
时间:2018-01-06 04:29:14
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英语笑话三则 篇一

1. The Mysterious Parrot

A man walked into a pet store and asked the owner if he had any parrots for sale. The owner pointed to a beautiful parrot in a cage and said, "This parrot can speak three languages: English, French, and Spanish."

The man was amazed and asked the parrot, "Can you really speak all those languages?"

The parrot replied, "Yes, I can."

The man then asked, "Do you understand what you're saying in all those languages?"

The parrot replied, "No, I don't. I'm just a parrot!"

2. The Talking Clock

A man was having trouble with his alarm clock. It would always go off at the wrong time. Frustrated, he took it to a repair shop to get it fixed.

The repairman looked at the clock and said, "I'm sorry, but I can't fix this clock. It's a talking clock."

Confused, the man said, "What do you mean it's a talking clock?"

The repairman explained, "Every time the clock is supposed to ring, it says, 'Good morning, it's 7 o'clock.'"

3. The Confused Tourist

A tourist was visiting a small town and asked a local for directions to the nearest hotel. The local replied, "Just go straight down this road, and you'll see a big sign that says 'Hotel'."

The tourist followed the directions and walked down the road. However, he didn't see any sign for a hotel. Instead, he saw a sign that said, "HOT E.L" and thought that must be the hotel.

Confused, he walked into the building and asked the receptionist, "Is this the hotel?"

The receptionist replied, "No, this is a hotel for hot dogs!"

英语笑话三则 篇二

1. The Lost Wallet

A man was walking down the street when he found a wallet on the ground. He opened it and saw that it was full of money. Excited, he thought about keeping it for himself. However, he then noticed a note inside the wallet that said, "If found, please return to John Smith."

Feeling guilty, the man decided to do the right thing and returned the wallet to John Smith. John was extremely grateful and rewarded the man with a generous amount of money.

As the man walked away, he couldn't help but laugh at the situation. He thought to himself, "I could have been rich, but instead I became a good Samaritan!"

2. The Forgetful Teacher

A teacher was giving a math lesson to her students. She wrote a problem on the board and asked the class to solve it. After a few minutes, she realized that she had forgotten the answer herself.

Embarrassed, she turned to one of the students and said, "Can you help me? I've forgotten the answer to this problem."

The student replied, "Sure, let me check my notes." He then took out his notebook and said confidently, "The answer is 42!"

The teacher was relieved and said, "That's correct! Good job!"

After the class, the teacher approached the student and said, "Thank you for helping me. But how did you come up with the answer so quickly?"

The student smiled and said, "Oh, that's just the answer to everything!"

3. The Clever Barber

A man went to a barber shop to get a haircut. As the barber was cutting his hair, they started talking about various topics. The man mentioned that he was planning to go on a vacation soon.

The barber asked, "Where are you planning to go for your vacation?"

The man replied, "I'm thinking of going to Rome."

The barber chuckled and said, "That's a great choice! You know, my haircuts are so good that people often say they feel like they're in Rome when they get one."

The man laughed and said, "Well, I guess I'll save some money then and just get a haircut here!"

Both the man and the barber had a good laugh, and the man left the shop with a stylish new haircut.

英语笑话三则 篇三


  Once God came up to me and granted me a wish.

  I asked for world peace. That's impossible, he said.

  Then I asked him to give me brains. He said, Let me try world peace.





  Customer:Everyday you charge me money for a cup of coffee.It will be wonderful if you serve me coffee free of charge today.

  Waiter:“Yeah,you can have a free coffee.But we will charge your money for the seat and the cup 。



