
时间:2011-03-02 08:14:29
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宝贝用英语怎么说 篇一

In English, How to Say "宝贝"

When it comes to translating the word "宝贝" into English, there are a few different options depending on the context in which it is being used. The most common translations for "宝贝" include "baby," "darling," and "sweetheart." Each of these translations carries a slightly different connotation and can be used in different situations.

The translation "baby" is often used as a term of endearment for a loved one, such as a partner or child. It can also be used to refer to a young child or infant. For example, a parent might say "goodnight, baby" to their child before bedtime. In this context, "baby" conveys a sense of affection and care.

Another translation for "宝贝" is "darling." This term is also used as a term of endearment, but it can be slightly more formal or old-fashioned than "baby." "Darling" is often used to address a loved one in a romantic or affectionate way. For example, someone might say "thank you, darling" to their partner for doing something thoughtful. "Darling" conveys a sense of warmth and intimacy.

The translation "sweetheart" is similar to "darling" in that it is used as a term of endearment for a loved one. However, "sweetheart" can also be used in a more casual or friendly way. For example, a friend might say "thanks, sweetheart" to someone who has helped them out. "Sweetheart" conveys a sense of kindness and affection.

In conclusion, the word "宝贝" can be translated into English as "baby," "darling," or "sweetheart," depending on the context in which it is being used. Each of these translations conveys a sense of affection and care, making them suitable choices for addressing loved ones in a warm and loving manner.

宝贝用英语怎么说 篇二

Translating "宝贝" into English

When it comes to translating the word "宝贝" into English, there are a few different options depending on the intended meaning of the term. The most common translations for "宝贝" include "treasure," "sweetheart," and "baby." Each of these translations carries a slightly different connotation and can be used in various contexts.

The translation "treasure" is often used to convey a sense of value and importance. When someone refers to another person as their "treasure," they are expressing how much that person means to them. For example, a parent might say to their child, "You are my treasure," to communicate how precious they are. "Treasure" conveys a sense of love and admiration.

Another translation for "宝贝" is "sweetheart." This term is commonly used as a term of endearment for a loved one, such as a partner or child. "Sweetheart" is often used in a romantic or affectionate context to express love and affection. For example, someone might say to their partner, "You are my sweetheart," to show how much they care. "Sweetheart" conveys a sense of warmth and intimacy.

The translation "baby" is also commonly used for "宝贝." This term can be used to refer to a young child or infant, but it is also used as a term of endearment for a loved one. For example, a partner might say to their significant other, "Goodnight, baby," to express their affection. "Baby" conveys a sense of tenderness and care.

In conclusion, the word "宝贝" can be translated into English as "treasure," "sweetheart," or "baby," depending on the context in which it is being used. Each of these translations conveys a sense of love and affection, making them suitable choices for expressing feelings of warmth and care towards loved ones.

宝贝用英语怎么说 篇三


  [bǎo bèi ]

  baby; treasure; darling; treasured object; cowry ;

  honey 是比较亲昵的称呼,母亲称呼儿女,丈夫称呼妻子,都可以这样叫,也可译为“甜心”

  baby 也是宝贝的意思,一般只是称呼小孩,我个人感觉用起来没有honey地道





  (1) [rare shell]∶贵重少见的贝壳


  (2) [treasure]∶珍奇的东西


  (3) 很有价值并当爱物保藏起来的东西



  (4) 被认为是少有的或宝贵的人



  (5) [darling]∶对亲爱者的昵称。心爱的人,多用于小孩儿


  (6) [good-for-nothing or queercharacter]∶对人的谑称或蔑称。指无能或奇怪荒唐的人



  (7) [cowrie]∶腹足纲前鳃亚纲宝贝科(Cypraeidae)宝贝属( Cypraea )海产螺类


