
时间:2012-01-02 07:33:39
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英文影评 篇一

Title: "A Riveting Tale of Love and Sacrifice: 'The Notebook'"


"The Notebook," directed by Nick Cassavetes, is a heartwarming and emotional film that captivates its audience with its beautiful storytelling and remarkable performances. Based on Nicholas Sparks' novel of the same name, the movie takes us on a journey through the lives of Noah and Allie, a couple whose love transcends time and challenges societal norms. This review will delve into the key aspects that make "The Notebook" a must-watch film.

Plot and Narrative:

The film begins in a nursing home, where an old man, Noah, reads a love story from his notebook to a fellow patient, Allie. The narrative then shifts to the 1940s, where Noah and Allie, played by Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, respectively, meet and fall in love. However, their relationship faces numerous obstacles, including social class differences and Allie's overbearing parents. The movie seamlessly transitions between the past and present, revealing the enduring power of Noah and Allie's love.

Performances and Chemistry:

Gosling and McAdams deliver exceptional performances that are both heartfelt and believable. Their on-screen chemistry is palpable, making their love story all the more captivating. Gosling brings a raw vulnerability to Noah's character, while McAdams effortlessly portrays the complexity of Allie's emotions. Their performances are supported by an equally talented ensemble cast, including James Garner and Gena Rowlands, who play the older versions of Noah and Allie.

Emotional Impact:

"The Notebook" does not shy away from exploring the depths of human emotion. It explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the enduring power of memories. The film tugs at the heartstrings, evoking both tears and smiles from the audience. The emotional impact is enhanced through the beautiful cinematography, which captures the serene beauty of the coastal setting and the raw intensity of the characters' emotions.


The film's hauntingly beautiful soundtrack further elevates the emotional journey of the characters. Composed by Aaron Zigman, the music perfectly complements the film's tender moments and heart-wrenching scenes. The soundtrack includes songs such as "I'll Be Seeing You" by Billie Holiday, which adds a nostalgic touch to the story.


"The Notebook" is a timeless love story that will leave audiences captivated and emotionally invested. The combination of a compelling narrative, stellar performances, and a poignant soundtrack makes it a must-watch film. Whether you are a fan of romantic dramas or simply appreciate a well-crafted story, "The Notebook" will leave a lasting impression. Prepare to be swept away by the power of true love and the sacrifices we make for those we hold dear.

Word Count: 600

英文影评 篇二

Title: "A Gripping Psychological Thriller: 'Gone Girl'"


"Gone Girl," directed by David Fincher, is a dark and twisted psychological thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. Based on Gillian Flynn's bestselling novel, the film explores themes of marriage, deception, and the complexities of human nature. This review will delve into the key aspects that make "Gone Girl" a captivating and thought-provoking cinematic experience.

Plot and Narrative:

The film follows the mysterious disappearance of Amy Dunne, played by Rosamund Pike, on her fifth wedding anniversary. As the investigation unfolds, suspicion falls on her husband, Nick, portrayed by Ben Affleck. The narrative skillfully weaves between past and present, gradually revealing the intricate layers of their troubled marriage and the secrets they both hold. The plot twists and turns, leaving the audience questioning everyone's motives and the truth behind Amy's disappearance.

Performances and Characterization:

Rosamund Pike delivers a career-defining performance as Amy Dunne. Her portrayal of a complex and enigmatic character is both chilling and mesmerizing. Ben Affleck also shines in his role as Nick, perfectly embodying the charm and ambiguity of a man caught in a web of suspicion. The supporting cast, including Neil Patrick Harris and Tyler Perry, further enhance the film with their nuanced performances.

Atmosphere and Cinematography:

David Fincher's masterful direction creates a tense and unsettling atmosphere throughout the film. The dark and moody cinematography perfectly captures the psychological turmoil of the characters, while the use of lighting and color adds an additional layer of depth. The attention to detail in the production design further immerses the audience in the unsettling world of "Gone Girl."

Social Commentary:

Beyond its thrilling plot, "Gone Girl" offers a scathing critique of societal expectations, gender roles, and the media's influence on public perception. The film explores the complexities of marriage and the fa?ades people construct to maintain a certain image. It raises thought-provoking questions about the lengths we go to protect our reputations and the repercussions of deceit.

Sound Design:

The film's sound design plays a crucial role in building tension and enhancing the psychological impact of the story. From the subtle use of ambient sounds to the pulsating score by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, the sound design heightens the suspense and unease experienced by the audience.


"Gone Girl" is a gripping and thought-provoking psychological thriller that will leave viewers questioning their own perceptions of truth and the complexities of human relationships. With its captivating plot, stellar performances, and atmospheric direction, the film is a testament to David Fincher's mastery of the genre. Prepare to be enthralled by a story that will keep you guessing until the very end.

Word Count: 600

英文影评 篇三



  Forrest Gump, the movie which I have watched for three times, is a film that surprised and moved me so much .It was based on the novel of Winston Groom while the hero is a famous actor—Tom Hanks. He performed so well all through the film that I enjoyed the warm human nature, the inspiration of belief and other virtues through any scene in it.

  The female, a kind of role, is very essential in the film as it acts in the real society .As the Chinese saying goes, women hold up half the sky. In the life of Forrest Gump, there are two women—one is his great mother, the other is his lifelong lover, Jenny. They accounted for Forrest’s whole life.

  At the beginning of the film, Mrs. Gump, Forrest’s mother, impressed me much .I think Forrest with an IQ of 75 was so lucky to own such a strong-minded and smart mother. She and her Forrest lived in Greenbow, Alabama, all on their own. She told Forrest he was no different than anybody else was though he braced his legs. Under her philosophical words, “life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get”, Forrest achieved marvelous success in his life step by step such as entering college, being awarded the Congressional medal of honour, being a gozillionaire and so on. She was just like any mother to love Forrest from the bottom of her heart and inspire him any time. In turn she was also proud of Forrest with happy smile in his college graduation ceremony and when he was awarded as a Vietnam War hero. Unfortunately, she was sick with a cancer and died on a Tuesday. At the end of her life, she still teached her son to accept death as a part of life and to pursue his own destiny. Though keeping far aw

ay in the heaven finally, I think this mother would still look at and bless her son.

  Jenny was Forrest’s lifelong lover. They met each other in the school bus. In the film Jenny did many bad things to Forrest. From their childhood right on up Jenny and Forrest were good friends .They came to school together and grew with each other’s accompany. Finally though they stayed far away from each other, Forrest always loved his Jenny. No matter whatever she had done, whoever she was and wherever she stayed, Forrest still remained in the home of Alabama missing his girl and waiting for her return from day to night.

  This is just Forrest Gump. This is his love. This is his Jenny.

  I also thought of such scene: Forrest kept in the dorm of Jenny and Jenny asked about who he would dream to be. Forrest just gave an answer that he wanted to be himself. I am moved deeply by it because though he is a fool, Forrest knows what he really needs. As to him, he only wants to be himself and fall in love with a lady named Jenny.

  Besides in another scene in Washington Jenny asked,“Why are you so good to me ?”, while Forrest’s answer was “You are my girl”。 Why is it not “I love you”? Because there is no need of more words to express Forrest’s love to Jenny . It was not added with any limitations and no request of paying back. We can compare today’s love with Forrest’s and then gain the feeling of purity. At the end, Forrest Gump, the fool of Alabama, married his lover Jenny and had a little Forrest.

  There are more to consider about Forrest Gump. I believe it is so excellent a movie and every one would be moved by Forrest Gump.


