be grateful if you would expedite the establishment of the L/C so that we can ship the order on time. In order to avoid any further delay, please make sure that the L/C instructions are in precise accordance with the terms of the contrac


We look forward to receiving your response at an early date.

Yours sincerely,


商务信函标准英语范文模板 篇五

Dear Mr/Ms,

I represent the W/P Electronics Company in Dallas, and will be in Kunming from next Monday to Friday, (October 5-9). I should like to call on you to discuss our new monitor. Would 0930 hours on Tuesday, October 6 be convenient?

I shall be in Beijing, at the Great Wall Hotel, from Tuesday, September 29, until Sunday, October 4, where a message will reach me. If the day is not convenient, will you please suggest another.

Yours faithfully




商务信函标准英语范文模板 篇六

Dear Ms. Hathoway:

Forthcoming Price Change

Season tickets for this year's symphony are going on sale next month and we wanted you to be among the first to know.

As you probably know, rental prices have skyrocketed throughout Tennessee this year. Due to our increase in rent at the Arrington Forum, we are finding it necessary to raise the price of our season tickets from $228 to $275. Single viewing tickets will also be subject to a price increase.

We hope that you will consider purchasing season tickets for next year despite this change. The Arrington Symphony has been together for 23 years, and relies on season-ticket holders to fill 25% of the seating at each event. Without your support the Arrington Symphony could be forced into retirement before its 25th anniversary.

To purchase tickets for the 20-- season, please visit our website at , or call the ticket agent representative at (615) 395-8750.

We look forward to having you in our audience again next year.

Yours truly,

Colin Fairchild

Promotional Director


