
时间:2016-06-02 03:36:13
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英语面试-应聘司机问答 篇一

1. Can you tell us about your driving experience?

- I have been working as a professional driver for the past 10 years. During this time, I have accumulated experience in driving various types of vehicles, including cars, vans, and trucks. I have a clean driving record and have never been involved in any accidents.

2. What type of vehicles are you comfortable driving?

- I am comfortable driving all types of vehicles, including manual and automatic transmissions. I have experience driving both small and large vehicles, and I am confident in my ability to handle any type of vehicle that may be required for the job.

3. How do you ensure passenger safety?

- Passenger safety is my top priority. I always make sure that all passengers are wearing their seatbelts before starting the journey. I strictly adhere to traffic rules and regulations, and I maintain a safe and defensive driving style. I also regularly check the condition of the vehicle and perform routine maintenance to ensure its safety.

4. Have you ever encountered any difficult situations while driving? How did you handle them?

- Yes, I have encountered difficult situations while driving, such as heavy traffic and adverse weather conditions. In such situations, I remain calm and focused, and I adjust my driving accordingly. I always prioritize the safety of myself and others on the road. If necessary, I will find alternative routes to avoid traffic congestion or pull over until the weather conditions improve.

5. How do you handle difficult passengers?

- As a professional driver, I understand that dealing with difficult passengers is a part of the job. I always remain polite and professional, regardless of the situation. I try to address their concerns or complaints to the best of my ability and find a solution that satisfies both parties. If necessary, I will escalate the issue to my supervisor or the appropriate authorities.

6. Are you familiar with the local traffic laws and regulations?

- Yes, I am familiar with the local traffic laws and regulations. I stay updated on any changes or updates to ensure that I am always driving legally and safely. I also make sure to follow any specific rules or guidelines set by the company or organization I work for.

7. Have you ever received any traffic violations or speeding tickets?

- No, I have never received any traffic violations or speeding tickets. I prioritize following traffic rules and regulations at all times to maintain a clean driving record.

8. Are you comfortable driving long distances or during the night?

- Yes, I am comfortable driving long distances and during the night. I have experience driving on highways and long stretches of road. I make sure to take regular breaks to rest and stay alert during long drives. I am also familiar with the necessary safety precautions for driving at night.

英语面试-应聘司机问答 篇二

1. How do you handle vehicle maintenance and repairs?

- I understand the importance of regular vehicle maintenance and inspections. I follow the recommended maintenance schedule for each vehicle, including oil changes, tire rotations, and fluid checks. If I notice any issues or abnormalities during my pre-trip inspections, I report them immediately to the appropriate personnel for necessary repairs.

2. Are you familiar with GPS and navigation systems?

- Yes, I am familiar with GPS and navigation systems. I have experience using various navigation devices and smartphone applications to navigate to different destinations. I make sure to keep these devices updated to ensure accurate and efficient navigation.

3. How do you handle emergencies or accidents while driving?

- Safety is my top priority, and I am prepared to handle emergencies or accidents while driving. In case of an emergency, I remain calm and assess the situation. I follow the necessary protocols, such as contacting emergency services or my supervisor, and provide any necessary assistance to passengers or other individuals involved. I also cooperate fully with any investigations or insurance claims that may follow.

4. Are you comfortable driving in unfamiliar areas?

- Yes, I am comfortable driving in unfamiliar areas. I am skilled at reading maps and using navigation systems to find my way. I always plan my routes in advance and familiarize myself with the area before starting the journey. If needed, I will ask for directions or use GPS to ensure I reach the destination safely and efficiently.

5. How do you ensure the cleanliness and hygiene of the vehicle?

- I take pride in maintaining a clean and hygienic vehicle. I regularly clean the interior and exterior of the vehicle, including vacuuming, wiping surfaces, and washing the exterior. I also make sure to remove any trash or debris left by passengers. Additionally, I follow any guidelines or protocols set by the company regarding vehicle cleanliness and hygiene.

6. Do you have any experience with transporting goods or handling deliveries?

- Yes, I have experience transporting goods and handling deliveries. I am familiar with the necessary procedures and protocols for loading and unloading goods safely. I am also skilled at securing the load properly to prevent any damage or accidents during transportation.

7. How do you handle time management and punctuality?

- Time management and punctuality are essential aspects of being a professional driver. I plan my routes and schedule in advance, considering factors such as traffic and weather conditions. I always aim to arrive at the designated pick-up or drop-off locations on time or even slightly earlier to ensure a smooth and efficient journey for passengers or the timely delivery of goods.

8. Do you have any additional certifications or licenses related to driving?

- Yes, I hold additional certifications and licenses that are relevant to driving. For example, I have completed defensive driving courses and possess a valid commercial driver's license (CDL) if required for the position. These certifications and licenses demonstrate my commitment to safe and responsible driving practices.

英语面试-应聘司机问答 篇三


