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英文面试如何回答你的缺点双语版 篇一


1. 诚实回答:首先,诚实回答是非常重要的。面试官希望听到真实的回答,而不是你试图掩盖你的缺点。选择一个真实的缺点,并解释你正在采取的措施来改进自己。

例句:One of my weaknesses is that I tend to be a perfectionist. I often spend too much time on a task because I want it to be perfect. However, I am working on managing my time better and focusing on the most important aspects of a task.

2. 转变为积极的方面:当你提到你的缺点时,尝试将其转变为积极的方面。这样可以展示你的积极态度和成长心态。

例句:One of my weaknesses is that I am not very confident when it comes to public speaking. However, I have been taking public speaking classes and participating in toastmasters to improve my skills. I see it as an opportunity for personal growth.

3. 避免使用标准答案:面试官经常听到一些标准答案,比如“我太认真”或“我太关注细节”。这些答案可能会让你显得缺乏创意和真诚。尽量选择一个与职位相关的真实的缺点,以展示你的自我认知能力。

例句:One of my weaknesses is that I can sometimes get overwhelmed when I have too many tasks to do at once. However, I have been working on improving my prioritization and time management skills to ensure that I can handle multiple tasks effectively.

4. 结合经验:结合你的经验来说明你如何处理你的缺点。这可以让面试官看到你的解决问题的能力和成长潜力。

例句:One of my weaknesses is that I used to have difficulty working in a team. However, I have learned from my past experiences and now actively seek out opportunities to collaborate with others. I have found that by listening to different perspectives and being open to feedback, I can contribute more effectively to a team.


英文面试如何回答你的缺点双语版 篇二


1. 选择一个合适的缺点:在回答这个问题时,选择一个与职位相关的缺点是很重要的。这可以向面试官展示你对职位的了解,并且表明你正在积极努力改进自己。

例句:One of my weaknesses is that I used to struggle with time management. However, I have implemented a new scheduling system and have been able to improve my productivity and meet deadlines more effectively.

2. 解释你的改进措施:在提到你的缺点时,解释你正在采取的措施来改进自己是很重要的。这样可以展示你的积极态度和自我反省能力。

例句:One of my weaknesses is that I can be too detail-oriented and sometimes spend too much time on minor tasks. However, I have been working on improving my prioritization skills and focusing on the most important aspects of a project. I have also started delegating some tasks to team members to ensure that my time is used more efficiently.

3. 展示你的成长潜力:在回答这个问题时,尝试展示你的成长潜力和学习能力。面试官希望看到你愿意接受挑战并不断提升自己。

例句:One of my weaknesses is that I used to struggle with public speaking. However, I have been actively seeking opportunities to improve this skill by taking public speaking classes and participating in presentations. I have seen significant improvement in my confidence and ability to communicate effectively in front of an audience.

4. 避免提到关键职位要求:在回答这个问题时,避免提到与关键职位要求相关的缺点。这可能会让面试官怀疑你是否适合这个职位。

例句:One of my weaknesses is that I am not very skilled in using a specific software program that is required for this position. However, I am confident in my ability to quickly learn new technologies and have a track record of successfully adapting to new software programs in my previous roles.


英文面试如何回答你的缺点双语版 篇三





  One of the most dreaded questions that is guaranteed to come up in every interview is "What is your greatest weakness?" Perhaps it's the interviewer's way of weeding out candidates to see who is truly prepared to answer this uncomfortable question. Regardless, you can remove some of the awkwardness by prepping for the question and following these rules.

  1. 不要回避问题 Don't give a cop-out answer

  Please don't give tired answers like, "My greatest weakness is that I'm too much of a perfectionist/workaholic." Perhaps it is true for you, but unfortunately, it may bring false to the interviewer who is used to hearing these genericanswers that come off as a way to dodgethe question.


  2. 要诚实 Be honest

  Dig deep into yourself and figure out what your true weaknesses are at work. Write them down on a sheet of paper, and figure out which ones you can use in an interview. If you state a weakness you've struggled with, your answer will sound more honest. Some things that will help you come up with true weaknesses is to look at some of the challenges you have faced in your previous jobs or think about constructivecriticism you've received from a manager.




  3. 不要说会影响面试的缺点 Avoid deal breakers

  Although we mention that you should be honest, it's also good to remember that there is such a thing as being


