
时间:2016-09-01 07:25:21
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商务英语处理变化口语 篇一


1. Expressing surprise and concern (表达惊讶和关切)

- I can't believe this sudden change in the market situation.

- I'm really concerned about how this change will affect our business.

- This drastic change in customer preferences has caught us off guard.

2. Asking for clarification (询问澄清)

- Can you please explain the reason behind this change in strategy?

- Could you clarify how this change will impact our project timeline?

- I'm not sure I understand the implications of this organizational change. Could you provide more details?

3. Discussing potential solutions (讨论潜在解决方案)

- In light of this change, we need to brainstorm some new ideas.

- How can we adapt our marketing strategy to accommodate this change?

- Let's explore different options to mitigate the impact of this change on our operations.

4. Expressing flexibility and adaptability (表达灵活性和适应能力)

- We need to be flexible and adapt to this change in order to stay competitive.

- Let's embrace this change as an opportunity for growth and improvement.

- We have to be open-minded and willing to change our approach.

5. Seeking input and feedback (征求意见和反馈)

- What are your thoughts on how we should handle this change?

- I would appreciate your input on how we can navigate through this change successfully.

- Do you have any suggestions on how we can minimize the negative impact of this change?

6. Offering support and reassurance (提供支持和安慰)

- I understand this change may be challenging, but we are here to support you.

- We will provide the necessary resources and training to help you adapt to this change.

- Let's work together as a team to overcome this change and come out stronger.


商务英语处理变化口语 篇二


1. Acknowledging the change (承认变化)

- I understand that there has been a change in our project timeline.

- It seems like there has been a shift in customer expectations.

- I'm aware of the recent changes in the market conditions.

2. Expressing understanding and empathy (表达理解和同情)

- I can imagine that this change has caused some inconvenience for you.

- I understand that this change may have disrupted your plans.

- I'm sorry to hear that this change has affected your team's morale.

3. Proposing alternative solutions (提出替代方案)

- Given this change, perhaps we can explore other options to meet the deadline.

- Can we consider adjusting our strategy to align with this new market trend?

- How about we come up with a contingency plan to address this change?

4. Seeking consensus and agreement (寻求共识和同意)

- Does everyone agree that we need to adjust our approach in light of this change?

- Can we all come to a consensus on how to handle this unexpected change?

- I suggest we have a meeting to discuss and reach a decision on how to respond to this change.

5. Assuring support and collaboration (保证支持和合作)

- Rest assured that we are fully committed to supporting you through this change.

- We are here to collaborate with you and find the best way forward.

- Let us know how we can assist you in adapting to this change.

6. Offering reassurance and optimism (提供安慰和乐观)

- Although this change may be challenging, I believe we can overcome it together.

- Let's view this change as an opportunity for growth and improvement.

- I'm confident that we have the skills and resources to navigate through this change successfully.


商务英语处理变化口语 篇三

  lesson 课文

  life is full of change. change can come in many forms: from a new job, to a new girlfriend or even choosing a new toothpaste. how you manage and cope with change is a sign of your professionalism and maturity.


  almost everyone finds change stressful. people like to have routines and to stick with things they know well. change means that those routines are broken and that people have to learn new ways of doing things.


  change is such an important but stressful thing for companies that there is a whole range of professionals - known as change management professionals - who can help your company through a time of change.


  if changes are well planned, well executed and staff understand the reasons for the changes, it can be profitable for your company. if staff are not onside for the planned changes they can fight against the change and cau

se the whole plan to fail.


  explain the changes carefully to your staff and ensure that they really understand why the changes are important. that way they will feel they are part of the plan and not having some unnecessary changes forced upon them.


  dialogue - 对话

  jeff: how are you today joan?

  joan: terrible. i have a new desk and a new computer.

  jeff: why is that bad? anytime i get something new i am very excited.

  joan: but now i have to spend half of the day rearranging my desk and my computer so that they are the same as my old ones.

  jeff: i hate that part of change as well, but you only have to do it once.

  joan: things are always changing in this place. i can never keep up with all of the changes.

  jeff: i don't worry about change unless it directly affects me.

  joan: that's a good idea! only worry about what you have to!

  jeff: for once it's me giving you advice and not the other way around!











