
时间:2014-09-03 05:15:47
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勇敢的心英文影评 篇一

Title: "Braveheart: A Tale of Courage and Freedom"

"Braveheart" is a historical epic film that captivates audiences with its compelling story of bravery, honor, and the fight for freedom. Directed by Mel Gibson, this 1995 masterpiece takes us back to the 13th century, where the Scottish warrior William Wallace leads a rebellion against the oppressive rule of King Edward I of England.

One of the most striking aspects of "Braveheart" is its ability to transport viewers to a different time and place. The film's stunning cinematography and attention to detail create a realistic and immersive experience. From the breathtaking Scottish landscapes to the intricately designed medieval costumes, every aspect of the film contributes to its authenticity.

The heart of the film lies in its portrayal of William Wallace, played brilliantly by Mel Gibson. Wallace's character is a symbol of courage and determination, fighting against incredible odds for the freedom of his people. Gibson's performance is both powerful and nuanced, allowing us to empathize with Wallace's struggles and feel his unwavering commitment to his cause.

The film's screenplay, written by Randall Wallace, is a masterful blend of history, romance, and action. The dialogue is poignant and memorable, with lines such as "Every man dies, not every man really lives" resonating long after the film ends. The narrative unfolds at a steady pace, building tension and suspense as the conflict between the Scottish rebels and the English army escalates.

The battle scenes in "Braveheart" are nothing short of spectacular. The choreography and cinematography of these sequences are breathtaking, capturing the chaos and brutality of medieval warfare. The iconic image of Wallace leading his army into battle, painted in blue war paint and wielding a massive claymore sword, has become synonymous with the film's legacy.

Aside from its visual grandeur, "Braveheart" also explores themes of love, loyalty, and sacrifice. The romance between Wallace and Princess Isabella adds a touch of tenderness to the film, while the loyalty of Wallace's friends and allies highlights the importance of camaraderie in times of adversity. The sacrifices made by the characters, both big and small, serve as a poignant reminder of the price one must pay for freedom.

In conclusion, "Braveheart" is a masterpiece that continues to resonate with audiences even after decades since its release. With its compelling story, outstanding performances, and breathtaking visuals, the film is a testament to the power of courage and the indomitable human spirit. It serves as a reminder that sometimes, the bravest hearts can inspire a nation and change the course of history.

勇敢的心英文影评 篇二

Title: "Braveheart: An Epic Tale of Heroism and Resilience"

"Braveheart" is a cinematic masterpiece that transports viewers to a tumultuous era in Scottish history. Directed by Mel Gibson, this 1995 film tells the story of William Wallace, a Scottish warrior who leads a rebellion against the tyrannical rule of King Edward I of England. Through its powerful storytelling and exceptional performances, "Braveheart" captivates audiences and leaves a lasting impact.

One of the film's most significant strengths is its ability to evoke a wide range of emotions. From the very beginning, viewers are drawn into the world of medieval Scotland, feeling the weight of oppression and injustice that the Scottish people endure. As the story unfolds, we witness the transformation of William Wallace from a grieving husband to a fearless leader, fueled by his desire for freedom and justice. The film's emotional depth is further enhanced by James Horner's hauntingly beautiful score, which perfectly complements the on-screen events.

Mel Gibson's portrayal of William Wallace is nothing short of extraordinary. Gibson fully embodies the character, bringing to life Wallace's unwavering determination and resilience. His performance captures both the vulnerability and the strength of the character, making Wallace a relatable and inspiring hero. Gibson's direction also shines through in the film's intense battle scenes, which are choreographed with precision and skill.

The supporting cast of "Braveheart" is equally impressive, with standout performances from Sophie Marceau as Princess Isabella and Patrick McGoohan as King Edward I. Marceau brings a sense of grace and complexity to her role, while McGoohan's portrayal of the ruthless English king is both chilling and captivating. The chemistry between the actors adds depth to the film, allowing the audience to become fully invested in the characters and their journeys.

The film's cinematography is visually stunning, capturing the beauty of the Scottish landscapes and the brutality of the battles. The attention to detail in the set design and costumes further immerses viewers in the medieval world of "Braveheart." The film's iconic imagery, such as the Scottish rebels' face paint and the waving of blue flags, has become synonymous with the film and its message of resilience in the face of adversity.

"Braveheart" is not only a tale of heroism and resilience, but also a reflection on the power of unity and the importance of fighting for what is right. The film serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope and the possibility of change. It inspires audiences to question authority and to stand up against injustice, making it a timeless and relevant piece of cinema.

