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初三英语中考模拟试题及答案word版 篇一



In this article, we will present a set of simulated exam questions and answers for the English section of the 9th grade middle school examination. These questions cover various aspects of English language skills, including grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing. The answers are provided along with explanations to help students understand the correct solutions. This mock exam aims to help students prepare for the actual exam and assess their English proficiency.

Grammar Section

1. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

My brother and I ________ going to the park tomorrow.

A. are B. is C. am D. be

Answer: A. are

Explanation: When the subject is plural, like "my brother and I," we use the plural form of the verb, which is "are."

2. Identify the sentence that contains a relative clause:

A. The cat is sleeping.

B. I saw a movie last night.

C. The girl who is wearing a red dress is my sister.

D. He likes to play basketball.

Answer: C. The girl who is wearing a red dress is my sister.

Explanation: The sentence contains a relative clause "who is wearing a red dress," which provides additional information about the girl.

Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:


The Great Wall of China is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. It stretches over 13,000 miles and was built over 2,000 years ago. It was constructed to protect China from invasions. Today, it is a popular tourist attraction.

3. What is the purpose of the Great Wall of China?

A. To protect China from invasions.

B. To attract tourists.

C. To mark the border of China.

D. To showcase Chinese architectural skills.

Answer: A. To protect China from invasions.

Explanation: The passage clearly states that the Great Wall of China was built to protect China from invasions.

Writing Section

Write a short paragraph (about 80 words) describing your favorite hobby and explain why you enjoy it.

Answer: My favorite hobby is playing the guitar. I enjoy it because it allows me to express my emotions and creativity through music. I find it relaxing and therapeutic. Playing the guitar also helps me improve my concentration and coordination. I love the feeling of strumming the strings and creating beautiful melodies. It's a great way to unwind after a long day and brings me a lot of joy.


This simulated exam provides students with an opportunity to practice their English language skills and familiarize themselves with the format of the middle school examination. By attempting these questions and reviewing the answers, students can identify areas of improvement and enhance their overall English proficiency.

初三英语中考模拟试题及答案word版 篇二



In this article, we present another set of simulated exam questions and answers for the English section of the 9th grade middle school examination. These questions cover various topics, including grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing. The answers are provided along with explanations to help students understand the correct solutions. This mock exam aims to assist students in their exam preparation and assess their English language skills.

Vocabulary Section

1. Choose the word that best completes the sentence:

She is an excellent __________ and has won many awards for her paintings.

A. musician B. athlete C. artist D. scientist

Answer: C. artist

Explanation: The sentence states that she has won many awards for her paintings, indicating that she is an artist.

2. Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

She is interested ________ learning Spanish.

Answer: in

Explanation: The sentence requires the preposition "in" to indicate interest in a particular subject or activity.

Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:


The Amazon rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest in the world. It covers an area of approximately 5.5 million square kilometers and is home to a diverse range of plant and animal species. Unfortunately, deforestation poses a significant threat to the Amazon rainforest and its ecosystem.

3. What is the main threat to the Amazon rainforest?

A. Urbanization

B. Pollution

C. Deforestation

D. Climate change

Answer: C. Deforestation

Explanation: The passage states that deforestation poses a significant threat to the Amazon rainforest.

Writing Section

Write a short paragraph (about 80 words) describing your favorite book and explain why you recommend it to others.

Answer: My favorite book is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. I recommend it to others because it is a powerful story that addresses important themes such as racism, injustice, and compassion. The characters are well-developed, and the narrative is engaging from start to finish. The book provides valuable lessons about empathy and the importance of standing up for what is right. It is a timeless classic that everyone should read at least once in their lifetime.


This simulated exam provides students with another opportunity to practice their English language skills and become familiar with the format of the middle school examination. By attempting these questions and reviewing the answers, students can identify areas for improvement and enhance their overall English proficiency.

初三英语中考模拟试题及答案word版 篇三




  The manager of a small building company was very surprised to get a bill for two white mice one of his workmen had bought. He 36 for the workman and asked him 37 he had the bill send to the company.

