
时间:2018-02-04 08:25:41
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这边的英语 篇一

Exploring the Differences Between British and American English

When it comes to English language, there are many variations and dialects spoken around the world. Two of the most prominent ones are British English and American English. While they may seem similar at first glance, there are actually quite a few differences between the two.

One of the most noticeable differences is in the pronunciation of words. For example, Americans tend to pronounce the "r" sound more prominently, while British English speakers often drop the "r" sound at the end of words. Additionally, there are differences in vocabulary, with some words having completely different meanings in each version of English. For instance, in British English, "biscuit" refers to a cookie, while in American English it refers to a type of bread roll.

Another key difference is in spelling. British English tends to follow more traditional spellings, while American English has simplified some words. For example, the word "colour" is spelled "color" in American English. Additionally, there are differences in punctuation and grammar rules between the two versions of English.

Despite these differences, both British and American English are widely understood and accepted around the world. Many people choose to learn one version of English over the other based on personal preference or professional needs. In the end, the most important thing is to be able to effectively communicate in English, regardless of which version you speak.

In conclusion, while there are distinct differences between British and American English, both versions of the language are equally valid and important. Whether you prefer to speak in a British accent or an American accent, the most important thing is to be able to effectively communicate and connect with others using the English language.

这边的英语 篇二

The Influence of British English on Global Communication

British English has had a significant impact on global communication, particularly in the areas of business, education, and media. As one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, British English is often used as a common language for international communication.

One of the ways in which British English influences global communication is through its use in international business. Many companies around the world use British English as the standard language for communication with clients and partners from different countries. This helps to ensure clear and effective communication, as well as a sense of professionalism and respect.

British English is also widely used in the field of education, with many schools and universities teaching British English as a second language. This helps students to learn a standardized form of English that is widely understood and accepted in many parts of the world. Additionally, British English is often used in academic research and publications, further solidifying its influence in the global education community.

In the media, British English is often used as the standard language for international news broadcasts, films, and television shows. This helps to promote British culture and language to a global audience, as well as providing a common language for people from different countries to communicate and connect with each other.

Overall, the influence of British English on global communication cannot be understated. From business to education to media, British English plays a crucial role in connecting people from different countries and cultures. By learning and using British English, individuals can improve their communication skills and connect with others on a global scale.

这边的英语 篇三



  this side



  He rose deliberately from his chair and came towards them across the soundless carpet.

  他慢吞吞地从椅子上欠身站了起来,走过无声的地毯,向他们这边过来。A wise tabby, a blinking sphinx, watched from her warm sill

  一只明察秋毫的母花猫,伊然是座眨巴着眼睛的斯芬克斯,呆在暖洋洋的窗台上朝这边望着。'Oh, I know'd Dick was square,' returned the voice of the coxswain, Israel Hands. 'He's no fool, is Dick.'

  “我早就知道迪克会站在我们这边的,”说话的是舵手伊斯利尔 - 汉兹,“迪克不是傻瓜。” The dressing rooms are over here.

  更衣室在这边。On the hither side of the river

  在河的这边There is no fluff here.

  这边没什么错误。The army has no jurisdiction here.

  军队在这边是没有权限的。Please chase the milk this way.

  请把牛奶递到这边来。 The balance of maritime superiority has tipped in favor of (against) us.

  海上优势已经转到(不在)我们这边了。He watched the baby crawl across the room.


  n. 侧面;面,边;方面;一派,一方;侧旋;频道;球队

  adj. 侧面的;额外的`,副的,次要的

  v. 支持,赞助;站在…一边

  This is side kicking.

  这就是侧面踢腿。Which side are you on?

  你属于哪一派? At,on,or to the leeward side.

  下风处在下风处或向下风向地the lee; the lee side; the sheltered side

  背风处 They embraced and walked away side by side.


  adv. 这里,在这里;在这点上

  n. 这里

  int. 喂,嘿;到,有

  There is no fluff here.

  这边没什么错误。Are you here on business?

  你是因公来这儿的吗?Here is the patty.

  小馅饼在这里。Here is my handle, here is my spout.

  这是我的把手,这是我的喷口。 Feed in money here and the coffee comes out here.



