
时间:2017-02-09 05:11:40
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商务英语加班口语 篇一


1. Requesting assistance 请求帮助

- Could you please help me with this task? 你能帮我处理这个任务吗?

- I'm struggling with this project. Can you give me some advice? 我在这个项目上遇到了困难,你能给我一些建议吗?

- I need some assistance to meet the deadline. 我需要一些帮助来赶上截止日期。

2. Offering assistance 提供帮助

- Is there anything I can do to help? 有什么我能帮助你的吗?

- I have some free time. Let me know if you need any assistance. 我有一些空闲时间,如果你需要帮助,告诉我一声。

- I can take over some of your tasks if you're overwhelmed. 如果你感到不堪重负,我可以帮你处理一些任务。

3. Discussing deadlines 讨论截止日期

- Do you think we can meet the deadline? 你觉得我们能按时完成吗?

- I'm afraid we need to extend the deadline. 我恐怕我们需要延长截止日期。

- Let's set a realistic deadline that we can all meet. 让我们设定一个我们都能按时完成的实际截止日期。

4. Expressing gratitude 表达感激之情

- Thank you for staying late to help me. 感谢你加班帮我。

- I appreciate your hard work and dedication. 我感谢你的辛勤工作和奉献精神。

- Your assistance is greatly appreciated. 非常感谢你的帮助。

5. Apologizing for mistakes 因错误道歉

- I'm sorry for the mistake I made. 对我犯的错误我表示抱歉。

- I apologize for any inconvenience caused. 对造成的任何不便我表示歉意。

- It was my fault. I take full responsibility for the error. 这是我的错,我对错误负全部责任。


商务英语加班口语 篇二


1. Requesting assistance 请求帮助

- Could you please assist me with this task? 你能帮我处理这个任务吗?

- I'm facing some difficulties with this project. Can you offer me some guidance? 我在这个项目上遇到了困难,你能给我一些建议吗?

- I need some help to meet the deadline. 我需要一些帮助来赶上截止日期。

2. Offering assistance 提供帮助

- Is there anything I can do to help? 有什么我能帮助你的吗?

- I have some spare time. Let me know if you need any assistance. 我有一些空闲时间,如果你需要帮助,告诉我一声。

- I can take over some of your tasks if you're overwhelmed. 如果你感到不堪重负,我可以帮你处理一些任务。

3. Discussing deadlines 讨论截止日期

- Do you think we can meet the deadline? 你觉得我们能按时完成吗?

- I'm afraid we need to extend the deadline. 我恐怕我们需要延长截止日期。

- Let's set a realistic deadline that we can all meet. 让我们设定一个我们都能按时完成的实际截止日期。

4. Expressing gratitude 表达感激之情

- Thank you for staying late to help me. 感谢你加班帮我。

- I really appreciate your hard work and dedication. 我非常感谢你的辛勤工作和奉献精神。

- Your assistance is greatly appreciated. 非常感谢你的帮助。

5. Apologizing for mistakes 因错误道歉

- I'm sorry for the mistake I made. 对我犯的错误我表示抱歉。

- I apologize for any inconvenience caused. 对造成的任何不便我表示歉意。

- It was my fault. I take full responsibility for the error. 这是我的错,我对错误负全部责任。


商务英语加班口语 篇三


  我们要加班we have to work overtime


  在工作节奏飞快的今天,加班已经不再是人们在传统意义上所认为的“无能的表现”,但i'm afraid that we have to work overtime.的确不是什么好消息,而i've been working overtime lately.则会令许多人产生共鸣。


  a:i'm afraid that we have to work overtime this week.


  b:i've had it. i've been working overtime lately. do you iknow how many hours i work each day now?


  a:loosen up! it's not worth 2ettin2 udset about. we have no choice but to make our plan complete at the end of this month.


  b:goodness! that's tough indeed! 14 to 16 hours each day.


  a:i surely you'ii be paid extra for 6 t0 8 hours overtime every day.


  b:i don't care. i do not need money. i'd like to enjoy life more than work.


  a:don't be so scnsitive. i've seen worse.


  b:i know, i'm just whining. when we work overtime we're paid time and a half after all.



  i'm tired of working overtime.


  sometimes l work vcry long hours.


  i certainly hope the answer will be favorable.


  that work has really knocked me off.



  afford 夹得起,支付得起

  worthwhile 益处,合算

  behind schedule 落后于预定计划


  1. Hey, don't try to rip me off. I know what this is worth.


  买东西最担心被宰,所以不管是不是被宰了,行家都要先造出声势,用这句话镇住卖家。“ Rip someone off ”意为某商店或商贩企图宰它的顾客。

  如:“ The shop tried to rip me off, but I taught them a good lesson. ”(那个商店企图宰我,结果让我教训了一顿)。

  如果真的被狠宰了一下,你当然还可以说,“ I was ripped off .”或者“ I was cleaned out”。

  2. Can you give me a little deal

on this?


  Can you give me this for cheaper?


  你要注意的是这样的问题一般只在“market”(市场)这些地方问,像“ shopping mall”(购物中心),“supermarket”(超市)和“department store”(百货商场) 里说这样的话,就不太合适,因为除了大型商品,一般物品是不打折的。

  3. Is there any discount on bulk purchases? 我多买些能打折吗?

  Give me a discount. 给我打个折吧。

  “Bulk purchases”就是“大量地购买”,等于“buy something in bulk”。

  “ discount ”是折扣的意思。平时在商店里常出现的表示打折的牌子是“ on sale ”。

  专门卖廉价物品的商店叫“ bargain store ”,店里卖廉价商品的柜台可以叫做“ bargain counter ”。


