时间:2017-02-07 06:38:47
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External circulars are an essential means of communication in various organizations, but they often pose significant problems. In this article, we will discuss the challenges associated with external circulars and propose potential solutions to overcome them.

Firstly, one of the main issues with external circulars is the lack of personalization. When organizations send out circulars to a large number of recipients, it becomes challenging to tailor the message to each individual. As a result, the circulars may not resonate with all recipients, leading to a decrease in their effectiveness. To address this problem, organizations can consider segmenting their recipients into different groups based on their interests or needs. By doing so, they can create more targeted circulars that are likely to appeal to the recipients and yield better results.

Secondly, external circulars often face the challenge of being perceived as spam. With the increasing volume of emails and digital communications, it is easy for recipients to disregard or delete circulars without even opening them. Organizations need to find ways to make their circulars stand out and capture the attention of the recipients. One possible solution is to include engaging and visually appealing content in the circulars. This could include images, videos, or infographics that convey the message in a more compelling way. Additionally, organizations can consider adopting a more personalized approach by addressing the recipients by their names and including relevant information that demonstrates an understanding of their needs or interests.

Furthermore, another problem with external circulars is the lack of interactivity. Traditional circulars are often static documents that provide information without allowing recipients to engage or interact with the content. To overcome this limitation, organizations can explore using digital platforms that enable recipients to provide feedback, ask questions, or participate in discussions related to the circulars. By incorporating interactive elements, organizations can foster a sense of engagement and encourage recipients to take action.

Lastly, external circulars are often seen as one-way communication channels. Organizations send out circulars to convey information, but there is limited opportunity for recipients to provide input or share their perspectives. To address this issue, organizations can consider incorporating surveys or feedback mechanisms within the circulars. By actively seeking the opinions and suggestions of the recipients, organizations can foster a sense of inclusivity and make the circulars more meaningful and relevant to the recipients.

In conclusion, while external circulars are a valuable tool for communication, they do come with their fair share of challenges. By personalizing the content, making it more engaging and interactive, and encouraging two-way communication, organizations can overcome these challenges and make their external circulars more effective in conveying their messages to the recipients.


External circulars play a crucial role in communication within organizations, but they often present challenges that need to be addressed. In this article, we will explore the issues associated with external circulars and propose potential solutions to mitigate them.

One of the main problems with external circulars is the issue of information overload. Organizations often send out circulars that contain a large amount of information, which can be overwhelming for the recipients. As a result, the recipients may not fully comprehend or retain the information conveyed in the circulars. To tackle this challenge, organizations can consider adopting a more concise and focused approach when drafting their circulars. By prioritizing the most important information and presenting it in a clear and organized manner, organizations can ensure that the recipients grasp the key messages effectively.

Another problem with external circulars is the lack of clarity in the call to action. Circulars often include requests or instructions for the recipients, but these may not be clearly communicated. As a result, the recipients may be unsure about what is expected of them, leading to a lack of response or action. To address this issue, organizations should ensure that the call to action is explicit and easy to understand. Clear and concise instructions should be provided, along with any necessary supporting materials or resources. Additionally, organizations can consider using more direct and persuasive language to prompt the recipients to take the desired action.

Furthermore, external circulars often face the challenge of being perceived as impersonal. Recipients may feel that the circulars are generic and do not consider their specific needs or interests. This can result in a lack of engagement or interest from the recipients. To overcome this problem, organizations should strive to personalize their circulars as much as possible. This could involve addressing the recipients by their names, including relevant information that demonstrates an understanding of their needs or preferences, and tailoring the content to different recipient segments. By making the circulars more personal, organizations can increase their chances of resonating with the recipients and eliciting a favorable response.

Lastly, external circulars may suffer from a lack of timeliness. Organizations often send out circulars that contain time-sensitive information, but the recipients may not receive or read the circulars in a timely manner. This can result in missed opportunities or delayed actions. To mitigate this problem, organizations can consider using multiple channels to distribute their circulars, such as email, text messages, and social media platforms. By reaching out to the recipients through different channels, organizations can increase the likelihood of the circulars being noticed and acted upon promptly.

In conclusion, while external circulars are a valuable communication tool, they do present challenges that need to be addressed. By ensuring that the circulars are concise and focused, providing clear and explicit instructions, personalizing the content, and using multiple distribution channels, organizations can overcome these challenges and make their external circulars more effective in conveying their messages to the recipients.



Using the boundary integral equation method, the problem of an external circular crack in a three-dimensional infinite elastic body under asymmetric loadings is investigated. The two- dimensional singular boundary integral equations of the problem wer

e reduced to a system of Abel integral equations by means of Fourier series and hypergeometric functions. The exact solutions of stress intensity factors are obtained for the problem of an external circular crack under asymmetric loadings, which are even more universal than the results obtained by the use of Hankel transform method. The results demonstrate that the boundary integral equation method has great potential as a new analytic method.

作 者:王银邦 作者单位: Department of Mechanics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, P R China 刊 名:应用数学和力学(英文版) EI SCI 英文刊名: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS(ENGLISH EDITION) 年,卷(期): 200122(1) 分类号: O346.11 关键词: external circular crack asymmetric loadings boundary integral equations Abel equations stress intensity factors exact solutions

