
时间:2018-03-08 02:10:34
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怎么了用英语怎么说 篇一

When someone is feeling unwell or upset, they may ask "怎么了?" in Chinese, which translates to "What's wrong?" in English. This simple question shows concern and empathy towards the other person's feelings.

In English, there are various ways to express concern or inquire about someone's well-being. Some common phrases include:

- Are you okay?

- What's the matter?

- Is everything alright?

- You seem upset, is there something on your mind?

- Do you need help with anything?

It is important to pay attention to the tone and body language when asking someone "What's wrong?" in English. The goal is to show that you care and are willing to listen and offer support if needed.

In addition to verbal expressions, non-verbal cues such as a comforting touch, a reassuring smile, or simply being present can also convey empathy and understanding. Sometimes, just being there for someone and letting them know that you are willing to listen can make a world of difference.

Overall, the English equivalent of "怎么了?" is more than just a question - it is a way to show compassion and support for others in times of need.

怎么了用英语怎么说 篇二

In Chinese, the phrase "怎么了?" is commonly used to inquire about someone's well-being or to express concern when they seem upset. Translated to English, it can mean "What's wrong?" or "What's the matter?" In English, there are similar phrases that serve the same purpose of showing empathy and support for others.

When someone appears to be in distress or is not their usual self, asking them "What's wrong?" in English can open up a conversation and provide an opportunity for them to share their feelings. It is important to approach the situation with care and sensitivity, as everyone responds differently to emotional situations.

Other phrases in English that can be used to express concern include:

- Is there something bothering you?

- You seem upset, is there anything I can do to help?

- I'm here if you need to talk about anything.

- Do you want to talk about it?

By using these phrases, you can show that you care about the other person's well-being and are willing to offer support if needed. Sometimes, simply being present and listening can make a difference in someone's day and help them feel less alone in their struggles.

In conclusion, the English equivalent of "怎么了?" serves as a way to show compassion and understanding towards others, creating a sense of connection and support in times of need.

怎么了用英语怎么说 篇三


  what's up; what's wrong ;

  What's wrong with you?

  What's the matter with you?

  What's the trouble with you?


  1. What is the matter with him ?


  2. - what happened to him ? - he lost control of his wagon


  3. What ' s his problem ? did he stay up all night


  4. What happened to him ? - he lost control of his wagon


  5. What ' d he do , win the lottery or something


  6. What of him ? - i ' m beginning to think the lycans -


  7. What ' s up with him ? doing whatever we tell him


  8. What ' s the matter with him ? he fell off the horse


  9. 31 " what did you do to him ? " the stranger asked

  “你拿他怎么了? ”


  10. - what ' s wrong with him ? - none of your b - i business

  -他怎么了? -不管你的事