  "Well ,"the workman answered, "you 38 the house we were repairing in New-bridge, dont you? One of the things we had to 39 there was to put 40 some new electric wiring (线路). Well, in one place we had to pass some wires 41 a pipe thirty feet long and about an inch 42 which was built into stone and had four big bends (弯) in it. None of us could think how to do this until I had a good 43 . I went to a shop and 44 two white mice, one of them male and the other female. Then I 45 a thread (线) to the body of the male mouse and put it into the pipe at one end, 46 Bill held the female mouse at the other end and 47 her gently to make her squeak (吱吱的` ). When the male mouse heard the female mouses squeaks, he rushed along the pipe to help her. I 48 he was a gentleman even though he was only a mouse. Anyway, as he ran through this pipe, he pulled the 49 behind him. It was then quite 50 for us to tie the thread to the electric wires and pull them through the pipe."

  The manager paid the bill for the white mice.

  36. A. waited B. sent C. answered D. arranged

  37. A. why B. whether C. how D. when

  38. A. see B. mean C. enter D. remember

  39. A. do B. repair C. buy D. work

  40 A. into B. out C. in D. away

  41. A. near B. through C. around D. onto

  42. A. across B. short C. big D. small

  43. A. idea B. thing C. way D. advice

  44. A. saw B. bought C. caught D. exchanged

  45. A. followed B. held C. tied D. passed

  46. A. when B. but C. while D. so

  47. A. put B. pressed C. took D. played

  48. A. doubt B. remember C. suggest D. suppose

  49. A. bends B. pipe C. female mouse D. thread

  50. A. easy B. hard C. impossible D. unnecessary




  Sunny English Club

  For students

  16:00 – 18:00 Every Saturday

  200 Yuan a month

  9 Zhou Yu Street

  Tel: 3785290

  Foreign teachers, English songs and films and more!

  Health Centre


  16 Yong Le Street

  Tel: 3801451

  Free examinations for those over 70

  Give you good advice to keep healthy!


  9:00—17:00 From Thursday to Sunday

  Ticket: 50 yuan

  132 Xue Yuan Street

  Tel: 5439871

  Show you a full picture of sea lives!

  51. Sunny English Club is for ______ .

  A. nurses B. policemen C. businessmen D. students

  52. You will pay _______ if you want to stay in the English club for half a year.

  A. 300 yuan B. 600 yuan C. 1200 yuan D. 2400 yuan

  53. You can visit Ocean Museum _______ .

  A. on Saturday B. on Wednesday C. on Monday D. anytime

  54. One can get free examinations in Health Centre if he is _______ .

  A. 9 B. 17 C. 67 D. 73

  55. If you are interested in the life of fish, you should go to ______ .

  A. Health Centre B. Ocean Museum

  C. Sunny English Club D. 16 Yong Le Street


  Life is speeding up (加速). Everyone is getting unwell.

  This may sound like something someone would say today. But in fact, an unknown person who lived in Rome in AD (公元) 53 wrote it.

  We all love new inventions. They are exciting , amazing and can even change our lives.

  But have all these developments really improved the quality (品质) of our lives?

  Picture this: you’re rushing to finish your homework on the computer. Your mobile phone rings, a QQ message from your friend appears on the screen, the noise from the television is getting louder and louder. Suddenly the computer goes blank and lose all your work. Now you have to stay up all night to get it done. How happy do you feel?

  Inventions have sped up our lives so much that we often live feeling stressed (有压力的) and tired. Why do you think people who live far away from noisy cities, who have no telephones, no car, not even any electricity often seem to be happier? Perhaps because they live simpler lives.

  One family in the UK went “back in time” to see what life was like without all the inventions we have today. The grandparents , with their daughter and grandsons Benjamin, 10 and Thomas, 7, spent nine weeks in a 1940s house. They had no washing machine, microwave, computer or mobile phones.

  The grandmother, Lyn, said, “The more things you have, the more difficult life becomes.” The boys said they fought less. Probably, they said, because there was less to fight over, such as their computer . Benjamin also noticed that his grandmother had changed from being a “trendy (时髦的), beer-drinking granny, to one who cooked things”.

  ( ) 56. The writer uses the quote (引用) at the beginning of the story to _________.

