
时间:2015-04-09 08:41:39
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Believing in English

Belief is a powerful force that can shape our thoughts, actions, and ultimately our lives. In English, the word "believe" is used to express this deep conviction or faith in something. It is a word that carries a lot of weight, as it represents a fundamental aspect of human existence – the ability to have trust and confidence in something beyond ourselves.

When we believe in something, we are putting our faith in the unknown. It requires us to have a sense of trust and confidence that things will work out in the end, even when the outcome is uncertain. Belief is what drives us to take risks, to pursue our dreams, and to overcome obstacles in our path. Without belief, we would be lost in a sea of doubt and uncertainty, unable to move forward with purpose and conviction.

In English, the word "believe" can be used in a variety of contexts. We can say "I believe in you" to offer support and encouragement to someone who is facing a challenge. We can say "I believe in the power of love" to express our faith in the transformative nature of this universal emotion. We can even say "I believe in miracles" to acknowledge the extraordinary events that can occur in our lives.

Belief is not just a word – it is a state of mind. When we believe in something, we are tapping into a deeper level of consciousness that transcends logic and reason. We are opening ourselves up to the possibility of something greater than ourselves, something that connects us to the universe and to each other.

So the next time you find yourself in doubt or uncertainty, remember the power of belief. Remember that in English, the word "believe" is a reminder that anything is possible if you have faith and trust in yourself and in the world around you. Believe in your dreams, believe in your abilities, and most importantly, believe in the power of belief itself.


How to say "believe" in English

Belief is a fundamental aspect of human existence, and the word "believe" is used to express this concept in English. When we believe in something, we are affirming our trust and confidence in its truth, existence, or power. Belief can take many forms – from religious faith to confidence in oneself – but at its core, it is a deeply held conviction that shapes our thoughts and actions.

In English, the word "believe" is a versatile verb that can be used in a variety of contexts. For example, we can say "I believe in God" to express our religious faith, or "I believe in the power of positive thinking" to affirm our confidence in the mind's ability to shape reality. We can also say "I believe in you" to offer support and encouragement to someone who is facing a challenge.

The word "believe" can also be used to express doubt or skepticism. For example, we can say "I don't believe you" to indicate that we are skeptical of someone's claims or intentions. We can also say "I can't believe it" to express astonishment or disbelief at a surprising event or revelation.

Ultimately, belief is a deeply personal and subjective experience. What one person believes may be different from what another person believes, and that is okay. The important thing is to have faith in something greater than ourselves, whether that be a higher power, a set of values, or our own abilities.

In conclusion, the word "believe" in English is a powerful expression of trust, faith, and conviction. It is a reminder that we are capable of great things when we have confidence in ourselves and in the world around us. So the next time you find yourself in doubt or uncertainty, remember the power of belief and the word that represents it in the English language. Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams, and most importantly, believe in the power of belief itself.

相信用英语怎么说 篇三


  相信[xiāng xìn]


  believe; be convinced of; have faith in; take stock in



  Believe me, it's the least I can do, a mere trifle.


  We believe you represent everything British racing nee



  I am confident that we can restore peace, stability and respect for the rule of law.


  We still can't quite believe he's here with us after all this time.


  I'll be back. You can count on it.


  I am sure you can get with it if you try.


  He came back because he believed his future lay with her.


  I don't believe him for a minute.


  It was all too easy to believe it.


  I believe in life after death.


