
时间:2013-01-03 05:29:26
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英语环保格言 篇一

In today's world, taking care of the environment has become more important than ever before. With increasing pollution and climate change, it is crucial for each and every one of us to do our part in protecting the environment. One way to spread awareness and encourage others to join the cause is through inspiring and thought-provoking environmental quotes. Here are some English environmental proverbs that serve as reminders of the importance of environmental conservation.

1. "The Earth does not belong to us. We belong to the Earth." - Chief Seattle

This quote by Chief Seattle, a Native American leader, highlights the idea that we are not the owners of the Earth but merely caretakers. It reminds us that we have a responsibility to take care of the planet for future generations.

2. "The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it." - Robert Swan

This quote emphasizes the importance of taking personal responsibility for the environment. It reminds us that we cannot rely solely on others to make a difference; we must take action ourselves.

3. "We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children." - Native American Proverb

This proverb reminds us that our actions today have consequences for future generations. It encourages us to think about the long-term impacts of our choices and to make decisions that will benefit the planet in the long run.

4. "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." - Chinese Proverb

This proverb highlights the importance of taking action now. It reminds us that it is never too late to make a positive impact on the environment. Planting a tree today may not undo the damage that has already been done, but it is a step in the right direction.

5. "We don't need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly." - Anne Marie Bonneau

This quote encourages us to focus on progress rather than perfection. It reminds us that small changes can add up to make a big difference. We should not be discouraged by the idea that we cannot do enough; every effort counts.

These English environmental proverbs serve as reminders of the importance of taking care of the environment. They encourage us to take personal responsibility, make positive changes, and think about the long-term impacts of our actions. Let these quotes inspire you to do your part in protecting the planet.

英语环保格言 篇二

In today's fast-paced world, it is easy to forget the importance of environmental conservation. However, caring for the environment is not just a responsibility; it is a necessity for the survival of our planet and future generations. English environmental proverbs serve as reminders of this crucial message. Here are some inspiring quotes that highlight the significance of environmental protection.

1. "The Earth is what we all have in common." - Wendell Berry

This quote by Wendell Berry emphasizes the idea that the Earth belongs to all of us, regardless of our differences. It reminds us that we share a common responsibility to take care of the planet.

2. "The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share." - Lady Bird Johnson

This quote from Lady Bird Johnson highlights the importance of the environment as a unifying force. It reminds us that we all have a stake in protecting the planet, as it affects each and every one of us.

3. "The Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed." - Mahatma Gandhi

This quote by Mahatma Gandhi emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with the Earth and its resources. It reminds us that we should strive for sustainable practices and not exploit the planet for our own selfish desires.

4. "We never know the worth of water till the well is dry." - Thomas Fuller

This proverb reminds us of the value of water and the importance of conserving this precious resource. It encourages us to appreciate and protect our natural resources before it is too late.

5. "The environment is where we live; the environment is home." - Dalai Lama

This quote by the Dalai Lama reminds us that the environment is not just a separate entity; it is our home. It encourages us to treat the environment with respect and care, just as we would our own living spaces.

These English environmental proverbs serve as reminders of the importance of environmental conservation. They encourage us to recognize our shared responsibility, value our natural resources, and live in harmony with the Earth. Let these quotes inspire you to take action and make a positive impact on the environment. Remember, the future of our planet depends on the choices we make today.

英语环保格言 篇三

  Afforestation and centuries.


  Keep the beauty of the grass, embodies the beauty of you.


  Use your hands well, garbage everywhere.


  To have a smoke less and planted a tree.


  Protect the environment, is to cherish life.


  There are green, where there is life.


  We need everyone to protect the earth.


  Do the earth mother's boy, protect her!


  Pursue green fashion, going green civilization.


  The wind clear aqua green shamrock, our beautiful home.


  Stop your footsteps, keep a piece of green!


  At the foot of mercy, please, don't hurt the grass.


  Participate in the green action, protect the beautiful home.


  Starts from oneself, to take care of our home.


  Quick action, protect the natural ecological!


  Water is the source of life, the tree is the root of life.


  I am a flower, please love me, don't pick me.


  Please carry your feet high, listen to, the grass in the cry!


  Picked up a piece of paper, to create a beautiful environment.


  Please don't disorderly woods, let air more pure and fresh.


  With our hands to protect our earth.


  Set up the environment consciousness, protect the ecological environment.


  Life to the earth, save our environment.


  Building beautiful border, love our home.


  The earth is our mother, we have to take care of her.


  There is only one earth, human should be in the same boat.


  Less per person threw a piece of paper, the earth will be more beautiful.


  The grass just drill ground, please voluntarily protect the weak.


  Don't let the dust into the campus, let beautiful to my house.


  Science and technology development is infinite good, just the earth too embarrassed.


  Why do humans always put environmental consciousness behind.


  Picked up a piece of waste paper, is to eliminate pollution.


  Save a drop of water every day, hard to have the Pacific Ocean.


英语环保格言 篇四

  Protect the environment, love our planet.


  Cherish every drop of water, let the earth mother is not cry.


  Keep the ecological balance on earth, is to protect the number itself.


  A man's life is limited, to protect the environment is unlimited.


  Charactizing a fine spring day in the home, need us to create together.


  Contribute to green environment, make mother earth more beautiful.


  Keep the ecological balance on earth, is to protect human oneself.


  Let wind no longer abroad and also a piece of green earth.


  Let the sky bluer, the water cleaner, let's start small.


  Please don't puff smoke into the sky, it is the smiling face of the earth mother.


  Human beings should be ashamed for their destruction of environment.


  The quality of people are the same, just the environment difference.


  Love our mother,

don't let her sad and disappointed!


  Fairyland lined with trees, flowers everywhere, and very beautiful.


  Hand, the first step to stay blue, care for the environment, everyone duty.


  Everyone has to protect the environment, otherwise people will die.


  A variety of a tree green trees, also I a piece of blue sky.


  The earth is our mother, protection is to protect the mother earth.


  With beautiful flowers dress up the world, we use action to beautify the campus!


  Mother nature is good, is also cruel butcher.


  Love green protect green, environmental protection; Thrift, cherish resources.


  The creations of human is not the environment, the environment is the product of mankind.


  Society is like a boat, everyone has to have pilots to prepare.


  Protect the environment, start small; Beautify the environment, everyone duty.


  Let the green in life with, let the heart fly in the green.


  Is happy life not only have ample food and clothing, also lies in the clear water, blue sky.


  Humans have the green trees, flowers and grass, life will be more beautiful.


