
时间:2015-08-01 09:25:46
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英语面试——工作目标 篇一

In a job interview, one of the most common questions is about your work goals. This is an opportunity for you to communicate your aspirations and show the interviewer that you have a clear direction in your career. In this article, we will discuss how to effectively answer the question about your work goals in an English job interview.

1. Be specific and realistic: When discussing your work goals, it is important to be specific about what you want to achieve. General statements like "I want to be successful" or "I want to make a lot of money" are not sufficient. Instead, focus on specific targets that are achievable and relevant to the position you are applying for. For example, if you are interviewing for a sales job, you could say, "My goal is to become a top-performing sales representative within the company and exceed sales targets consistently."

2. Align your goals with the company: It is essential to demonstrate that your work goals are aligned with the company's objectives. This shows the interviewer that you have done your research and have a genuine interest in working for the organization. You can research the company's mission statement, values, and goals to understand what they are looking for in an employee. Then, tailor your answer to reflect this alignment. For instance, if the company emphasizes innovation, you can say, "My goal is to contribute to the company's innovation initiatives and help develop new products that meet customer needs."

3. Show ambition and growth mindset: Employers are often looking for candidates who are ambitious and have a growth mindset. This means that you are open to learning, improving, and taking on new challenges. When discussing your work goals, emphasize your desire to grow and develop in your career. You can mention specific skills or areas of expertise you want to acquire or improve upon. For example, you could say, "I am committed to continuous learning and would like to enhance my leadership skills through training and mentorship programs."

4. Be adaptable: It is essential to demonstrate that you are adaptable and open to new opportunities. While it is important to have a clear direction in your career, it is also important to be flexible and open-minded. Mention that you are open to exploring different paths and that you are willing to take on new responsibilities or roles that may arise. This shows the interviewer that you are not rigid in your goals and are willing to adapt to changing circumstances.

In conclusion, when discussing your work goals in an English job interview, it is important to be specific, realistic, and aligned with the company's objectives. Show your ambition and growth mindset, and emphasize your adaptability. By doing so, you will demonstrate to the interviewer that you are a motivated and driven candidate who is a good fit for the position and the company.

英语面试——工作目标 篇二

One of the most common questions in a job interview is about your work goals. This question provides an opportunity for you to showcase your motivation and ambition to the interviewer. In this article, we will discuss how to effectively answer the question about your work goals in an English job interview.

1. Demonstrate passion and enthusiasm: When discussing your work goals, it is important to convey your passion and enthusiasm for the job and industry. Employers are looking for candidates who are genuinely interested in the work they do and the industry they are in. Share why you are passionate about the field and how your work goals align with this passion. For example, if you are applying for a position in marketing, you could say, "I am passionate about consumer behavior and how marketing strategies can influence buying decisions. My goal is to develop innovative marketing campaigns that connect with consumers on a deeper level."

2. Showcase long-term vision: Employers want to hire candidates who have a long-term vision for their career. When discussing your work goals, it is important to show that you have thought about your future and have a clear vision of where you want to be in the next few years. You can talk about your aspirations for growth and advancement within the company or industry. For instance, you could say, "My goal is to eventually take on a leadership role within the company and contribute to its strategic decision-making process."

3. Highlight your skills and strengths: Your work goals should be aligned with your skills and strengths. When discussing your goals, emphasize how your unique skills and strengths will help you achieve them. This shows the interviewer that you have a realistic understanding of your abilities and how they can contribute to the company's success. For example, if you have strong analytical skills, you could say, "My goal is to leverage my analytical skills to identify market trends and develop data-driven strategies that drive business growth."

4. Show commitment to personal development: Employers value candidates who are committed to continuous learning and personal development. When discussing your work goals, mention any specific training or certifications you plan to pursue to enhance your skills. This demonstrates your commitment to self-improvement and your desire to stay updated with industry trends. For instance, you could say, "I am committed to staying updated with the latest marketing trends and plan to obtain certifications in digital marketing and social media management to enhance my skills in these areas."

In conclusion, when discussing your work goals in an English job interview, it is important to demonstrate your passion, long-term vision, alignment with your skills and strengths, and commitment to personal development. By doing so, you will convey to the interviewer that you are a motivated and ambitious candidate who is eager to contribute to the company's success.

英语面试——工作目标 篇三






  1) Are you a goal-oriented person?  你是一个目标明确的人吗?

  2) Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you do to achieve them.  告诉我你最近的一些目标以及如何实现它们。

  3) What are your short-term goals?  你的近期目标是什么?

  4) What is your long-range objective?  你的长远目标是什么?

  5) Where do you want to be 5 years from now in your career?  五年内你的事业想达到什么水平?

  6) How long would you stay with us?  你能在我们这里呆多长时间?

  7) That obviously depends on how things go - whether I`m suited to the firm and the firm to me.  这显然要依事情的发展而定,得看我和公司之间是否互相适合。

  8) How long I will stay with the company depends on whether the company and I are satisfied with each other.  我在贵公司会留多久完全依公司和我是否互相满意而定。

  9) What do you think of this industry`s outlook in five years?  你认为五年内这个行业的发展状况如何?

  10) I do believe this industry will be developed rapidly in 5 years time.  我坚信五年内这个行业会飞速发展。


  (A=Applicant I=Interviewer)

  Dialogue 1

  I: Are you a goal-oriented person?

  A: Yes, I am. I always make a plan before I do anything.

  I: Where do you want to be in 5 years?

  A: I don`t want to have a specific title. I just want to enjoy what I am doing.

  I: That sounds very reasonable.

  A: It`s the most important thing to me.

  I: If you are hired, how long do you plan to stay with us?

  A: That obviously depends on how things go -- whether I`m suited to the firm and the firm to me.

  I: Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you do to achieve them.

  A: I want to put my knowledge and experience to use in a challenging position. In order to achieve this goal, I just want to work step by step.

  I: What is your long-range objective?

  A: I haven`t thought it over at all.

  I: What do you think is the most important thing when looking for a job?

  A: I think the most important thing is the interest in the job.

  I: 你是一个有明确目标的