In conclusion, "Braveheart" is a cinematic masterpiece that continues to captivate audiences with its powerful storytelling, exceptional performances, and breathtaking visuals. It is an epic tale of heroism and resilience, reminding us of the indomitable spirit of the human heart. Through its portrayal of William Wallace and the Scottish rebellion, the film leaves a lasting impression and serves as a testament to the power of courage and the pursuit of freedom.

勇敢的心英文影评 篇三

  There was a time when the local people in Scotland had to pay the taxes and the beautiful girl’s fist night to English ruler in return for ‘protection’. If the money and the fair lady were not paid promptly, the English gangsters would quickly destroy their home and possesses.

  One of the most excellent figures in Scotland history was William Wallace, who was born in 1272. When he was young, his father was dead in the war which against with the enemy and he was brought up by his uncle. During that period, William Wallace learned the skill of fight and strategy of the war which make an important role of the later days.

  William Wallace unshakable faith touches my heart. Not all the people are stood up to noble, opponents or even die. I admire William Wallace for striving for freedom、his brave and cherishing his woman.

  Desire for freedom

  When William Wallace was child, his father and brother died for a fight .The word free first appeared in his mind through a dream that his father told him. ()(The concept of personal freedom was a concept not much celebrated in 1300)Your heart was free; you needed to have the courage to follow it. A history about hero was begun. William Wallace fought for Scotland’s freedom in the 13th century, as longshanks want to rule a country of one that he arranged his son to marry the daughter of his rival, the king of France in order to control the political situation. Longshanks did also Grant nobles prima noctes, first night to draw more of his supporters to Scotland. Seeing their own woman robed by nobles, men could not tolerate these happened in Scotland. As more and more nobles came to Scotland, the local people suffered a lot from it. Wallace"s dying cry, as his body was stretched on the rack, was freedom! The time had come. William Wallace killed the noble who infringed upon his beloved women. At that moment William Wallace clearly realized that only freedom was primary condition to live a normal life. I remembered a sentence William Wallace said: I want children and a home and peace. I had asked god for these, but it is all for nothing if you don’t have freedom. The power of words and strategies, William Wallace influenced suffer people. And more and more people took part in fighting for freedom. His unshakable resolution leaded him to a battle about freedom. As his saying: Wars could take our lives, but they would never take our freedom. His life’s purpose and personal mission statement was to pursue freedom.

  Brave made one fight against exploiters

  Through the cruel wars, He is an amazing battlefield strategist. Facing a major challenge, he refused to be beguiled into surrender. William Wallace is not naturally brave, because fight to the bitter end for peace and freedom. I think his brave heart derive from his childhood when he saw that the nobles’ army hurls rocks at each other for entertainment. Later, when a Scotsman has his wound numb, a saying came from his heart: That’ll wake you up in the morning, boy! Just when they thought all hope was lost, William Wallace still believed Scotland would be one and freedom was not so far from them that created his brave heartFight for freedom through wars. We can see his brave somewhere in this film such as routed one of Longshanks’ garrisons and murdered his noble lord.; Fight with the thousands of opponents in a war between English and Scotland; invaded Longshanks’ northern army in Your; fought with Longshanks face to face; consulted with Robert the Bruce about united the nobles to built a country of their own, even knew that would be grey. He was not the one to support the noble’s rights in Scotland’s land, neither the Balliol, William Wallace’s hometown, but fought against exploiters and looked forward to peaceful life. Brave heart was one of the important reasons that aroused people to fight for freedom and peaceful life. I think it was the power that took William Wallace over the fear of death, the fuel that propelled him toward the life you envision.

  True love under the war

  Everyone had his own true love, so did William Wallace. He was crazy in pursuit of love. But it was a pity, because in the 13th the common survived as slaves and they had less right (or even had no right) to do what they want to do, slaved for nobles, died for nobles. Love between William Wallace and Murron moved me to tears. They loved each other. They had their own land. Their love was smashed by invaders’ selfish desire. Poor Murron was the victim in the war, even she was not wrong, but history arranged her dead in the 13th when a fight for freedom just begun. Nowadays, the law has made to protect our right. We can hold fast to our ideal, such as life、job、love or other else. When

I see Historical films about love, I always sigh for the sad ending, which the main actor and the main actress separate, not because the ending of love, but for the history. Thanks for William Wallace; I deeply make sense of the love between people included kinship、friendship and affection. In the long history, people fought for freedom、rights and land all the time. Today we are free, but how many people dare to pursue his love or ideal, and how many people see his relatives、friends or the one he deep in love getting on a train and going away. I think we should take measures to defend our true feeling and follow it. The love between William Wallace and Murron was wonderful because they had strived for each other.

