
时间:2017-08-09 09:40:29
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3年级英语下册作文 篇一

My Favorite Animal

My favorite animal is a dog. Dogs are loyal and friendly. They always make me feel loved and protected. I have a pet dog named Max, and he is like a member of our family.

Max is a golden retriever. He has a beautiful golden coat that shines in the sun. He has big brown eyes that are full of love and excitement. Max is very playful and energetic. He loves to run and chase after balls. We often go to the park together and play fetch. Max is also very good at catching Frisbees. It's always so much fun to watch him jump and catch the flying discs.

Besides being playful, Max is also very smart. He can learn new tricks easily. I taught him how to sit, shake hands, and even play dead. He is always eager to learn and please me. Max is also a great companion. Whenever I feel sad or lonely, he comes and sits beside me, wagging his tail and giving me his paw. It's like he knows exactly how I feel and wants to comfort me.

Taking care of a dog is a big responsibility, but it's also a lot of fun. I have to feed Max, give him fresh water, and take him for walks every day. I also have to give him regular baths and take him to the vet for check-ups. But all these things are worth it because Max brings so much joy and happiness into my life.

In conclusion, dogs are amazing animals and my favorite pet. They are loyal, friendly, and always there for you. I'm so grateful to have Max as my best friend. I can't imagine my life without him.

3年级英语下册作文 篇二

My Favorite Hobby

My favorite hobby is painting. I love to express myself through colors and shapes on a blank canvas. Painting allows me to unleash my creativity and imagination.

I started painting when I was in kindergarten. My art teacher introduced me to different types of brushes, paints, and techniques. I was fascinated by the vibrant colors and the way they blend together to create beautiful pictures. Since then, I have been painting whenever I have free time.

I enjoy painting landscapes the most. I love to depict the beauty of nature – the blue sky, green trees, and colorful flowers. Sometimes I paint mountains, rivers, and lakes too. It's like I can escape into a different world when I'm painting. I feel calm and peaceful, and all my worries and stress disappear.

I also like to experiment with different styles of painting. Sometimes I use watercolors to create soft and dreamy effects. Other times, I use acrylic paints to create bold and vibrant images. I also like to try different techniques, such as splattering paint or using a palette knife to create texture.

Painting not only allows me to express my emotions, but it also helps me improve my concentration and patience. Sometimes, I spend hours working on a single painting, paying attention to every detail and stroke. It's a great way to practice focus and perseverance.

I often display my paintings at school art exhibitions. It's always exciting to see people admire my artwork and hear their positive comments. Painting not only brings me joy, but it also allows me to share my passion with others.

In conclusion, painting is my favorite hobby. It allows me to express my creativity, relax, and share my artwork with others. I hope to continue painting and improving my skills in the future.

3年级英语下册作文 篇三



















