Low temperature wheat germplasm and(实用3篇)

时间:2016-09-09 06:50:26
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篇一:Low temperature wheat germplasm and its importance in cold climate areas


Low temperature is a significant environmental factor that affects the growth and development of wheat crops. In recent years, researchers have been focusing on identifying and developing low temperature wheat germplasm, which can thrive in cold climate areas. This article aims to discuss the importance of low temperature wheat germplasm and its potential benefits for farmers in cold regions.

The significance of low temperature wheat germplasm:

1. Adaptability to cold climate: Low temperature wheat germplasm possesses genetic traits that enable it to withstand and tolerate cold temperatures. These traits include increased cold hardiness, improved frost resistance, and enhanced winter survival. By using such germplasm, farmers in cold climate areas can ensure the successful cultivation of wheat even in harsh weather conditions.

2. Increased yield potential: Low temperature wheat germplasm has the potential to significantly increase crop yields in cold regions. Traditional wheat varieties often suffer from reduced yields due to frost damage and low temperatures. However, by utilizing low temperature germplasm, farmers can overcome these challenges and achieve higher productivity.

3. Reduced production risks: Planting low temperature wheat germplasm helps mitigate production risks associated with cold climates. These germplasm varieties are less susceptible to frost damage and have a higher survival rate during winter. Consequently, farmers can minimize the risk of crop failure and ensure a more stable and reliable wheat production.

4. Expansion of suitable cultivation areas: Cold climate areas are often limited in terms of suitable crops for cultivation. By developing and utilizing low temperature wheat germplasm, the range of areas suitable for wheat cultivation can be expanded. This not only benefits farmers by providing them with new opportunities but also contributes to food security by increasing wheat production in regions that were previously unsuitable.


The development and utilization of low temperature wheat germplasm hold great promise for farmers in cold climate areas. By harnessing the genetic traits of these germplasm varieties, farmers can overcome the challenges posed by low temperatures and achieve higher crop yields. Furthermore, the expansion of suitable cultivation areas for wheat contributes to food security and agricultural sustainability. Therefore, it is crucial to continue research and breeding efforts to further enhance the adaptability and productivity of low temperature wheat germplasm.

篇二:The development and challenges of low temperature wheat germplasm breeding


Low temperature is a significant environmental factor that affects the cultivation of wheat crops. In recent years, researchers have made significant progress in breeding low temperature wheat germplasm, which is adaptable to cold climate areas. This article aims to discuss the development and challenges associated with breeding low temperature wheat germplasm.

The development of low temperature wheat germplasm breeding:

1. Genetic selection: Breeders utilize genetic selection techniques to identify wheat varieties that possess cold tolerance traits. These traits include the ability to survive low temperatures, resistance to frost damage, and improved winter hardiness. Through extensive screening and evaluation, breeders can select and crossbreed wheat varieties that exhibit these desirable traits.

2. Molecular breeding techniques: Advances in molecular breeding techniques have revolutionized the breeding of low temperature wheat germplasm. These techniques allow breeders to identify and manipulate specific genes associated with cold tolerance. By incorporating these genes into breeding programs, breeders can develop wheat varieties that are more resilient to low temperatures.

3. Field testing and evaluation: After initial breeding and selection, field testing and evaluation are essential to assess the performance of low temperature wheat germplasm. This involves cultivating the newly developed varieties in cold climate areas and monitoring their growth, yield, and tolerance to low temperatures. Through multiple cycles of testing and selection, breeders can further refine the germplasm to ensure its adaptability and productivity.

Challenges in breeding low temperature wheat germplasm:

1. Genetic complexity: Cold tolerance in wheat is a complex trait influenced by multiple genes. Identifying and incorporating all the necessary genes into a single germplasm variety can be challenging. Breeders must conduct extensive genetic analysis and utilize advanced techniques to fully understand the genetic basis of cold tolerance in wheat.

2. Balancing yield potential and cold tolerance: While developing low temperature wheat germplasm, breeders must strike a balance between cold tolerance and yield potential. Some highly cold-tolerant varieties may exhibit reduced yield potential, which can be undesirable for farmers. It is crucial to select and breed varieties that offer a combination of cold tolerance and high productivity.

3. Long breeding cycles: Breeding low temperature wheat germplasm is a time-consuming process that requires multiple cycles of selection and evaluation. It can take several years before a new variety is ready for commercial cultivation. This long breeding cycle poses challenges in meeting the urgent needs of farmers in cold climate areas.


Breeding low temperature wheat germplasm is a complex and challenging task. However, the potential benefits it offers for farmers in cold climate areas make it a worthwhile endeavor. By utilizing genetic selection and molecular breeding techniques, breeders can develop wheat varieties that are better adapted to low temperatures. Despite the challenges, continued research and breeding efforts are necessary to further enhance the cold tolerance and productivity of wheat germplasm.

Low temperature wheat germplasm and 篇三

Low temperature wheat germplasm and its leaf photosynthetic traits and structure characteristics

Low temperature germplasm with constant low plant temperature was found in the nature through a long-time observation on wheat canopy temperature and traits; correspondingly, high temperature germplasm with constant high plant temperature also exists. Compared with the high temperature germplasm, the chlorophyll content and the net photosynthetic rate of the three functional leaves on the top of the low temperature wheat germplasm are higher and the structure tends to be more complicated, which is characterized by smaller mesophyll cells and more closely arranged cell layers, more and denser chloroplasts with thick stroma, more granas and well developed grana lamellae, a larger vascular bundle area with smaller interspace. All these characteristics embody the consistency of structure and function and provide the theoretical bases for looking for and cultivating the new low temperature materials in agricultural


作 者: ZHANG Songwu MIAO Fang WANG Changfa 作者单位: Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry, Yangling 712100, China 刊 名:自然科学进展(英文版) SCI 英文刊名: PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE 年,卷(期): 200414(6) 分类号: Q94 关键词: low temperature wheat germplasm leaf photosynthetic trait structure
Low temperature wheat germplasm and(实用3篇)

