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英语语法条件状语从句引导词解析 篇一


1. If

"If" 是条件状语从句中最常用的引导词。它表示一种假设或条件,并且引导的从句可以放在主句的前面或后面。例如:

- If it rains, we will stay at home.

- We will stay at home if it rains.

2. Unless

"Unless" 表示除非某个条件满足,否则不会发生某个动作。它相当于 "if not",但用法略有不同。例如:

- Unless you study hard, you will fail the exam.

- You will fail the exam unless you study hard.

3. Provided/providing (that)

"Provided" 或 "providing (that)" 表示在某种条件下才会发生某个动作。它们的用法非常类似于 "if"。例如:

- I will lend you the money provided (that) you pay me back next week.

- Provided (that) you finish your work on time, you can leave early.

4. As long as

"As long as" 表示只要某个条件一直成立,某个动作就会持续发生。它的用法也类似于 "if"。例如:

- You can use my car as long as you return it by 6 pm.

- As long as you keep practicing, you will improve your English.

5. In case

"In case" 表示以防万一或为了预防某种情况可能发生。它的用法是在主句之前使用。例如:

- Take an umbrella with you in case it rains.

- I brought some snacks in case we get hungry.

总结起来,条件状语从句中的引导词有 "if","unless","provided/providing (that)","as long as" 和 "in case"。它们各自表示不同的条件或假设,并且在句子中的位置可以有所不同。熟练掌握这些引导词的用法,对于理解和运用条件状语从句非常重要。

英语语法条件状语从句引导词解析 篇二


6. Only if

"Only if" 表示只有在某种特定条件下才会发生某个动作。它相当于 "if and only if",用于强调条件的限制性。例如:

- I will go to the party only if my best friend can come too.

- You can take a break only if you finish your work.

7. Even if

"Even if" 表示即使某个条件不成立,某个动作仍然会发生。它相当于 "even though",用于表示尽管某种情况不可能发生,但是仍然会进行某个动作。例如:

- Even if it snows, I will still go skiing.

- I will support you even if everyone else disagrees.

8. Supposing/suppose (that)

"Supposing" 或 "suppose (that)" 表示假设某种情况发生,然后进一步讨论或预测可能的结果。它们的用法类似于 "if"。例如:

- Supposing you win the lottery, what would you do with the money?

- Suppose (that) it rains tomorrow, what will we do for our picnic?

9. As if/though

"As if" 或 "as though" 表示虽然某种情况不可能发生,但是我们可以想象它发生后可能产生的结果。它们通常用于描述一种虚拟的情况。例如:

- He acted as if he knew the answer, but I'm sure he was just guessing.

- She talks to her cat as though it understands her.

10. In the event (that)

"In the event (that)" 表示在某种事件发生的情况下,某个动作会随之发生。它的用法类似于 "if"。例如:

- In the event that the flight is delayed, we will provide hotel accommodation.

- We have a backup plan in the event that it rains on our wedding day.

总结起来,条件状语从句中的引导词还包括 "only if","even if","supposing/suppose (that)","as if/though" 和 "in the event (that)"。它们各自表示不同的条件、假设或情况,并且在句子中的用法也有所差异。熟练掌握这些引导词的用法,将有助于我们更准确地表达条件状语从句的意思。

英语语法条件状语从句引导词解析 篇三


  一、在英语学习中,条件状语从句指的是某一件事情实现之后(状语从句中的动作),其它事情(主句中的动作)才能发生,通常译作"假如"。由引导词if(如果)、unless(除非)或 as long as(只要)等引导的状语从句叫做条件状语从句。

  二、1、在 if 引导的条件状语从句中,如果从句谈论的是一个有可能发生的事实及其产生的相关的结果,主句用一般将来时态,从句用一般现在时态。例如:

  1). If it rains tomorrow ,we will not go to the zoo.


  2). What will you do if you find a panda in danger?


  3). You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket.


  2、如果 if 引导的条件句谈论的是重复发生和预示要发生的情景和事件,则主从句大多用一般现在时态。例如:

  If bears are in danger ,they attack people.

  3、if 从句用一般现在时,主句用may/ might/ can,if

条件句表事实,主句常用现在时,例如:1)If You receive arequest like this,you cannot fail to obey it!


  2). If it stops snowing wecan go out.


  3). We can walk there if we can't find a bus .


  4、在 if引导的条件状语从句中,如果从句谈论的是一个有可能发生的事实及其产生的相关的结果,主句用一般将来时态,从句用一般现在时态。

  If youpark your car in the wrong place,a traffic policeman will soon findit.


  5、if 从句用一般现在时,主句用must/ should,例如:

  If you want to lose weight you must/ should eat less bread.



  If I were you, I would invite him to the party.


  三、unless = if...not 除非,若不,除非在……的时候,例如:

  1)Let's go out for a walk unless you are too tired.=If you are not too tired, let's go out for a walk.


  2)Unless it rains, the game will be played.


  四、典型例题:If he ___in half an hour,we ___wait for him.

  A. won't come ,won't B.won't come ,don't C.doesn't come ,won't D.will come ,don't

  解析:本题考查条件状语从句“主将从现”的运用。题干的意思是“如果他一小时后不来,我们将不会等他了”,从“in half an hour”,“一小时后”可知本句说的是未来的事,那么if引导的条件状语从句要用一般现在时表示将来时,主句要用一般将来时。答案:C

  典型例题: ----I wonder if your wife to the party.----If your wife _________, so will mine。.

  A. will go, go B. will go, goes C.goes, will go D. will go, will go

  解析:第一句中if表示“是否”,引导宾语从句,用将来时will go;第二句“如果你的妻子去,我的妻子也去”,if引导条件状语从句,用一般现在时表示将来时。 your wife,单三人称主语,所以用goes.答案:B