  A. tell us a truth about our life

  B. tell us what life was like long time ago

  C. point our what causes such a thing to happen

  D. point out that you experience some big problems and they may be the same

  ( ) 57. In the passage the writer describes a picture to show that new inventions ________.

  A. have speeded up our lives

  B. have improve the quality of our lives

  C. may make people feel very happy

  D. may bring people some trouble

  ( )5 8. The family chose to spend some time in a 1940s house because _______.

  A. they loved to live simple lives

  B. they wanted to know how people lived without modern inventions

  C. they were troubled by modern inventions

  D. living in a different time would be a lot of fun for them

  ( ) 59. According to the passage, which is NOT right?

  A. People who live far away from noisy cities often seem to be happier.

  B. An unknown Roman was sure that the quality of life would get better.

  C. The family had some changes when they lived in a 1940s house.

  D. With the improvement of our lives, we often feel stressed and tired

  ( ) 60. The passage is mainly about_______.

  A. problems with technology

  B. improvement of our lives with technology

  C. changes happening to technology

  D. the importance of technology

  ( C )

  Editor’s note: do you care about the environment (环境)? Have you ever wanted to help protect it ? Well read on, as this month we’re going to hear from overseas teens about what they do to help the environment.

  I can’t remember when I started collecting litter(垃圾). But it was when I got tired of seeing litter near my home and realized that no one else was going to pick it up.

  I live close to a forest in Ohio, America. I can walk there in three minutes!

  I used to love going there to play with my dog. But one day there was so much litter there that I became very unhappy. I decided I had to clean up the forest. I wanted to feel happy going there again.

  I made my first trip to clean the forest that afternoon. I took a big black rubbish bag with me. Ten minutes after starting to pick up litter, my bag was full! It had cans, bottles, broken glass and newspapers in it.

  Since that first trip three years ago. I’ve gone to the forest four times a year to pick up litter. I’m often there for three hours. It makes me feel great to do something for the environment.

  After each trip, I look at all the litter I’ve found. If any of it is recyclable(可回收的), I keep it.I can’t understand why people drop litter. But I will keep picking it up until they stop dropping it.

  I know I am only doing a small bit to help the earth, but I still think it is important.

  61. When did the writer make the first trip to clean the forest?

  A. When he was ten years old. B. Three years ago.

  C. When he went to a forest. D. When he was playing with his dog.

  62. What did he take when he went to the forest to pick up the litter?

  A. A book B. A dog C. A black car D. big rubbish bag

  63. What were not mentioned in this passage?

  A. cans B. bottles C. broken glass D. old books

  64. How many times has the writer gone to the forest a year to pick up litter?

  A. Three times B. Four times C. two times D. Six times

  65. Why did the writer start collecting litter?

  A. To help the earth B. To make some money

  C. To help other people D. To clean the forest



  Have you ever heard of the saying, "______66_________ What does it mean?

  There are many different things that you can do to make friends. You may find out what they are if you watch someone make friends.

  Here is how one new teacher made friends with the students in her class on the first day of the school. When the bell rang, the teacher smiled at all the students. Then she said, "Good morning. How nice it is to have all of you in my class this year! I want to know each of you very much. l am sure we will enjoy working together.

  The teacher smiled, used a pleasant voice, and acted in a friendly way. She told the students her name and

wrote it on the blackboard. _____67__________. The students knew that she liked many of the things they liked. Everyone felt that she meant what she said. Each of them wanted to know her better and be her friend.

  Then she let the students tell something about themselves. so they felt that the teacher knew them. Could you make friends as the teacher did?

  _________68___________.One way is to find out more about them. During the break you can talk to them. You may ask them their names and the names of the schools they went to last year. They want to know about you, too. _________69_____________.It is often easy to be friends with whom people have the same interests and play the same games. As you talk, the others may think, "I like to do the same things you do. It would be fun to be friends with you."


  A. You may tell them about your interests or your holiday experiences.

  B. Then she told them something she liked to do and hoped to do with them during the year.

  C. Just talking together in a friendly way is one good way to make friends.

  D .How do you get to know your classmates?

  E. If you want a friend, be one

  C. he does, too D. he doesn’t, either


