剑桥Simon Paul lives in the country第一课【通用3篇】

时间:2014-08-08 06:44:14
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剑桥Simon Paul lives in the country第一课 篇一

Simon Paul, a resident of Cambridge, enjoys living in the countryside. He finds solace in the serene and peaceful surroundings that the countryside offers. This article will delve into Simon's daily routine and his reasons for choosing to live away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Simon's day begins with the melodious chirping of birds, a sound that he finds incredibly soothing. He starts off his morning with a brisk walk in the lush green fields surrounding his home. Breathing in the fresh air and admiring the beauty of nature energizes him for the day ahead. He believes that these morning walks not only keep him physically fit but also provide him with mental clarity.

After his walk, Simon tends to his garden. He takes great pride in maintaining a beautiful flower garden and a vegetable patch. Gardening has become not only a hobby for him but also a form of therapy. He finds immense joy in nurturing the plants and witnessing their growth and bloom. Simon believes that being in touch with nature through gardening has a calming effect on his mind and helps him de-stress.

Living in the countryside also offers Simon the opportunity to connect with his neighbors and be a part of a close-knit community. He often attends local gatherings and events, where he gets to share stories and experiences with like-minded individuals. Simon appreciates the sense of camaraderie and support that is prevalent in the countryside.

One of the main reasons Simon chose to live in the countryside is the abundance of outdoor activities it offers. He enjoys going on long hikes and exploring the picturesque landscapes that surround his home. The countryside provides him with ample opportunities for cycling, fishing, and bird-watching. Simon feels that these activities allow him to escape from the pressures of everyday life and rejuvenate his mind and body.

In conclusion, Simon Paul's decision to live in the countryside has proven to be a wise one. The tranquility, beauty, and sense of community that he experiences on a daily basis have had a positive impact on his overall well-being. Living in the countryside has allowed him to lead a balanced and fulfilling life, surrounded by nature and the support of his neighbors.

剑桥Simon Paul lives in the country第一课 篇二

Simon Paul, a resident of Cambridge, has chosen to live in the countryside for a variety of reasons. This article will explore his motivations for this decision and the benefits he derives from living away from the city.

One of the main reasons Simon prefers the countryside is the slower pace of life. He finds that the countryside allows him to escape the constant rush and stress of city living. Without the noise and congestion of urban areas, Simon feels more relaxed and at peace. He can truly appreciate the beauty of nature and take the time to enjoy simple pleasures, such as watching the sunset or listening to the sound of raindrops.

Living in the countryside also allows Simon to have a stronger connection with nature. He is surrounded by green fields, forests, and rivers, which provide him with ample opportunities to explore and appreciate the natural world. Simon enjoys going on long walks and hikes, observing the diverse flora and fauna that thrive in the countryside. This connection with nature not only brings him joy but also instills in him a sense of responsibility to protect and preserve the environment.

Another advantage that Simon finds in living in the countryside is the abundance of fresh and locally sourced food. He makes a conscious effort to support local farmers and shops, purchasing organic produce and supporting sustainable agriculture. Simon believes that consuming fresh, healthy food not only benefits his physical well-being but also contributes to the sustainability of the local community.

Furthermore, the countryside offers Simon a strong sense of community and a closer connection with his neighbors. He finds that people in the countryside are more willing to lend a helping hand and support one another. Simon actively participates in local events and initiatives, contributing to the overall well-being of the community. He appreciates the genuine friendships and support network that he has established in the countryside.

In conclusion, Simon Paul's decision to live in the countryside has enriched his life in numerous ways. The slower pace of life, the stronger connection with nature, the availability of fresh food, and the sense of community have all contributed to his overall happiness and well-being. Simon feels fortunate to have found solace and contentment in the countryside and believes that it is a decision that he will never regret.

剑桥Simon Paul lives in the country第一课 篇三

剑桥Simon Paul lives in the country第一课时教案

英华学校小学部英语组备课 年级:六年级 课题:Unit Five Simon Paul lives in the country. 主备人:黄清 修改人: Teaching Contents(教学内容): 剑桥少儿英语二级下册第五单元Part one & two Teaching aims and demands(目标与要求): ※ Go over some words about the things we can see in the countryside and the city. ※Guide the students to talk about some differences and the same between the country and the city. ※ Enable the students read and enjoy the story about the country mouse, guide them to act out the play. Key and difficult points(教学重难点): The total story Teaching preparations(课前准备): Courseware and tapes. Teaching steps(教学步骤): 1. Preparation(准备) ① Free Talk(自由交谈) ----What’s the date today? ----What season is it now? ----Where do you live? ----What can you see in the country/city? ----What can you do in the country/city? (师生自由交谈,引出乡村和城市的概念) ②Let’s guess The teacher describes some places and the students guess it. ----It’s a kind of plant. It’s green, short and soft. You can play on it. (grass) ----It’s a piece of land where you can see a few houses and some people working in the field. (countryside) (游戏:猜一猜,老师描述相应的地方,学生们根据描述猜地方) 2. Presentation(呈现): ①Lead in(导入) ----Simon Paul lives in the country with his parents. He likes living in the country. The house is big. And now, let’s go and see the lovely mouse. (故事导入:乡下老鼠。) ②Let’s act. ----I’m a mouse. I live in the country. I’m Country Mouse. ----I like living in the country. Look, the house is so big. ----The field is wide. I can play outside. (引导学生用老鼠的.口吻描述乡下) 3. Practice(操练): ①Listen and repeat Listen, Daddy Mouse is asking a question. Please listen to the tape and try to repeat it. ----Simon, would you like to visit your cousin Bob in the city on

the weekend? ----Sorry, Dad. I don’t like going to the city. There are too many cats. ----How about you, Peter …. (听录音,复述句子。激发学生学习兴趣:乡下老鼠进城记。) ②Act together The teacher guides the students to make the story about the Country Mouse Is In the City. Remember us to your cousin. How happy I am! I can’t get in. It’s too small. I want to go home. I don’t like this place. You have to wait. (老师引导学生编对话,鼓励学生想象老鼠进城发生的事情) ③Group Work(小组活动) Encourage the students try to act the story in groups. (鼓励学生分组表演对话,因为故事有一定的难度,所以老师在巡视的过程中要加强指导) ④Let’s act in the class. The teacher guides the students to act in the whole class (引导学生全体参与表演,降低难度) 4. Production(产出) Try to think more about the story. Practise with your group mates. (鼓励学生思考创新故事,课后组内多练习) Exercises in class(课堂练习) ------略 Homework(家庭作业): 1、听录音并抄写相关单词。 2、跟磁带读课文,并练习表演故事。 Blackboard Design(板书设计): (见前面) Teacher’s Notes(教学反思):
剑桥Simon Paul lives in the country第一课【通用3篇】

