
时间:2013-03-04 08:33:10
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冠词的用法 篇一



1. The book on the table is mine.(桌子上的那本书是我的。)

2. The girl in the red dress is my sister.(穿红色裙子的那个女孩是我妹妹。)


1. I saw a cat in the garden.(我在花园里看到一只猫。)

2. She is an actress.(她是一位女演员。)


1. 用于序数词前:the first, the second等。例如:He is the first person to arrive.(他是第一个到达的人。)

2. 用于乐器名词前,表示演奏或使用该乐器。例如:She plays the piano very well.(她钢琴弹得很好。)

3. 用于姓氏前,表示一家人中的某位成员。例如:The Johnsons are going on vacation.(约翰逊一家要去度假。)


1. 用于表示一类人或物的名词前,如school, hospital等。例如:She works in a hospital.(她在一家医院工作。)

2. 用于表示国家、城市、街道等名词前。例如:I am from China.(我来自中国。)

3. 用于表示语言、学科等名词前。例如:She is studying English.(她正在学英语。)


冠词的用法 篇二



1. The book on the table is mine.(桌子上的那本书是我的。)

2. The girls in the red dresses are my sisters.(穿红色裙子的那些女孩是我姐妹们。)


1. I saw a cat in the garden.(我在花园里看到一只猫。)

2. She is an actress.(她是一位女演员。)


1. 用于序数词前:the first, the second等。例如:He is the first person to arrive.(他是第一个到达的人。)

2. 用于乐器名词前,表示演奏或使用该乐器。例如:She plays the piano very well.(她钢琴弹得很好。)

3. 用于姓氏前,表示一家人中的某位成员。例如:The Johnsons are going on vacation.(约翰逊一家要去度假。)


1. 用于表示一类人或物的名词前,如school, hospital等。例如:She works in a hospital.(她在一家医院工作。)

2. 用于表示国家、城市、街道等名词前。例如:I am from China.(我来自中国。)

3. 用于表示语言、学科等名词前。例如:She is studying English.(她正在学英语。)


冠词的用法 篇三

  1. 表示特定的人或物,上文中提到的人或物,说话双方都熟悉的或能领会的人或物。

  The pen on the desk belongs to the girl standing beside Betty.

  Let’s go to the station to meet him.

  2. 用于单数可数名词前,表示类别,整个族类或某项发明

  The dolphin is an intelligent animal.

  The compass was invented in China about 2000 years ago.

  3. 用于表示方位、自然现象的名词前

  The cold wind from the north contributed to the drop of the temperature../ Turn to the right.

  注:这些词与形容词连用时常用不定冠词。如:a fair wind 顺风

  4. 表示世上独一无二的事物前。

  the sun/earth…

  注:有形容词修饰时要加不定冠词。如:a full moon; a blue sky

  5. 表示乐器的名词前

  6. 用于某些形容词前表示一类人或物

  the poor; the rich; the old; the young; the living; the dead; the wounded; the deaf; the blind; the learned; the aged; the unemployed the accused; the elderly…

  7. 用于复数姓氏前表示一家人或夫妇二人

  8. 表示世纪、年代的名词前

  in the 20th century; in the 1980s

  9. 用于序数词或形容词的最高级前; 或有only, very, same, right, just等的名词前

  He was the only person who was invited to the ball in his office.

  10. 介词by表示计量时,其后表示“时间、长度、体积、面积”

  Pencils are sold by the dozen.

  You get paid by the hour.

  11. 表示“抓、打人的某身体部位”时,身体部位的名词前要加定冠词

  The woman took me by the arm.

  12. 用于后面带有修饰语句(介词短语、不定式短语、分词短语或定语从句)的名词前

  Tokyo is the capital of Japan.

  He worked in the factory which lies in the east of the city.

  13. 用于某些 固定短语或句式

  In the year 2008; in the morning/afternoon; in the beginning; in the end; at the beginning of; at the end of; at the back of; in the middle of; in the center of; in the distance; at the age of; at the foot of; at the top of; on the edge of; by the way; by the end of; in the form of; the other day; be in the habit of; have/form the habit of; take the place of; to the point; on the contrary; on the other hand; for the time being; in the long run; on the decline; on the march

  二: 专有名词前加定冠词的情况

  1. 用于江河、湖泊、海洋、海峡、海湾、群岛、山脉、沙漠等专有名词前

  2. 用于由普通名词和专有名词构成的国家、党派、组织、机构、公共建筑物或历史古迹等前

  the United States; the Chinese Communist Party; the World Trade Organization; the Great Wall…

  3. 用于报刊,杂志、会议、条约、时期、朝代、历史事件等专有名词前

  the People’s

Daily; the Times; the Atlantic Pact; the Middle Ages; the Ming Dynasty

  4. 用于表示民族、国籍的专有名词前

  the British; the Chinese

冠词的用法 篇四

  1. 复数名词、抽象名词或物质名词表示泛指时

  Failure is the mother of success.

  Paper is made from wood.

  2. 表示季节、 月份、日期、星期的名词或表示节假日的名词前

  in spring; on Sunday; in January; on Christmas; …

  注:in the spring of 2006; the Spring Festival/ the Mid-Autumn Festival

  3. 表示三餐、体育运动、学科、运输或通讯方式的名词前

  Have breakfast; play basketball; I like English; by bus; by telephone…

  4. 表示人名、地名、国名、街道名、大学、公园、车站、机场、港口、广场、桥梁等前

  注: the University of Toronto; the Philippines; the Netherlands

  5. 表示职务、官衔的名词做表语、同位语、补语时

  Cook was captain of the ship.

  The president will come to visit our school.


