
时间:2016-02-08 06:20:47
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Urban Complex Translation

Article 1: Urban Complex - A New Trend in Modern Cities

In recent years, urban complexes have become a new trend in modern cities. An urban complex, also known as a mixed-use development, is a large-scale development project that integrates various functions such as residential, commercial, cultural, and recreational facilities within a single area. This concept has gained popularity due to the increasing urbanization and the need for sustainable development.

One of the main advantages of urban complexes is their ability to provide a diverse range of services and amenities within a convenient distance. Residents of these complexes have access to not only housing but also shopping malls, restaurants, cinemas, parks, and other recreational facilities. This integrated approach allows people to live, work, and enjoy their leisure time without the need to travel long distances, reducing congestion and improving overall quality of life.

Another benefit of urban complexes is their contribution to the local economy. These developments attract a wide range of businesses, creating employment opportunities and stimulating economic growth. The presence of commercial spaces and office buildings within the complex allows for a mix of retail, dining, and office spaces, attracting both residents and visitors. This creates a vibrant and dynamic environment that fosters innovation and entrepreneurship.

Furthermore, urban complexes are designed with sustainability in mind. They often incorporate green building practices and utilize renewable energy sources to minimize their environmental impact. The integration of green spaces and parks within the complex promotes a healthier lifestyle and improves air quality. Additionally, the centralized location of these complexes encourages the use of public transportation and reduces the reliance on private vehicles, further reducing carbon emissions.

However, there are also challenges associated with urban complexes. The high cost of land and construction often leads to higher housing prices, making it less affordable for some individuals. Additionally, the increased density of these developments can put a strain on existing infrastructure and public services such as transportation, schools, and healthcare facilities. Proper planning and coordination are crucial to address these challenges and ensure the sustainable development of urban complexes.

In conclusion, urban complexes are emerging as a new trend in modern cities, offering a wide range of services and amenities within a single area. They contribute to the local economy, promote sustainability, and improve overall quality of life. However, careful planning and management are essential to address the challenges associated with these developments. With proper implementation, urban complexes can become vibrant and sustainable communities that enhance the urban landscape.

Article 2: The Benefits and Challenges of Urban Complexes

Urban complexes, also known as mixed-use developments, have gained popularity in modern cities for their numerous benefits. However, they also present certain challenges that need to be addressed for successful implementation.

One of the main benefits of urban complexes is their ability to create vibrant and dynamic communities. By integrating residential, commercial, cultural, and recreational facilities within a single area, these developments offer a diverse range of services and amenities. Residents have access to shopping malls, restaurants, parks, and other recreational facilities, enhancing their quality of life. The presence of commercial spaces also attracts businesses, creating employment opportunities and stimulating economic growth.

Another advantage of urban complexes is their contribution to sustainability. These developments often incorporate green building practices and utilize renewable energy sources, reducing their environmental impact. The integration of green spaces and parks promotes a healthier lifestyle and improves air quality. Furthermore, the centralized location of these complexes encourages the use of public transportation, reducing congestion and carbon emissions.

However, urban complexes also present challenges that need to be addressed. The high cost of land and construction often leads to higher housing prices, making it less affordable for some individuals. This can contribute to social inequality and exclusion. Additionally, the increased density of these developments can strain existing infrastructure and public services. Proper planning and coordination are necessary to ensure the provision of adequate transportation, schools, healthcare facilities, and other essential services.

Another challenge is maintaining a sense of community in these large-scale developments. With the presence of numerous buildings and facilities, it can be difficult to foster a sense of belonging and social cohesion. Designing public spaces and organizing community events can help create opportunities for interaction and connection among residents.

In conclusion, urban complexes offer numerous advantages such as diverse amenities, economic growth, and sustainability. However, challenges such as affordability, infrastructure strain, and community building need to be addressed for successful implementation. With proper planning and management, urban complexes can become thriving and inclusive communities that contribute to the overall well-being of residents.

城市综合体英语翻译 篇三




(2010-11-4 )

关于城市综合体,目前国内有两种翻译,即HOPSCA和Urban(City) Complex。究竟哪一种翻译比较符合实际呢?


一 、―城市综合体‖应该翻译为HOPSCA?


1、万达商业地产开发的第三代产品,称为―城市综合体‖,英文名为HOPSCA——Hotel(酒店)、 Office(写字楼)、Parking(停车场)、Shopping mall(购物中心)、Convention(会议中心)、Apartme


