
时间:2011-06-02 03:11:34
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商务英语邮件写作双重否定 篇一

Title: Request for Urgent Delivery Adjustment

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to kindly request an adjustment to the delivery date of the goods we ordered from your company.

Unfortunately, we have encountered a delay in our production process, which has led to a delay in the completion of our project. Consequently, we are unable to receive the goods as initially planned on [original delivery date]. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

We understand that this request is highly inconvenient and we fully acknowledge the impact it may have on your operations. However, we kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation in this matter. We assure you that we are working diligently to resolve the issues causing the delay and we will make every effort to expedite the completion of our project.

Considering the circumstances, we would greatly appreciate it if you could adjust the delivery date to [new requested delivery date]. This additional time will allow us to ensure the smooth continuation of our project and avoid any further delays.

Please let us know at your earliest convenience if it is possible to accommodate our request. If there are any additional costs or fees associated with this adjustment, please inform us so that we can make the necessary arrangements.

Once again, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and we greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation. We value our business relationship with your company and we look forward to your favorable response.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]

商务英语邮件写作双重否定 篇二

Title: Request for Reconsideration of Price Increase

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express our concern regarding the recent price increase on the products we have been purchasing from your company.

We understand that costs and market conditions fluctuate, and it is natural for prices to adjust accordingly. However, we believe that the magnitude of the price increase is disproportionate and it poses significant challenges to our business operations.

We have been loyal customers of your company for several years, and we greatly value the quality and reliability of your products. However, the recent price increase puts a strain on our budget and makes it difficult for us to continue purchasing at the same volume.

We kindly request you to reconsider the price increase and explore alternative solutions that would allow us to maintain our business relationship. We propose discussing possible options such as adjusting the pricing structure, exploring volume-based discounts, or negotiating more favorable terms.

We understand that your company operates within a competitive market and faces various cost pressures. However, we believe that a mutually beneficial solution can be reached that ensures the sustainability of our business partnership.

We would greatly appreciate it if you could review our request and provide us with a prompt response. We are open to further discussion and negotiation to find a resolution that works for both parties.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We value our business relationship with your company and we look forward to your favorable response.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]

商务英语邮件写作双重否定 篇三


  Have a look at this example:




  This Escrow Account Agreement expires if no money is not credited to the Escrow Account by 30 June.


  Although this grammatical construction is correct in many languages, it is not correct in English. It was, however, common usage several centuries ago, and it still exists in colloquial English now. This explains well known examples such as “I can’t get no satisfaction” and “We don’t need no education”. But it is not correct in formal written English.

  尽管这种语法结构在很多语言中都是正确的,但在英语中却是错的。然而,在很多个世纪以前,这种用法非常常见,而在今天的英语口语中,也依然存在。这解释了一些有名的例子,比如“I can’t get no satisfaction 我得不到满足”以及“We don’t need no education 我们不需要教育”。但在正式的书面英语中,这并不是正确的。

  The grammatical concept is called “negative concord”. In languages that have negative concord, such as Spanish, Polish and Hungarian, the double negative intensifies the negation. However, in languages that do not have negative concord, such as Standard English and German, a double negative is understood to resolve into a positive.


  So the above example technically means:


  This Escrow Account Agreement expires if money is credited to the Escrow Account by 30 June.


  In reality, of course, it is unlikely anyone would understand it th

is way, as it wouldn’t make any sense. But the sentence should be corrected as follows:




  This Escrow Account Agreement expires if no money is credited to the Escrow Account by 30 June 2013.