  William Wallace, a hero of Scotland, was excellent in Scotland history. His brave heart、unshakable faith about fighting for freedom and love have never influencing the young generation less.

  His heart will go on.

勇敢的心英文影评 篇四

  Directed and acted the leading role by mel.Gibson,the film “Brave Heart”is an epic. Gibsons Braveheart focuses on the human side of Wallace, a character so immense, so intelligent, and so passionate, exploring the definitions of honor and nobility, pushing us to follow the hero into his struggle against injustice and oppression...

  To make films of historical themes is difficult, It requires us not only reproduce the history, but also treat the history fairly and compress the complex and detailed history into a few hours on the screen, and lets the audience feel not boring .It is indeed difficult . But "Brave Heart" did it.

  Set in the late 13th century, Braveheart is the story of one of Scotlands greatest national heroes Sir William Wallace,leader of the Scottish resistance forces during the first years of the long, ultimately successful struggle to free Scotland from English rule.The story itself is simple and clear and the theme is also clearly conveyed.While William Wallace ,distinguished as Braveheart ,is still a young boy,he witnesses the king`s betrayal and cruelty:all the scots carrying on peace negotiations are hanged , even their servants are not excluded.Young Wallace`s father and brother died in the battle against the English and his uncle took him to the European continent to receive schooling.When he returns to his hometown ,Wallace has grown up into a brave, handsome,and well--educated man.He marries his childhood sweetheart Murron in secret so that the local English lord won`t claim his right of “prima nota” and intends to live an idyllic life.He does not see the true face of Longshanks until he witnesses his wife killed by the English soilders.It makes his blood boil.He and his people raise the standard of revolt and struggle for freedom.He becomes the true leader and it proves that he is the very person—the raging tide of revolation surges forward,smashing all resistance and advances victoriously everywhere.But Robort 1`s betrayal results in Wallace`s fall to the English and the failure of the revolt.Consequently,Wallace was captured,tortured and executed as a traitor,but his dying cry”Freedom” stimulates his people and finally they win the day.

  It`s an ambitious pictures,big in simple emotions like love,patriotism an treachery,and it avoids th travelogue look of so many historical swashbucklers:its locations look green,wet,vast ,muddy an rugged.Just from a technical point of view,Brave Heart does a brilliant jo o assing me and horses fo large—scale warfare on film.And th battle scenes ar frequent,bloody,and violent.Gibson deploys what look like thousands of me o orseback,as we a oot soilders an archers,and ye his battle sequences don`t turn into confusing crowd scenes.Giboson,just like th hero Wallace in th film,marshals hi armies of extras,his stuntmen an special effects,and creates a fictional world that is entertaining an thrilling.

  The make-up in the film is also remarkable.Wallace`s golden yellow hair makes him look like a lion,full of power and energy.The actors` clothes are simple and crude,primitive as well,making the atmosphere feel real.When Wallace leads his men into battle , their faces were painted blue, like football fans, crazy and enthusiastic.

  As for films,it is monotonous to tell a story of war only,of course,Brave Heart avoid it successfully.Here we should mention another soul in the film,the princess,played by the French actress Sophie Marceau.The marriage between her and Edward`s son,the prince of Wales,is only for political reasons.She soon falls in love with Wallace and just “because of the way you look at me”.She becomes the second love in Wallace`s life(the first is murron).The two romance,together with those spectacular battle scenes,expertly directed by the magnetic star,help compensate for the film`s uneven script and overlength.

  It is sometimes seen as an egotistical gesture when actors direct themselves,especially in heroic epics costing $53 million.The truth is,given this material,few could have directed it better.And as Brave Heart,Gibson plays his role with flameboyance,and cuts it with sly humor.He is an amazing battlefield strategist,inventing new strategies and weapons,outsmarting the English at every turn,leading his men into battle with hope.There is a scene where he is so pumped up with the scent of battle that his nostrils flare;not many actors could get away with that ,but Gibson can .We will remember Wallace as a Scots Spartacus but wearing a kilt.A powerful passionate film about a powerful,passionate man!

  Its a film that weaves a fascinating trail through the 14th century while delivering breathtaking battle scenes and some haunting plot lines . This is three hours worth of gripping drama, which spares nothing on either the visceral or the emotional front (the ending, in which Wallace finally gets his come-uppance, is genuine lump-in-the-throat stuff). Braveheart may have its critics (and its biggest fans are nationalists), but theres no denying this is an achievement.


