七年级英语 Lesson 9【精选3篇】

时间:2018-02-09 02:37:17
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七年级英语 Lesson 9 篇一

My Favorite Hobby

My favorite hobby is playing basketball. I have been playing basketball for three years now and I absolutely love it. It is not only a great way to stay active and healthy, but it also helps me relieve stress and have fun.

I usually play basketball after school with my friends at the local park. We have a small basketball court there where we can practice our skills and play friendly matches. It is always a lot of fun to compete with my friends and see who can score the most points.

Basketball has taught me many important skills such as teamwork, communication, and perseverance. In order to win a game, we need to work together as a team and communicate effectively. We also need to never give up, even if we are losing. This has helped me develop a strong work ethic and a never-give-up attitude, which I believe will benefit me in other aspects of life as well.

Apart from playing basketball with my friends, I also enjoy watching professional basketball games on TV. I am a big fan of the NBA and I have a favorite team and player. Watching these games not only entertains me, but it also helps me learn new techniques and strategies that I can apply to my own game.

In the future, I hope to continue playing basketball and maybe even join a school team. I want to improve my skills and become a better player. I also want to meet new people who share the same passion for basketball as I do.

Overall, playing basketball is not just a hobby for me, it is a way of life. It brings me joy, keeps me active, and helps me develop important skills. I am grateful to have discovered this hobby and I will continue to enjoy playing basketball for many years to come.

七年级英语 Lesson 9 篇二

My Dream Vacation

My dream vacation is to visit the beautiful city of Paris, France. I have always been fascinated by the rich history and culture of Paris and I cannot wait to explore all the famous landmarks and attractions it has to offer.

One of the main reasons why I want to visit Paris is to see the Eiffel Tower. It is one of the most iconic landmarks in the world and it has always been a dream of mine to see it in person. I want to take a ride to the top and enjoy the breathtaking view of the city from above.

Another place I am excited to visit is the Louvre Museum. It is home to thousands of priceless artworks, including the famous painting, Mona Lisa. I have always been interested in art and I cannot wait to see all the masterpieces up close.

In addition to the famous landmarks, I also want to experience the French cuisine. I have heard so much about the delicious pastries, cheese, and wine that Paris has to offer. I want to try authentic French dishes and indulge in the flavors of the city.

Apart from the attractions and food, I also want to immerse myself in the French culture. I want to explore the charming streets of Paris, visit local markets, and interact with the friendly locals. I want to learn more about their traditions, customs, and way of life.

To make my dream vacation a reality, I am saving up money and researching the best time to visit Paris. I am also learning some basic French phrases to make communication easier during my trip.

In conclusion, my dream vacation to Paris is filled with excitement and anticipation. I cannot wait to explore the city, see the famous landmarks, try the delicious food, and immerse myself in the French culture. It will be an unforgettable experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

七年级英语 Lesson 9 篇三

七年级英语 Lesson 9【精选3篇】

