
时间:2013-06-02 05:41:28
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和小年相关的英文词汇 篇一

The Celebration of Little New Year in China

In China, the Little New Year, also known as Xiaonian, is a traditional festival that marks the beginning of the Spring Festival celebrations. It falls on the twenty-third or twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, just a few days before the Chinese New Year. During this time, people engage in various activities and rituals to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the coming of the new year. In this article, we will explore the vocabulary related to the celebration of Little New Year in China.

1. Xiaonian (小年) - The Chinese term for Little New Year, which literally translates to "small year." It refers to the time before the Chinese New Year when people start preparing for the festivities.

2. Nianhua (年画) - Traditional Chinese New Year paintings that are hung on doors and walls during the festival. These paintings often depict scenes of good fortune and prosperity.

3. Chuxi (除夕) - The Chinese term for New Year's Eve. It is the most important time for family reunions and is marked by a grand feast and the setting off of fireworks.

4. Shou Sui (守岁) - The practice of staying up late on New Year's Eve to welcome the arrival of the new year. It is believed to bring good luck and longevity.

5. Nianyefan (年夜饭) - The Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, which is a significant meal for family members to gather and enjoy together. It usually consists of various traditional dishes and symbolizes unity and prosperity.

6. Hongbao (红包) - Red envelopes filled with money that are given as gifts during the Chinese New Year. They are believed to bring good luck and blessings to the recipients.

7. Bai Nian (拜年) - The custom of paying New Year's visits to friends and relatives. People exchange greetings and well wishes, and it is common to bring gifts such as fruit or sweets.

8. Chunjie (春节) - The Chinese term for the Spring Festival, which refers to the entire period of celebrations from Little New Year to the Lantern Festival, which marks the end of the festivities.

9. Wusheng (舞圣) - The traditional lion and dragon dances performed during the Chinese New Year. These dances are believed to bring good luck and scare away evil spirits.

10. Chunlian (春联) - Red couplets that are traditionally hung on doors and walls during the Chinese New Year. These couplets usually contain auspicious phrases and express good wishes for the new year.

The celebration of Little New Year in China is a time of joy, reunion, and hope for the coming year. The vocabulary related to this festival reflects the rich cultural traditions and beliefs of the Chinese people.

和小年相关的英文词汇 篇二

Traditional Customs and Festivities of Little New Year in China

Little New Year, also known as Xiaonian, is an important traditional festival in China that precedes the Chinese New Year. It is a time when people engage in various customs and festivities to prepare for the upcoming Spring Festival. In this article, we will explore some of the traditional customs and festivities associated with Little New Year in China.

1. Spring Cleaning - Before Little New Year, people thoroughly clean their homes to sweep away the bad luck and make way for good fortune in the coming year. It is believed that cleaning during this time will bring auspiciousness and prosperity.

2. Making Nianhua - Nianhua, or Chinese New Year paintings, are an integral part of the Little New Year preparations. These paintings are often handmade and depict scenes of blessings, happiness, and good fortune. They are hung on doors and walls to bring luck and ward off evil spirits.

3. Preparing Festive Foods - Little New Year is a time for families to gather and prepare special dishes for the upcoming Spring Festival. Traditional foods such as dumplings, spring rolls, and glutinous rice cakes are made to symbolize wealth, happiness, and a bountiful harvest.

4. Setting Off Firecrackers - Firecrackers are an essential part of the Chinese New Year celebrations. They are believed to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck and fortune for the new year. People set off firecrackers during Little New Year to welcome the arrival of the Spring Festival.

5. Offering Sacrifices to Ancestors - An important ritual during Little New Year is the offering of sacrifices to ancestors. Families gather to pay respects to their ancestors and pray for blessings and protection in the coming year. Offerings of food, fruits, and incense are made during this ceremony.

6. Shopping for New Clothes and Decorations - It is customary to buy new clothes and decorations during Little New Year. Wearing new clothes symbolizes a fresh start and good luck for the new year. Red lanterns, paper cuttings, and other festive decorations are also purchased to beautify homes and create a joyful atmosphere.

7. Exchanging Red Envelopes - Giving and receiving red envelopes, or hongbao, is a significant tradition during Little New Year. These envelopes are filled with money and given as gifts to children, unmarried adults, and employees as a symbol of good luck and blessings for the new year.

8. Reunion Dinner - On the eve of Little New Year, families gather for a reunion dinner, known as Nianyefan. This lavish feast is an occasion for family members to come together and enjoy a traditional meal. It is a time for bonding, expressing gratitude, and looking forward to the new year.

The celebration of Little New Year in China is a time of great significance and joy. The customs and festivities associated with this festival reflect the rich cultural heritage and beliefs of the Chinese people. It is a time when families come together, traditions are upheld, and hopes for a prosperous new year are shared.

和小年相关的英文词汇 篇三


  小年的风俗 Off-year customs


  扫尘 Spring Dust



