
时间:2014-03-06 03:42:12
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想念的英语如何说 篇一

When we miss someone or something, we often struggle to find the right words to express our emotions. In English, there are various ways to convey the feeling of missing someone or something. One common phrase is "I miss you," which is a direct and simple way to communicate the sense of longing for someone's presence. This phrase can be used for friends, family, or romantic partners to express how much you are thinking about them when they are not around.

Another way to express missing someone in English is to say "I can't stop thinking about you." This phrase conveys a deeper level of longing and indicates that the person is constantly on your mind. It shows that their absence is affecting you and that you are struggling to focus on anything else because you are consumed by thoughts of them.

Additionally, you can use the phrase "I wish you were here" to express your desire for someone's presence. This phrase is often used when you are experiencing a special moment or event and wish that the person you are missing could be there to share it with you. It conveys a sense of loneliness and longing for their company.

In English, there are also more poetic ways to express missing someone. For example, you could say "You are always in my thoughts" or "My heart aches for you." These phrases use more figurative language to convey the depth of your emotions and the impact that the person's absence has on you.

Overall, there are many ways to express missing someone in English, ranging from simple and direct phrases to more poetic and emotional expressions. No matter how you choose to say it, the important thing is to communicate your feelings honestly and authentically.

想念的英语如何说 篇二

The feeling of missing someone is universal and transcends language barriers. In English, there are many ways to express this emotion, each capturing a different aspect of longing and nostalgia.

One common phrase used to express missing someone in English is "I long to see you again." This phrase conveys a sense of anticipation and eagerness to be reunited with the person you are missing. It implies that their absence is causing you discomfort and that you are counting down the days until you can be together again.

Another way to express missing someone in English is to say "I yearn for your presence." This phrase conveys a deep and intense longing for the person you are missing. It suggests that their absence is causing you emotional pain and that you are desperate to be in their company once more.

Additionally, you can use the phrase "My heart aches for you" to express the pain and sadness you feel when you are missing someone. This phrase conveys a sense of deep emotional connection and implies that the person is a significant part of your life.

In English, there are also more casual ways to express missing someone, such as saying "I miss hanging out with you" or "I miss our conversations." These phrases convey a sense of nostalgia for the time spent together and the shared experiences that you are longing to relive.

Overall, there are many ways to express missing someone in English, each capturing a different nuance of the complex emotion. Whether you choose a direct and simple phrase or a more poetic and emotional expression, the important thing is to communicate your feelings honestly and sincerely.

想念的英语如何说 篇三




  remember with longing


  I miss the departed friends.

  我想念已故的朋友。Do you miss your family?

  你想念家人吗?I miss thee, beloved father.

  亲爱的父亲,孩儿想念您。We shall miss her sorely.

  我们将会非常想念她。I'm really going to miss you.

  我真的会想念你的。I am yearning for the blue ridges of the mountains in my hometown.

  我想念家乡的青青山峦。I miss you very much and always think of you.

  我非常想念你,时常想起你。Home is the place you yearn best when you wander here and there.

  家是你在流浪时最想念的'地方。 The sky is deep blue, and the yearning heart is expecting my dear family afar.

  湛蓝的天幕,想念的心,我远方的亲人。Do you often think of your friend home?


  v. 想念,惦记;未击中;逃过,免于

  n. 小姐,少女,姑娘;未中,得不到,达不到

  lost bird | miss | to miss

  未中| 未中靶 Miss. ( Mississippi)

  美国密西西比州州名 That was a bad miss.


  v. 记得;回想起;牢记;代...问候;纪念

  Remember to tip the waiter.

  记得要给服务员小费。 Please remember the waiter


  别忘了给服务员小费. One bounce and hit, remember?


  n. 渴望

  adj. 渴望的

  v. long的现在分词;渴望

  But perhaps not for long.

  但这并不会持续太长时间。It will take a long time to read through this long story.

  要读完这长篇故事要花相当长的时间。propagation of long and very long wave in the ionosphere



