
时间:2016-03-06 02:23:44
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惊喜英语怎么写 篇一

When it comes to expressing surprise in English, there are several phrases and words that you can use to convey your amazement or astonishment. Here are some common expressions that you can use:

1. Oh my goodness! This is often used when you are extremely surprised or shocked by something.

2. Wow! This is a simple yet effective way to show your surprise.

3. I can't believe it! This phrase is often used when you are finding it hard to accept or comprehend something that has happened.

4. That's incredible! This is a positive way to express surprise and admiration for something amazing.

5. No way! This is a casual and colloquial expression that is often used when you are taken aback by something unexpected.

6. You're kidding! This is a way of expressing disbelief or astonishment at something surprising.

7. What a surprise! This phrase is often used to acknowledge and appreciate unexpected events or news.

8. How amazing! This is a simple yet enthusiastic way to show your surprise and wonder at something impressive.

Remember that the tone of your voice and facial expressions can also convey your surprise effectively. So don't be afraid to show your emotions when expressing your amazement in English.

惊喜英语怎么写 篇二

Expressing surprise in English can be a fun and engaging way to communicate your emotions. Here are some more advanced expressions that you can use to show your surprise in a more nuanced and sophisticated way:

1. Good heavens! This is a more formal and old-fashioned way to express surprise or shock.

2. Unbelievable! This is a strong and emphatic way to show your disbelief or astonishment at something incredible.

3. I'm speechless! This phrase is often used when you are so surprised that you cannot find the words to express your amazement.

4. It's beyond my wildest dreams! This expression is used when something exceeds your expectations or imagination.

5. Well, I never! This is a traditional British way of expressing surprise or disbelief at something unexpected.

6. I'm flabbergasted! This is a humorous and exaggerated way to show that you are utterly astonished.

7. It's a miracle! This phrase is often used when something amazing or unexpected happens that seems almost magical.

8. I'm gobsmacked! This is a colloquial and informal way to express your surprise and astonishment at something unexpected.

By using these advanced expressions, you can impress others with your ability to convey surprise in a more sophisticated and nuanced way in English. So don't be afraid to experiment with different phrases and words to show your amazement effectively.

惊喜英语怎么写 篇三


  惊喜[jīng xǐ]


  pleasantly surprised


  惊喜 [jīng xǐ]

  [pleasantly surprised] 又惊又喜




  His visit gave me a pleasant surprise.


  I have a surprise for you: We are moving to Switzerland!


  We felt we might finish third. Any better would be a bonus


  You keep on amazing me, year after year, the same old ways.


  When Mark arrived home that afternoon, it was the first he knew for sure of the surprise party.


  My father decided to slip a little extra spending money into my purse as a surprise.


  Surprise a new neighbour with one of your favourite home-made dishes.


  His big blue eyes opened wide in wonderment.


  I gazed in happy surprise at his animated expression.


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